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Stenaster obtusus

Ophiuroidea - Stenasteridae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1848Uraster obtusus Forbes p. 463
1849Uraster obtusus Forbes p. 2 figs. pl. 1 fig. 3
1854Uraster obtusus Murchison p. 182 figs. fig. 17
1857Palaeaster obtusus Salter p. 326
1858Stenaster salteri Billings p. 78 figs. pl. 10 fig. 1a
1863Stenaster salteri Wright p. 28 figs. fig. 15
1880Tetraster wyvillethomsoni Nicholson and Etheridge p. 324 figs. pl. 21 figs. 1-8
1886Stenaster obtusus Stürtz p. 153
1893Stenaster obtusus Stürtz pp. 41, 56
1914Stenaster obtusus Spencer pp. 22, 31, 49 figs. figs. 21, 28; pl. 1 fig. 6, 7
1915Hudsonaster batheri Schuchert p. 65 figs. pl. 3 fig. 3
1915Stenaster salteri Schuchert pp. 165-166 figs. pl. 32 fig. 1
1915Stenaster obtusus Schuchert p. 167
1915Tetraster wyvillethomsoni Schuchert p. 168 figs. pl. 33 fig. 3
1916Stenaster salteri Ruedemann pp. 52-54 figs. pl. 2 fig. 1, 2
1927Stenaster obtusus Spencer pp. 356-359 figs. text-figs. 221-233, pl. 23 figs. 1-9, pl. 24 fig. 10
1965Stenaster obtusus Owen p. 545
1966Stenaster obtusus Spencer and Wright p. U82 figs. 70.2a-d
1984Stenaster obtusus Jell and Baillie p. 272 figs. figs. 1a-f
1999Stenaster obtusus Dean pp. 225-250 figs. figs. 1-5
2005Stenaster obtusus Dean Shackleton p. 80 figs. pl. 1 figs. 5, 6
2005Stenaster obtusus Hansen et al. p. 214 figs. Figs 5F-H, 6A-D
2016Stenaster obtusus Blake et al. p. 176

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Stenaster obtusus Forbes 1848
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Invalid names: Hudsonaster batheri Schuchert 1915 [synonym], Stenaster salteri Billings 1858 [synonym], Tetraster wyvillethomsoni Nicholson and Etheridge 1880 [synonym]
J. Dean Shackleton 2005As for genus, by monotypy
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calciteg
Ontogeny: accretion, addition of partsp
Environment: marineg
Locomotion: actively mobileg
Life habit: low-level epifaunalc
Diet: suspension feederg
Diet 2: deposit feederg
Vision: blindc
Dispersal: waterp
Dispersal 2: planktonicp
Created: 2009-09-07 00:16:27
Modified: 2009-09-07 02:16:27
Source: g = genus, c = class, p = phylum
References: Aberhan 1992, Spencer and Wright 1966, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Floian to the top of the Telychian or 477.70000 to 433.40000 Ma

Collections (4 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Floian477.7 - 470.0USA (Utah) Stenaster obtusus (216850)
Sandbian458.4 - 453.0Norway Stenaster obtusus (94435)
Turinian457.3 - 453.8USA (Kentucky) Stenaster obtusus (100128)
Telychian438.5 - 433.4Australia (Tasmania) Stenaster obtusus (40017)