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Agnostida - Ammagnostidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1967Ammagnostus Opik
1967Agnostoglossa Öpik
1989Tentagnostus Sun
1997Ammagnostus Whittington et al. p. 344
2002Ammagnostus Jell and Adrain p. 340
2002Ammagnostus Sepkoski
2002Tentagnostus Sepkoski
2004Ammagnostus Jago et al. p. 27

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
orderAgnostidaSalter 1864
suborderAgnostinaSalter 1864
superfamilyCondylopygoideaRaymond 1913
familyAmmagnostidaeOpik 1967
genusAmmagnostusOpik 1967

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Ammagnostus Opik 1967
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Ammagnostus adchinensis Schrank 1975
Ammagnostus cryptus Peng and Robison 2000
Ammagnostus duibianensis Lu and Lin 1989
Ammagnostus euryaxis Opik 1967
Ammagnostus histus Peng and Robison 2000
Ammagnostus hunanensis Peng and Robison 2000
Ammagnostus incertus Robison 1964
Ammagnostus jegorovae Romanenko 1984
Ammagnostus laiwuensis Lorenz 1906
Invalid names: Peronopsis ekip Jago 1976 [synonym]
Ammagnostus parvilobus Ergaliev and Ergaliev 2008
Ammagnostus psammius Opik 1967
Ammagnostus serus Choi et al. 2004
Ammagnostus sinensis Peng 1987
Ammagnostus spinosus Ergaliev and Ergaliev 2008
Ammagnostus timus Ergaliev and Ergaliev 2008
Ammagnostus wangcunensis Peng and Robison 2000
Invalid names: Agnostoglossa Öpik 1967 [synonym], Tentagnostus Sun 1989 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 1.0 to < 10g
Adult width: 1.0 to < 10g
Spines: noneg
Locomotion: slow-movingo
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: detritivoreo
Created: 2009-02-25 08:52:45
Modified: 2009-02-25 12:28:09
Source: g = genus, o = order
References: Hendy 2009, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Taijangian to the top of the Nganasanian or 509.00000 to 495.00000 Ma

Collections (102 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Taijangian509.0 - 504.5China (Hunan) A. laiwuensis (49159)
Taijangian - Wangcunian509.0 - 497.0China (Shandong) Peronopsis laiwuensis (126900)
Taijangian - Wangcunian509.0 - 497.0China (Liaoning) Peronopsis laiwuensis (126913)
Drumian504.5 - 500.5USA (Utah) A. lochmanae, A. laiwuensis (230679)
Mayan504.5 - 499.5Russian Federation (Altai (Region)) Peronopsis jegorovae (10060)
Mayan504.5 - 499.5Russian Federation (Krasnoyar) Agnostus simplexiformis (131486 131487)
Menevian504.5 - 499.5Greenland (Peary Land) A. beltensis (49488)
Menevian504.5 - 499.5USA (Utah) A. beltensis (10572) A. laiwuensis (230681)
Marjumian504.5 - 497.0Greenland (Peary Land) A. beltensis (49434)
Wangcunian504.5 - 497.0China (Hunan) A. laiwuensis (49161 49162 49163 49164 49274 49283 128319 128337 128341)
Wangcunian - Guzhangian504.5 - 497.0China (Henan) Peronopsis laiwuensis (127076)
Zhanaarykian503.0 - 500.5Kazakhstan A. incertus, A. laiwuensis (118102) A. integriceps, A. spinosus, A. incertus, A. laiwuensis (9958) A. laiwuensis (9963) A. sinensis, A. laiwuensis (118099) A. spinosus, A. incertus, A. laiwuensis (9961 9962 118097)
Boomerangian500.5 - 499.0Australia (Tasmania) A. laiwuensis (69972 69973)
Guzhangian500.5 - 497.0China A. shandongensis (233818)
Guzhangian500.5 - 497.0China (Hunan) A. cryptus (49181 126443) A. cryptus, A. hunanensis (126444) A. histus (49186 49187) A. hunanensis (49178 49182) A. hunanensis, A. laiwuensis (49176) A. laiwuensis (49169 49172 49173 49174 49294 49295 49298 126287 126303 126304 128347 128351 128352 128364 128365) A. sinensis (49185 107050 128931 128933) A. sinensis, A. histus, A. cryptus (49184) A. sinensis, A. wangcunensis, A. hunanensis (126439) A. wangcunensis (49171 126314 126323 126324 126325 126328 126329 126346 126348) A. wangcunensis, A. hunanensis (126330)
Guzhangian500.5 - 497.0China (Yunnan) A. wangcunensis (219647)
Guzhangian500.5 - 497.0China (Zhejiang) A. duibianensis (125686) A. sp. (125675)
Ayusokkanian499.5 - 497.0Kazakhstan Agnostoglossa bassa (118243) Agnostoglossa bassa, A. euryaxis, A. psammius, A. parvilobus (118248) Agnostoglossa bassa, A. wangcunensis, A. histus (118241) A. euryaxis, A. psammius (118245) A. integriceps, A. spinosus (118165) A. psammius (118179) A. psammius, A. wangcunensis, A. histus (118186 118191) A. spiniger, A. psammius (118178) A. spiniger, A. psammius, A. timus (118177) A. timus (118184) A. wangcunensis, A. histus (118236 118238 118239)
Mindyallan499.0 - 497.0Australia (Queensland) Agnostoglossa bassa (77515)
Mindyallan - Idamean499.0 - 494.0Australia (Victoria) A. sp. (64047)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4China (Liaoning) Tentagnostus adchinensis (126773)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4South Korea A. serus (133460 133461 133462 133465 133467)
Nganasanian497.0 - 495.0Russian Federation (Krasnoyar) Agnostus simplexiformis (131416)
Sakian497.0 - 492.8Kazakhstan Tentagnostus adchinensis (118329 118334 118341 118344)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Utah) A. beltensis (50592)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4France A. sinensis (56191)