Body very deep, with short caudal peduncle. Body depth not less than 80 of its length. Head length is 0.4 times of body length. Strong ventral postcleithrum inclined forward from vertical, its lower end strongly separated from anteroventral edge of first analfin pterygiophore. Vertebral column consisting of 32 vertebrae, 19 of which caudal. Fourth and fifth hypurals fused with terminal vertebral centrum (u2). Two slender epurals. Supraneurals absent. Dorsal fin originating as long filamentous ray; six succeeding soft rays rapidly decreasing in length caudally; then, these followed by eight fin spines and 20 soft rays. Anal fin slightly shorter than dorsal fin and consisting of five short spines and 22 soft rays. Pelvic fins attached in front of pectorals. Caudal fin having ten principal rays; its upper and lower lobes widely separated and hypurals 2 and 3 lacking rays.