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Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Mangeliidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1884Mangeliinae Fischer
1928Mangeliinae Woodring p. 168
1929Cytharinae Thiele
1952Cytharinae Eames p. 133
1960Mangeliinae MacNeil p. 114
1964Mangeliinae Olsson p. 104
1970Mangeliinae Addicott p. 135
1970Mangeliinae Woodring p. 391
1974Mangeliinae Abbott pp. 262, 278
1988Mangeliinae Ponder and Warén p. 307
1990Mangeliinae Beu et al. pp. 417, 420
1992Mangeliinae Perrilliat p. 28
2005Mangeliinae Bouchet et al. p. 256
2010Mangeliinae Landau and Marques da Silva p. 112
2011Mangeliidae Bouchet et al. p. 281

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassCaenogastropoda(Cox 1959)
Sorbeoconcha(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
Hypsogastropoda(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
superorderLatrogastropodaRiedel 2000
orderNeogastropodaThiele 1929
superfamilyConoidea(Rafinesque 1815)
familyMangeliidae(Fischer 1884)
familyMangeliidae(Fischer 1884)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Mangeliidae Fischer 1884
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G. †Acmaturris Woodring 1928
Acmaturris brisis Woodring 1928
Acmaturris comparata Woodring 1928
Acmaturris scalida Woodring 1928
G. Agathotoma Cossmann 1899
Mangelia (Agathotoma) howei Anderson and Martin 1914
G. Bactrocythara Woodring 1928
Bactrocythara ascara Dall and Simpson 1900
Bactrocythara obtusa Guppy 1896
G. Bela Gray 1847
Bela ankae Gürs 2001
Bela paesleri Strebel 1905
Bela robusta Scarpioni et al. 2016
Bela varovtsiana Scarpioni et al. 2016
G. Bellacythara McLean 1971
G. Bellaspira Conrad 1868
Bellaspira margaritensis McLean and Poorman 1970
Bellaspira niaddrina Mansfield 1925
Bellaspira virginiana Conrad 1862
G. Benthomangelia Thiele 1925
Benthomangelia grippi Anderson 1964
G. †Brachycythara Woodring 1928
Brachycythara gibba Guppy 1896
Brachycythara reidenbachi Ward and Blackwelder 1987
G. Cythara Schumacher 1817
Cythara caimitica Maury 1917
Cythara polygona Gabb 1873
Subg. Cythara (Mangelia) Loven 1846
Subg. †Mangelia (Cacodaphnella) Pilsbry and Lowe 1932
Subg. Mangelia (Mangelia) Grant, IV and Gale 1931
Mangelia andersoni Wienrich and Janssen 2007
Mangelia angulicosta Scarpioni et al. 2016
Mangelia boschi Oostingh 1935
Mangelia branneri Arnold 1903
Mangelia costata Donovan 1803
Mangelia costellaria Nyst 1836
Mangelia ecuadoriana Pilsbry and Olsson 1941
Mangelia guerichi Kautsky 1925
Mangelia hancocki Hertlein and Strong 1939
Mangelia heptapleura Pilsbry and Olsson 1941
Mangelia hesperia Pilsbry and Olsson 1941
Mangelia hooveri Arnold 1903
Mangelia larga Scarpioni et al. 2016
Mangelia luellingensis Wienrich and Janssen 2007
Mangelia miorugulosa Kautsky 1925
Mangelia nebula Montagu 1803
Mangelia odovychenae Scarpioni et al. 2016
Mangelia painei Arnold 1903
Mangelia pseudorugulosa Scarpioni et al. 2016
Subg. Mangilia (Clathromangilia) Monterosato 1884
Mangilia elegantissima Vredenburg 1921
Mangilia fibrata Anderson and Hanna 1925
Mangilia interfossa Carpenter 1864
Mangilia lalonis Maury 1917
Mangilia maoica Maury 1917
Mangilia micropleura Guppy 1867
Mangilia muricidea Moody 1916
Mangilia oldroydi Arnold 1903
Invalid names: Mangelia cetolaca Dall 1908 [objective synonym]
Mangilia vacavillensis Palmer 1923
G. Cytharella Monterosato 1875
Cytharella barbadoides Gardner 1938
Cytharella branneri Arnold 1903
Cytharella chariessa Gardner 1938
Cytharella compsacosta Gardner 1938
Cytharella cryptopleura Gardner 1938
Cytharella elevata Gabb 1873
Cytharella galae Fargo 1953
Cytharella isabellae Maury 1910
Cytharella limata Olsson 1922
Cytharella limta Olsson 1922
G. †Dolostoma Woodring 1970
Dolostoma anorhepes Woodring 1970
Dolostoma dinota Woodring 1970
G. Eucithara Fischer 1883
Eucithara celebensis Hinds 1843
Eucithara lyra Reeve 1846
G. †Euryentmema Woodring 1928
Euryentmema cigclis Woodring 1928
G. Glyphoturris Woodring 1928
Glyphoturris lampra Woodring 1928
G. †Granoturris Fargo 1953
G. Guraleus Hedley 1918
G. Heterocithara Hedley 1922
G. Ithycythara Woodring 1928
Ithycythara defuniak Gardner 1938
Ithycythara elongata Gabb 1873
Ithycythara ischna Woodring 1928
Invalid names: Cythara balteata Reeve 1846 [replaced]
Ithycythara maera Woodring 1928
Invalid names: Ithycythara kellumi Fargo 1953 [synonym]
Ithycythara psiloides Woodring 1928
Ithycythara scissa Woodring 1928
Ithycythara tarri Maury 1910
G. Kurtzia Bartsch 1934
Kurtzia arteaga Dall and Bartsch 1910
Invalid names: Kurtzia roperi Dall 1919 [synonym]
Kurtzia gordoni Bartsch 1944
G. Kurtziella Dall 1918
Subg. Kurtziella (Kurtziella) Dall 1918
Kurtziella (Kurtziella) cymatias Pilsbry and Lowe 1932
Invalid names: Mangelia barbarensis Oldroyd 1924 [synonym]
Kurtziella cerina Kurtz and Stimpson 1851
Kurtziella hecetae Dall and Bartsch 1910
Invalid names: Mangelia angulata Carpenter 1864 [replaced]
Kurtziella oenoa Dall 1919
Kurtziella serga Dall 1881
G. †Mariadrillia Petuch 1988
Mariadrillia cornelliana Martin 1904
Mariadrillia parvoidea Martin 1904
G. Neoguraleus Powell 1939
Subg. †Neoguraleus (Fusiguraleus) Powell 1942
Neoguraleus (Fusiguraleus) plenecomptus Grant-Mackie and Chapman-Smith 1971
Neoguraleus filiferus Darragh 2017
G. Perimangelia McLean 2000
Perimangelia interfossa Carpenter 1864
Invalid names: Mangelia interlirata Stearns 1872 [synonym]
Perimangelia nitens Carpenter 1864
Invalid names: Mangilia interfossa pedroana Arnold 1903 [synonym]
G. †Platycythara Woodring 1928
Platycythara eurystoma Woodring 1928
Platycythara metria Dall 1903
G. Pyrgocythara Woodring 1928
Pyrgocythara eminula Woodring 1928
Pyrgocythara turrispiralata Scarpioni et al. 2016
G. Rubellatoma Bartsch and Rehder 1939
G. †Saccharoturris Woodring 1928
G. †Sorgenfreispira Moroni 1979
Sorgenfreispira calais Kautsky 1925
Sorgenfreispira tenella Conrad 1848
G. Stellatoma Bartsch and Rehder 1939
Stellatoma stellata Stearns 1872
G. †Tenaturris Woodring 1928
Tenaturris guppyi Dall 1896
Tenaturris isiola Woodring 1928
Tenaturris terpna Woodring 1928
Tenaturris variegata Carpenter 1864
G. †Vitricythara Fargo 1953
Invalid names: Cytharidae Thiele 1929 [synonym]
P. Bouchet et al. 2011Shell small to medium size, 3–30 mm, usually 6–12 mm, oval to low- or high-fusiform, usually with comparatively low spire, often with a shoulder angulation. Spiral and axial sculpture both well developed. Shell surface often bearing microsculpture of spirally aligned granules. Subsutural ramp usually not separated sculpturally. Anal sinus on subsutural ramp, shallow to rather deep, rarely tubular. Aperture normally not constrained with strong outgrowths or callus pads, rarely denticulate. Siphon rather short to moderately long. Protoconch typically multispiral, of up to five whorls, with axially ribbed protoconch II; spiral cords on protoconch II present or absent. When paucispiral, protoconch usually spirally lirate. Operculum present, with terminal nucleus (Oenopotinae), or normally absent. Radula of marginal teeth of very variable morphology. Teeth can be from semi-enrolled (Fig. 8F, G) to true hypodermic. Frequently side projections around the base are present and there is large irregularly shaped ‘root’ projecting from the base. Barbs may be present, from small to very large (Fig. 8C) or absent (Fig. 8B). Tooth canal opening laterally.
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: actively mobilesuperf
Life habit: epifaunalsuperf
Diet: carnivoresuperf
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-10 08:08:14
Modified: 2009-09-10 10:08:14
Source: superf = superfamily, c = class
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Danian to the top of the Holocene or 66.00000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 61.6 Ma

Collections (385 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Danian66.0 - 61.6USA (Texas) Mangelia schotti (92246)
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0USA (New Jersey) Cythara sp. (3113)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8USA (California) Mangilia vacavillensis (201621)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Pakistan Pyrenoturris soriensis (183858) Pyrenoturris soriensis, Pyrenoturris punjabensis (183845)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Antarctica (Seymour Island) Neoguraleus rinaldii (63551)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3USA (California) Mangilia fibrata (166458)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3United Kingdom (England) Cytharella labratula (8125)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3USA (Texas) Pleurotoma rebeccae (90455)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0France Mangelia plicata, Mangelia labratula (78567)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0United Kingdom (England) Bela juncea (42636 42639 42641 42644)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0France (Picardie) Cythara labratula (178082)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Italy Cythara sp. (78617)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Australia (Western Australia) Neoguraleus filiferus (205816)
Late/Upper Eocene37.2 - 33.9New Zealand (Canterbury) Guraleus dubius, Guraleus sp. (45037)
Late/Upper Eocene37.2 - 33.9USA (South Carolina) Mangilia sp. (92432)
Late/Upper Eocene37.2 - 33.9United Kingdom (England) Bela juncea (42640)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4Australia (Victoria) Guraleus eocenicus (71236)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4France (Essonne) Mangelia costuosa (9078 9098)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1Belgium Cytharella elegans, Mangelia costellaria (111371) Mangelia costellaria (111366 111367)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1USA (Mississippi) Pleurotoma tenella (84137)