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Ostracoda - Podocopida - Cytheruridae

Acrocythere was named by Neale (1960) [Sepkoski's age data: J Sine-u K Apti-u Sepkoski's reference number: 74]. It is not extant.

It was assigned to Progonocytheridae by Ishizaki (1992); to Podocopida by Sepkoski (2002); and to Cytherurinae by Babinot and Colin (2011).

Species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1960Acrocythere Neale
1992Acrocythere Ishizaki p. 329
2002Acrocythere Sepkoski
2011Acrocythere Babinot and Colin p. 746

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
Hymenostraca(Rolfe 1969)
superclassOligostracaZrzavý et al. 1997
subclassPodocopaSars 1865
orderPodocopidaSars 1866
suborderSigilliocopinaMartens 1992
superfamilyCytheroidea(Baird 1850)
familyCytheruridaeMüller 1894
subfamilyCytherurinaeMüller 1894
genusAcrocythereNeale 1960

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Acrocythere Neale 1960
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Acrocythere striata Kaye 1965
No diagnoses are available
valve height10.160

Composition: low Mg calcitec
Environment: hypersaline, marine, brackish, freshwaterc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: detritivoreo
Diet 2: grazero
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2010-02-05 02:00:00
Modified: 2010-02-23 23:16:56
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Jell and Adrain 2002, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Margaritatus to the top of the Campanian or 189.60000 to 72.10000 Ma

Collections (40 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7France A. tricostata (199721 199722)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0Germany A. sp. (139822)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0France A. sp. (33630)
Toarcian182.7 - 174.1United Kingdom (Wales) A. michelseni (33497)
Toarcian182.7 - 174.1Germany A. michelseni (59433)
Levesquei182.0 - 175.6Germany A. michelseni (59428 59430 59431 59434)
Late/Upper Toarcian180.1 - 175.6Germany A. michelseni (59437 59439 59441 59443 59444 59447 59448 59451 59452) A. michelseni, A. pumila (59449)
Early/Lower Aalenian175.6 - 171.6Germany A. michelseni (59458 59459 59460 59462 59466 59467 59469 59470 59474 59494 59495 59496 59497 59498)
Early/Lower Callovian164.7 - 161.2Madagascar A. oculata (101718)
Berriasian145.0 - 139.8Ukraine A. alexandrae, A. aspera (162310)
Early/Lower Valanginian140.2 - 136.4France A. constricta, A. aspera (91170)
Late/Upper Barremian130.0 - 125.45France (Drôme) A. sp., A. sp. 1, A. striata (75576)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1Japan (Hokkaido) A. sp. (94128 94135)