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Sporolithon lvovicum

Florideophyceae - Sporolithales - Sporolithaceae

Sporolithon lvovicum was named by Maslov (1956). It is not extant.

Sister species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1956Sporolithon lvovicum Maslov
2016Sporolithon lvovicum Hrabovsky et al. p. 502
2017Sporolithon lvovicum Kishore et al. p. 213

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subkingdomRhodoplantaeSaunders and Hommersand 2004
phylumRhodophytaWettstein 1922
classFlorideophyceaeCronquist 1960
familySporolithaceaeVerheij 1993
genusSporolithon(Rothpletz 1891)
specieslvovicumMaslov 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Sporolithon lvovicum Maslov 1956
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J. Hrabovsky et al. 2016Growth form encrusting to warty protuberant,
thallus 218371 mm thick, protuberances L
0.92 mm£ D 1.41.9 mm (Fig. 4A). Thallus monomerous
with dorsiventral organization (Fig. 4B). VC non
coaxial, plumose, up to 10 cells thick (Fig. 4B). Cells rectangular, L 2134 mm £ D 916 mm (n D 25). PF
zonation present (Fig. 4C). Zones consist of 36 long rectangular
cells and 26 short rectangular to squarish cells.
Cells L 1417 (24) mm £ D 914 mm (n D 20). Cell
fusions present in VC and PF (Fig. 4B). Empty 615 calcified
tetrasporangial compartments grouped in sori within
the protuberances (Fig. 4A, D). Chambers H 91120 mm
£ D 4558 mm (n D 13), separated by 56-celled paraphyses
that are as long as or longer and narrower than normal
PF cells. Long cells of the paraphyses measure L 1620
mm £ D 68 mm (n D 8; Fig. 4E). No distinct layer of
elongated cells below tetrasporangial compartments. Sori
probably raised over the surrounding thallus surface at the
time of maturity and later buried by new, subsequent thallus
growth (Fig. 4A, D). Two carposporangial conceptacles
observed. Carposporangial uniporate conceptacles
are flask shaped, H 272294 mm £ D 368419 mm,
protrude markedly above the thallus surface in encrusting
as well as in protuberant thalli (Fig. 4F). Roof 96107 mm
thick, 812-celled (Fig. 4F). Pore canal L 126 mm £ D
83 mm. Gametangial uniporate conceptacle H 130 mm £
D 510 mm (only one observed) protrudes on the thallus
surface, apparently on the same thallus as the carposporangial
plant. Roof type 1, consisting of 11 cells
(Fig. 4GH). We consider it a male conceptacle.
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range: base of the Langhian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 15.97000 to 0.01170 Ma

Collections (4 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Langhian15.97 - 13.82Czech Republic (South Moravian) Sporolithon lvovicum (221520 221521)
Badenian13.65 - 12.7Ukraine Sporolithon lvovicum (164969)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117India Sporolithon lvovicum (165868)