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Davidonia rostratum

Helcionelloida - Helcionellida - Helcionellidae

Mellopegma rostratum was named by Zhou and Xiao (1984). Its type specimen is Geological Institute, Anhui Province 800059, a shell, and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Huoqiu, Huainan, which is in an Atdabanian/Botomian carbonate limestone in the Yutaishan Formation of China.

It was recombined as Mackinnonia rostrata by Parkhaev (2001), Skovsted (2004) and Wotte (2006); it was recombined as Davidonia rostrata by Claybourn et al. (2019) and Peel (2021); it was recombined as Davidonia rostratum by Wagner (2023).

Sister species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1984Bemella costata Zhou and Xiao pp. 128 - 129 figs. pl. 1 f. 8-9
1984Bemella anhuiensis Zhou and Xiao p. 129 figs. pl. 1 f. 10
1984Mellopegma rostratum Zhou and Xiao p. 132 figs. pl. 3 f. 7-10
1990Mackinnonia davidi Bengtson et al.
1996Mackinnonia obliqua Landing and Bartowski
1996Mackinnonia davidi Landing and Bartowski p. 754
1996Mackinnonia obliqua Landing and Bartowski pp. 754 - 755 figs. figs. 5.10-5.16
2001Mackinnonia rostrata Parkhaev p. 176 figs. pl. 40 f. 1-11; pl. 41 f. 1-11
2002Mackinnonia obliqua Landing et al. figs. f. 8.3
2004Mackinnonia rostrata Skovsted p. 16 figs. f. 3A-H
2004Bemella costa Steiner et al. p. 267
2006Mackinnonia davidi Wotte p. 151
2006Mackinnonia obliqua Wotte p. 151
2006Mackinnonia rostrata Wotte p. 151
2017Davidonia davidi Parkhaev p. 574
2019Davidonia rostrata Claybourn et al. fig. 4.6–4.14
2021Davidonia rostrata Peel p. 27 fig. 14.9
2023Davidonia rostratum Wagner p. S5645

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classHelcionelloidaPeel 1991
superfamilyHelcionelloidea(Wenz 1938)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Davidonia rostratum Zhou and Xiao 1984
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Invalid names: Davidonia anhuiensis Zhou and Xiao 1984 [synonym], Davidonia costata Zhou and Xiao 1984 [synonym], Davidonia obliqua Landing and Bartowski 1996 [synonym], Mackinnonia davidi Bengtson et al. 1990 [synonym]
T. M. Claybourn et al. 2019Moderately high, cyrtoconic steinkerns, coiled through one-third of a whorl and moderately laterally compressed. Range 0.5–1.3 mm in length, 0.2–0.8 mm in height (see Table 1), and approximately 1.5 times longer than high. Protoconch reclined, rounded, rapidly expanding, and distinct from the teleoconch by change in microstructural imprints from smooth to polygonal. Strongly hooked apex directly above the parietal train or displaced up to one-quarter the length of the steinkern beyond the parietal train.

Supra-apical field evenly convex, subapical field short and concave; moderate rate of expansion. Apertural outline elongated elliptical, sometimes with short rounded parietal train separated by a distinct indent from the subapical field. Rounded parietal train tilts upward at an angle. In lateral view the aperture exhibits a convex profile. Transverse rugae subdued, not present on all Antarctic material but terminate before subapical field when present. Some small juvenile specimens lack rugae. Polygonal microstructural imprints (9–12 μm wide) are exhibited on the surface of the co-marginal rugae, with smooth furrows. The parietal train has pitted depressions on the steinkern surface (3–5 μmwide), and the protoconchs are smooth.
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Entire body: yesf
Adult length: 1.0 to < 10f
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: slow-movingf
Life habit: low-level epifaunalf
Diet: detritivoref
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-06-11 17:55:39
Modified: 2009-10-09 12:02:54
Source: f = family, c = class
References: Hendy 2009, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Nemakit-Daldynian to the top of the Nangaoian or 538.80000 to 514.00000 Ma

Collections (42 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5China (Shaanxi) Bemella costa (86566)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Australia (South Australia) Mackinnonia davidi (97749) Mackinnonia rostrata (96454 96919 96920 96966 97722)
Nangaoian521.0 - 514.0China (Henan) Mellopegma rostratum (96525) Mellopegma rostratum, Bemella costa (49532)
Atdabanian - Botomian521.0 - 512.9China (Anhui) Mellopegma rostratum, Bemella anhuiensis, Bemella costa (type locality: 107632)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Antarctica Davidonia rostrata (199520 199522 199523 199524)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Australia (South Australia) Mackinnonia davidi (97751 97770 97773) Mackinnonia rostrata (50793 96914 96915 96916 96917 96932 96958 96959 96965 97700 97723 97726 97730 156332)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Quebec) Mackinnonia obliqua (78755)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Greenland (Lauge Koch Land) Davidonia rostrata (220278)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (New York) Mackinnonia obliqua (78763 78765 78766 78767 171821)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Greenland (Peary Land) Davidonia rostrata (210618)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Greenland Mackinnonia rostrata (49458 49471 67781)