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Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Triphoroidea was named by Gray (1847) [m. kosnik taxon no: 6154].
It was assigned to Ptenoglossa by Ponder and Warén (1988); to Caenogastropoda by Rosenberg (2005); to Ptenoglossa by Beesley (1998) and Bouchet et al. (2005); to Hypsogastropoda by Bouchet et al. (2017); and to Caenogastropoda by Schnetler et al. (2024).
It was assigned to Ptenoglossa by Ponder and Warén (1988); to Caenogastropoda by Rosenberg (2005); to Ptenoglossa by Beesley (1998) and Bouchet et al. (2005); to Hypsogastropoda by Bouchet et al. (2017); and to Caenogastropoda by Schnetler et al. (2024).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1847 | Triphoroidea Gray |
1988 | Triphoroidea Ponder and Warén p. 303 |
1998 | Triphoroidea Beesley p. 808 |
2005 | Triphoroidea Bouchet et al. p. 254 |
2005 | Triphoroidea Rosenberg |
2017 | Triphoroidea Bouchet et al. p. 344 |
2024 | Triphoroidea Schnetler et al. p. 15 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Superfm. †Triphoroidea Gray 1847
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Fm. Cerithiopsidae Adams and Adams 1853
G. †Altispecula Powell 1930
G. †Binda Laseron 1951
G. Cerithiopsis Hanley 1849
Subg. Cerithiopsis (Alipta) Finlay 1927
Subg. Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsida) Bartsch 1911
†Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsida) yoloyei Adegoke 1977
Subg. Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsidella) Bartsch 1911
Cerithiopsidella antefilosa Bartsch 1911
Invalid names: Cerithiopsis arnoldi Bartsch 1911 [synonym]
Cerithiopsidella cosmia Bartsch 1907
†Cerithiopsidella fossilis Bartsch 1911
Subg. †Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsina) Bartsch 1911
Subg. Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsis) Hanley 1849
†Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsis) adekunbii Adegoke 1977
†Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsis) akinjidei Adegoke 1977
†Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsis) fagadei Adegoke 1977
Subg. †Cerithiopsis (Heterocerithiopsis) Olsson 1916
†Cerithiopsis (Heterocerithiopsis) smithfieldensis Olsson 1916
Subg. Cerithiopsis (Laskeya) Iredale 1918
†Cerithiopsis alcima Bartsch 1911
†Cerithiopsis aldrichi Meyer 1886
†Cerithiopsis alternata Gabb 1864
†Cerithiopsis andersoni Janssen 1967
Cerithiopsis aralia Olsson and Harbison 1953
Cerithiopsis bolingerensis Clark 1915
†Cerithiopsis calvertensis Martin 1904
†Cerithiopsis carmenensis Clark and Durham 1946
†Cerithiopsis carpenteri Bartsch 1911
†Cerithiopsis cesta Bartsch 1911
†Cerithiopsis dautzenbergi Gilbert 1949
†Cerithiopsis diagona Dall 1916
†Cerithiopsis discreta Gougerot and Le Renard 1981
Cerithiopsis emersoni Adams 1839
†Cerithiopsis emersonii Adams 1839
†Cerithiopsis excelsus Dall 1909
Cerithiopsis gemmulosa Adams 1850
Cerithiopsis greenii Adams 1839
†Cerithiopsis greggiensis Aldrich 1911
Cerithiopsis halia Bartsch 1911
†Cerithiopsis hauniensis Ravn 1939
†Cerithiopsis inopinus Hoerle 1972
†Cerithiopsis jacksonensis Meyer 1886
†Cerithiopsis lechuzaensis Rivera 1957
†Cerithiopsis llajasensis Squires 1984
†Cerithiopsis meeki Wade 1916
†Cerithiopsis mekranica Vredenburg 1928
†Cerithiopsis merriami Dickerson 1917
Cerithiopsis nana Jeffreys 1867
†Cerithiopsis newcombei Clark and Arnold 1923
†Cerithiopsis orovillensis Dickerson 1916
Cerithiopsis oxys Bartsch 1911
†Cerithiopsis palmerae Durham 1944
Cerithiopsis pedroana Bartsch 1907
†Cerithiopsis punjabensis Eames 1952
†Cerithiopsis pustuloclathrata Darragh 2017
†Cerithiopsis stantoni Allison 1955
Cerithiopsis stejnegeri Dall 1884
Invalid names: Cerithiopsis (Cerithiopsis) fatua Bartsch 1911 [synonym], Cerithiopsis paramoea Bartsch 1911 [synonym]
Cerithiopsis subulata Montagu 1808
Cerithiopsis tubercularis Montagu 1803
†Cerithiopsis veatchiana Maury 1912
†Cerithiopsis vilsundensis Schnetler et al. 2024
Cerithiopsis vinca Olsson and Harbison 1953
†Cerithiopsis washingtoniana Dickerson 1915
Invalid names: Triforis martini Dickerson 1917 [synonym]
†Cerithiopsis williamsoni Arnold 1903
G. †Clathropsis Laseron 1956
G. †Conciliopsis Laseron 1956
G. †Cyrbasia
Subg. †Cyrbasia (Joculator) Hedley 1909
Invalid names: Tiarella Cossmann 1889 [synonym]
G. Dizoniopsis Sacco 1895
G. Euseila Cotton 1951
G. †Horologica Laseron 1956
G. Notoseila Finlay 1926
G. †Pilaflexis Laseron 1951
G. †Potenatomus Laseron 1956
G. Seila Adams 1861
Subg. Seila (Hebeseila) Finlay 1927
Seila adamsii Lea 1845
Seila assimilata Adams 1852
Seila montereyensis Bartsch 1907
†Seila mundula Deshayes 1865
†Seila stenopyrgisca Darragh 2017
Seila trilineata Philippi 1836
G. †Socienna Finlay 1927
G. Specula Finlay 1927
G. †Synthopsis Laseron 1956
G. †Thereitis le Renard 1997
†Thereitis weinbrechti Schnetler 2001
Invalid names: Tembrockia Gründel 1980 [replaced]
G. †Tubercliopsis Laseron 1956
Invalid names: Aliptinae Marshall 1978 [empty], Seilinae Golikov and Starobogatov 1975 [empty]
Fm. Newtoniellidae Korobkov 1955
G. Ataxocerithium Tate 1893
†Ataxocerithium biaulax Darragh 2017
†Ataxocerithium concatenatum Tate 1894
†Ataxocerithium dijki Martin 1884
†Ataxocerithium multicostulatum Darragh 2017
†Ataxocerithium otopleuroides Darragh 2017
Ataxocerithium serotinum Adams 1855
†Ataxocerithium venustulum Darragh 2017
Subfm. †Eumetulinae Golikov and Starobogatov 1975
G. Cerithiopsida Bartsch 1911
Cerithiopsida necropolitana Bartsch 1911
Cerithiopsida willetti Bartsch 1921
G. †Cosmocerithium Cossmann 1906
†Cosmocerithium antiquum Gründel 2001
†Cosmocerithium kosmai Kaim 2004
†Cosmocerithium lukovensis Kaim 2004
†Cosmocerithium polonicum Kaim 2004
G. Eumetula Thiele 1912
Subg. †Eumetula (Cerithina) Holzapfel 1888
†Eumetula mourloni Briart and Cornet 1873
G. †Vatopsis Gründel 1980
†Cerithiopsidella (Vatopsis) rasmusseni Schnetler 2001
†Vatopsis ewae Kaim 2004
†Vatopsis nuetzeli Kaim 2004
Subfm. Newtoniellinae Korobkov 1955
G. †Trituba Jousseaume 1884
Invalid names: Cerithiellinae Golikov and Starobogatov 1975 [synonym]
Fm. Triforidae Jousseaume 1884
G. Cerithiella Verrill 1882
Subg. Cerithiella (Cerithiella) Verrill 1882
†Cerithiella (Cerithiella) convexa Abbass 1967
†Cerithiella (Cerithiella) kickapooense Stanton 1947
†Cerithiella (Cerithiella) spiralis Abbass 1967
†Cerithiella (Cerithiella) tuberculata Abbass 1967
†Cerithiella aequalirata Dockery 1993
†Cerithiella elongata Wrigley 1940
†Cerithiella limula Darragh 2017
†Cerithiella nodoliratum Wade 1926
†Cerithiella ouachitensis Harris and Palmer 1947
†Cerithiella semirugatum Wade 1926
Invalid names: Newtoniella Cossmann 1893 [synonym]
Fm. Triphoridae Gray 1847
G. †Biforina Bucquoy et al. 1884
G. †Cautotriphora Laws 1940
G. †Inella Bayle 1878
†Inella dauciformis Darragh 2017
Inella intermedia Dall 1881
†Inella moniliferata Darragh 2017
†Inella zespina Laws 1939
Subfm. †Metaxiinae Marshall 1977
G. †Seilarex Iredale 1924
G. †Monophorus Grillo 1877
Monophorus catalinensis Bartsch 1907
†Monophorus fossilis Willett 1937
Monophorus pedroanus Bartsch 1907
Monophorus perversus Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Notosinister Finlay 1927 [synonym]
G. †Norephora Gründel 1975
Subfm. Triforinae Kosuge 1967
G. Triphora Blainville 1828
Subg. Triphora (Cosmotriphora) Olsson and Harbison 1953
Triphora (Cosmotriphora) decorata Adams 1850
Subg. †Triphora (Iniforis) Jousseaume 1884
Subg. †Triphora (Mastonia) Hinds 1843
Subg. Triphora (Ogivia) Harris and Burrows 1891
Subg. Triphora (Triphora) Blainville 1828
Triphora hemphilli Bartsch 1907
Invalid names: Triphora (Cosmotriphora) bolax Olsson and Harbison 1953 [synonym]
†Triphora kanakoffi Willett 1948
Triphora perversa Linnaeus 1758
†Triphora rakhiensis Eames 1952
Invalid names: Triphoris Deshayes 1832 [synonym]
Subfm. †Triphorinae Kosuge 1966
G. †Aclophora Laseron 1958
G. †Aclophoropsis Marshall 1983
G. †Bouchetriphora Marshall 1983
G. †Cheirodonta Marshall 1983
G. †Epetrium Harris and Burrows 1891
G. Euthymella Thiele 1929
G. †Eutriphora Cotton 1931
G. †Hedleytriphora Marshall 1983
G. †Hypotriphora Cotton 1931
G. †Isotriphora Cotton 1931
G. †Latitriphora Marshall 1983
G. †Magnosinister Laseron 1954
G. †Mesophora Laseron 1958
G. †Nanaphora Laseron 1958
G. †Nototriphora Marshall 1983
G. †Obesula Jousseaume 1898
G. †Opimaphora Laseron 1958
G. †Sagenotriphora Marshall 1983
G. †Subulophora Laseron 1958
G. †Talophora Gründel 1975
G. †Teretriphora Finlay 1927
G. †Tetraphora Laseron 1958
G. †Torresophora Laseron 1958
G. †Viriolopsis Marshall 1983
Invalid names: Iniforinae Kousge 1966 [empty]
No diagnoses are available