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Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Trigonirhynchiidae

Terebratula nucula was named by Sowerby (1839). Its type specimen is GSM Geol. Soc. Coil. 6657 and is a 3D body fossil.

It was recombined as Rhynchonella nucula by Davidson (1869); it was recombined as Camarotoechia nucula by Holland (1963); it was recombined as Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula by Bassett and Cocks (1974).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1839Terebratula nucula Sowerby p. 603 figs. pl. 3, fig. 1c, pl. 5, fig. 20
1869Rhynchonella nucula Davidson p. 157 figs. pl. 24, fig. I, ?figs. 3, 5, 6, non figs. 2, 4, 7
1963Camarotoechia nucula Holland p. 121 figs. pl. 4, fig. 11
1974Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula Bassett and Cocks

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classRhynchonellataWilliams et al. 1996
orderRhynchonellidaKuhn 1949
superfamilyRhynchotrematoideaSchuchert 1913
familyTrigonirhynchiidaeMcLaren 1965
subfamilyTrigonirhynchiinaeSchmidt 1965
genusMicrosphaeridiorhynchusSartenaer 1970
speciesnucula(Sowerby 1839)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 1.0 to < 10g
Adult width: 1.0 to < 10g
Adult height: 1.0 to < 10g
Folds: noneg
Ribbing: minorg
Spines: noneg
Internal reinforcement: noneg
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryf
Attached: yesf
Life habit: epifaunalf
Diet: suspension feederf
Vision: blindc
Created: 2009-06-04 14:13:03
Modified: 2009-06-04 16:13:03
Source: g = genus, f = family, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Hendy 2009, Nesnidal et al. 2013, Aberhan et al. 2004, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Sheinwoodian to the top of the Lochkovian or 433.40000 to 410.80000 Ma

Collections (121 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Jaani433.6 - 431.3Estonia (Hiiumaa) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (195428)
Jaani433.6 - 431.3Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (192582)
Sheinwoodian433.4 - 430.5Sweden (Gotland) Camarotoechia nucula (13592 13594 13597) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13524 13527)
Sheinwoodian433.4 - 430.5Norway Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (14275 14289 14307 14312 14314)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4Russian Federation (Siberia) Camarotoechia nucula (206312)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13745 207295 207332)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4United Kingdom (England) Camarotoechia nucula (49640 49642 79881)
Wenlock - Ludlow433.4 - 423.0Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13756)
Wenlock - Helderbergian433.4 - 393.3Mauritania Camarotoechia nucula (27326)
Homerian430.5 - 427.4Norway Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (14316 14317)
Homerian430.5 - 427.4Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (192613)
Homerian430.5 - 427.4United Kingdom (England) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (23216 23218 23284)
Homerian430.5 - 427.4United Kingdom (Wales) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (23287)
Homerian430.5 - 427.4Sweden (Gotland) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13528 13529)
Homerian - Gorstian430.5 - 425.6Sweden (Gotland) Camarotoechia nucula (13602) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13530)
Homerian - Gorstian430.5 - 425.6Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (192561)
Homerian - Jaagarahu430.5 - 422.9Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (192583)
Gorstian427.4 - 425.6Ukraine Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (23375)
Gorstian427.4 - 425.6Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (192564 192653)
Gorstian427.4 - 425.6United Kingdom (England) Camarotoechia nucula (480 23210 23211 23213 49643) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (23159 23161 23164 23178 23181 23205 23208)
Gorstian427.4 - 425.6United Kingdom (Wales) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (23169 23173 23176)
Gorstian - Ludfordian427.4 - 423.0Sweden (Gotland) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13531)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13751 195443 195446 207403)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0Spain Camarotoechia nucula (13918)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0United Kingdom (England) Camarotoechia nucula (478 479 49657 49658)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0Ukraine Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (23475)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0United Kingdom (Wales) Camarotoechia nucula (74670 74671 74805)
Ludlow - Elton427.4 - 421.3United Kingdom (Wales) Camarotoechia nucula (74760)
Ludlow - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2Estonia Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13732 13733 13736)
Ludlow - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2Ukraine Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (23427)
Ludlow - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (26291 207297)
Ludlow - Devonian427.4 - 358.9Morocco Rhynchonella nucula (27399)
Ludfordian425.6 - 423.0Sweden (Gotland) Camarotoechia nucula (13616 13618 13619 13620) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13532 13533 13534)
Ludfordian425.6 - 423.0United Kingdom (England) Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (8322 8323 8324 8325 23103 23106 23107 23109 23111 23184 23185 23193)
Kaugetuma423.0 - 421.5Estonia Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (207257)
Kaugetuma423.0 - 421.5Latvia Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (207254)
Kaugetuma423.0 - 421.5Russian Federation Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (207251)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2Spain Camarotoechia nucula (13921)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2Spain (Guadalajara) Camarotoechia nucula (13927)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2Lithuania Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (13761 13762 13763 13764 13771 192558 192997 192998 192999 195445 207298 207299 207334 207344)
Pridoli - Helderbergian423.0 - 393.3Morocco Rhynchonella nucula (27403)
Pridoli - Helderbergian423.0 - 393.3Spain (Guadalajara) Camarotoechia nucula (13929)
Paadla422.9 - 419.2Estonia Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (207255)
Paadla422.9 - 419.2Latvia Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (207252)
Kuressaare421.3 - 419.2Estonia Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (207256)
Kuressaare421.3 - 419.2Latvia Microsphaeridiorhynchus nucula (207253)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Spain Camarotoechia nucula (13922 13923)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Algeria Camarotoechia nucula (27472)