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Myriapoda - Euphoberiida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1969Euphoberiida Hoffman p. 577
2004Euphoberiida Wilson and Anderson p. 171
2008Euphoberiida Štamberg and Zajíc p. 81

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
DignathaTiegs 1947
subclassDiplopodaGervais 1844
infraclassHelminthomorpha(Pocock 1887)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. †Euphoberiida Hoffman 1969
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Fm. †Euphoberiidae Scudder 1882
G. †Acantherpestes Meek and Worthen 1868
Acantherpestes foveolatus Fritsch 1899
Acantherpestes gigas Fritsch 1895
Acantherpestes inequalis Scudder 1890
Acantherpestes major Meek and Worthen 1868
Acantherpestes ornatus Fritsch 1899
Acantherpestes vicinus Fritsch 1899
G. †Chonionotus Jordan 1854
G. †Euphoberia Meek and Worthen 1868
Euphoberia absens Fritsch 1899
Euphoberia anguilla Scudder 1882
Euphoberia armigera Meek and Worthen 1868
Euphoberia brownii Woodward 1871
Euphoberia carri Scudder 1882
Euphoberia cuspidata Scudder 1890
Euphoberia ferox Salter 1863
Invalid names: Acantherpestes brodiei Scudder 1882 [synonym]
Euphoberia flabellata Scudder 1882
Euphoberia granosa Scudder 1882
Euphoberia histrix Fritsch 1899
Euphoberia horrida Scudder 1882
Euphoberia hystricosa Scudder 1890
Euphoberia lithanthracis Jordan 1854
Euphoberia simplex Scudder 1890
Euphoberia spinulosa Scudder 1890
Euphoberia tracta Scudder 1890
Euphoberia varians Fritsch 1899
G. †Myriacantherpestes Burke 1979
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Locomotion: actively mobilep
Created: 2004-02-29 09:38:49
Modified: 2004-02-29 11:38:49
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Brigantian to the top of the Westphalian D or 336.00000 to 307.50000 Ma

Collections (20 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9Germany Euphoberia sp. (153594)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9United Kingdom (England) Eurypterus ferox (155939)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9Belgium Acantherpestes sp. (155630)
Westphalian B316.9 - 314.6Belgium Euphoberia ferox (155631)
Westphalian B316.9 - 314.6United Kingdom Euphoberia brownii (195182) Euphoberia ferox (195183)
Westphalian B316.9 - 314.6United Kingdom (England) Euphoberia ferox, Myriacantherpestes sp. (125238) Lepidoptera caterpillar indet. (155938)
Moscovian315.2 - 307.0Czech Republic (Pilsen) Euphoberia histrix, Euphoberia varians, Euphoberia absens, Acantherpestes gigas, Acantherpestes vicinus, Acantherpestes ornatus, Acantherpestes foveolatus (128574)
Westphalian C314.6 - 309.8Germany (Saarland) Chonionotus lithanthracis (122623)
Westphalian D309.8 - 307.5USA (Illinois) Euphoberia armigera (155944) Euphoberia armigera, Acantherpestes major, Euphoberia carri (122528) Euphoberia armigera, Acantherpestes major, Euphoberia flabellata (154202) Euphoberia armigera, Acantherpestes major, Euphoberia granosa, Euphoberia spinulosa, Euphoberia simplex, Euphoberia tracta (122521) Euphoberia armigera, Acantherpestes major, Euphoberia horrida, Euphoberia granosa, Euphoberia carri, Euphoberia anguilla (122527) Euphoberia armigera, Euphoberia anguilla (155943) Euphoberia armigera, Euphoberia horrida, Euphoberia granosa, Euphoberia carri (155941) Euphoberia armigera, Euphoberia major, Euphoberia granosa (152106) Euphoberia sp., Euphoberia armigera, Acantherpestes major, Euphoberia granosa, Euphoberia anguilla, Acantherpestes inequalis, Euphoberia hystricosa, Euphoberia cuspidata, Euphoberia spinulosa, Euphoberia simplex, Euphoberia tracta (21981)
Westphalian D309.8 - 307.5United Kingdom (Wales) Euphoberia sp. (127543)