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Sethocapsa kaminogoensis

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Sethocapsidae

Sethocapsa kaminogoensis was named by Aita (1986).

Sister species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1986Sethocapsa kaminogoensis Aita

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classProtozoaGoldfuss 1820
subphylumSarcodinaSchmarda 1871
classReticulareaLankester 1885
subclassRadiolaria(Müller 1858)
superorderPolycystina(Ehrenberg 1838)
orderNassellariaEhrenberg 1875
familySethocapsidaeHaeckel 1881
genusSethocapsaHaeckel 1881
specieskaminogoensisAita 1986

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: silicap
Environment: marinep
Locomotion: passively mobilep
Life habit: planktonicp
Diet: omnivorep
Created: 2005-01-28 01:13:47
Modified: 2005-01-28 03:13:47
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 1999

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Tithonian to the top of the Aptian or 150.80000 to 113.00000 Ma

Collections (70 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49124 49125)
Late/Upper Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Russian Federation (Primorskiy Kray) Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (92750)
Late/Upper Tithonian - Early/Lower Berriasian150.8 - 140.2Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49111 49112 49113)
Early/Lower Berriasian145.0 - 140.2Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49110 49121 49122)
Late/Upper Berriasian145.0 - 140.2Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49109 49119 49120 51789)
Berriasian145.0 - 139.8Oman Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (47171 47173 47174 47176 47177 47178)
Berriasian145.0 - 139.8Japan Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (116555)
Late/Upper Berriasian - Early/Lower Valanginian145.0 - 136.4Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49118)
Early/Lower Valanginian140.2 - 136.4Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49117 51779 51780 51781 51782 51783 51784 51785 51786 51787 51788)
Late/Upper Valanginian140.2 - 136.4Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (51703 51704 51705 51706 51707)
Late/Upper Valanginian140.2 - 136.4Russian Federation Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (51609)
Late/Upper Valanginian - Early/Lower Hauterivian140.2 - 130.0Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (51702)
Valanginian139.8 - 132.9Oman Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (47180)
Early/Lower Hauterivian136.4 - 130.0Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49133 49134 49139 51698 51699 51701)
Late/Upper Hauterivian136.4 - 130.0Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49131 49132 49140 49141 49142 49143 49144 51792 51793)
Late/Upper Hauterivian - Early/Lower Barremian136.4 - 125.45Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49130)
Late/Upper Hauterivian - Barremian136.4 - 125.0Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (51696 51697)
Hauterivian - Aptian132.9 - 113.0Russian Federation Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (51611)
Early/Lower Barremian130.0 - 125.45Italy Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (49126 49127 49128 49129 51794 51801 51802 51803 51804 51805)
Late/Upper Aptian - Early/Lower Albian122.46 - 109.0Russian Federation Sethocapsa kaminogoensis (51612)