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Baltisphaeridium was named by Eisenack (1958). It is not extant. Its type is Baltisphaeridium longispinosum.

It was assigned to Dinophyceae by Eisenack (1958); and to Acritarcha by Andrews (1970) and Maithy (1975).

Species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1958Baltisphaeridium Eisenack
1970Baltisphaeridium Andrews
1975Baltisphaeridium Maithy p. 144

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AcritarchaEvitt 1963
genusBaltisphaeridiumEisenack 1958

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Baltisphaeridium Eisenack 1958
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Baltisphaeridium acuminatum Kolosova 1991
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range: base of the Tonian to the top of the Late/Upper Eocene or 1000.00000 to 33.90000 Ma

Collections (50 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tonian1000.0 - 850.0Congo-Kinshasa B. sp. (227766)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0Norway (Svalbard Archipelago) B. cerinum, B. implicatum (148617 148618 148621)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Russian Federation (kaliningrad oblast) B. dubium (235432)
Costonian - Harnagian458.4 - 457.2Sweden B. sp. (2765)
Blackriveran457.3 - 449.6USA (Oklahoma) B. accinctum, B. bystrentos, B. disparicanale, B. parvigranosum, B. trophirhapium (23989)
Rhuddanian - Aeronian443.4 - 438.5Russian Federation (Siberia) B. echinodermum (206465 206484 206541 206542 206543 206560)
Telychian438.5 - 433.4Russian Federation (Siberia) B. echinodermum (206347)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4Russian Federation (Siberia) B. echinodermum (206379 206380 206381 206386)
Emsian407.6 - 393.3Saudi Arabia B. denticulatum (80262)
Permian298.9 - 251.902Germany B. brevispinosum (23827 23836)
Wuchiapingian - Changhsingian259.9 - 252.17Poland B. debilispinum (24994) B. debilispinum, B. sp. (24989 24990 24991 24992 24993) B. sp. (25971 25972 26072 26103 26105 26112)
Buntsandstein259.51 - 251.902Poland B. debilispinum, B. sp. (25722)
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5Poland B. sp. (24961 24967)
Early/Lower Cretaceous145.0 - 100.5India (Tamil Nadu) B. sp. (224609)
Barremian - Albian129.4 - 100.5Israel (Southern Coastal Plain) B. cratoechinatum (144150 144162 144164)
Late/Upper Aptian122.46 - 113.0Brazil (Maranhão) B. sp. 1, B. sp. 2 (150515)
Late/Upper Albian - Early/Lower Cenomanian105.3 - 93.5Israel (Southern Coastal Plain) B. sp. 2 (144145) B. sp. 2, B. bitidum, B. sp. 4 (144147) B. sp. 2, B. sp. 3, B. bitidum (141180) B. sp. 5, B. sp. 6, B. cratoechinatum (144149)
Late/Upper Cretaceous100.5 - 66.0India (Meghalaya) B. sp. (224615)
Late/Upper Campanian - Early/Lower Maastrichtian83.5 - 66.0Antarctica B. sp. (150237)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Argentina (Neuquén) B. angulosum (235464)
Middle Eocene - Late/Upper Eocene47.8 - 33.9USA (Alaska) B. pectiniforme (189955)
Late/Upper Eocene - Oligocene37.2 - 23.03Chile (Doceava Región) B. sp. (151436)