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Striatriletes areolatus


Equatorial diameter, 260 (382) 480 mm; length of trilete branches, 122 (131) 143 mm; height of striae, 15-17 mm; diameter of lumina, 40e45 mm.

Striatriletes areolatus was named by Villar de Seoane and Archangelsky (2008). It is not extant. Its type locality is Bajo de La ComisiĆ³n, which is in an Albian delta plain sandstone/shale in the Kachaike Formation of Argentina.

Sister species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2008Striatriletes areolatus Villar de Seoane and Archangelsky p. 364 figs. Fig. 6A-D

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genusStriatriletesPotoniƩ 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Striatriletes areolatus Villar de Seoane and Archangelsky 2008
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L. Villar de Seoane and S. Archangelsky 2008Spherical megaspores up to 480 mm in diameter. Trilete laesura with long, high branches that reach equator. Surface ornamented by single and bifurcating striae from proximal to distal pole where some anastomosed striae form an incomplete reticulum.
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range: Late/Upper Albian or 105.30000 to 99.60000 Ma

Collections (3 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Albian - Early/Lower Cenomanian112.03 - 93.5Argentina (Santa Cruz) Striatriletes areolatus (149928)
Late/Upper Albian105.3 - 99.6Argentina (Santa Cruz) Striatriletes areolatus (type locality: 150201 150203)