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Eryma compressum

Malacostraca - Decapoda - Erymidae

Palinurus compressus was named by Eudes-Deslongchamps (1842). It is not extant.

It was recombined as Eryma compressum by Schweitzer et al. (2010) and Devillez and Charbonnier (2019).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1842Palinurus compressus Eudes-Deslongchamps
1857Glyphea aalensis Quenstedt
1857Glyphea bedelta Quenstedt
1859Bolina girodi Étallon p. 196 figs. Pl 6, figs 7,8
1861Eryma aspera Oppel
1861Eryma elegans Oppel
1861Eryma greppini Oppel
1861Eryma wuerttembergica Oppel
1862Bolina etalloni de Ferry
1888Eryma bizeti Moriere
1888Eryma corbieri Moriere
1888Eryma falcifera Moriere
1901Eryma authelini Mechin
1901Eryma gaiffei Mechin
1901Eryma nicklesi Mechin
1928Eryma oppeli Beurlen
1928Erymastacus quenstedti Beurlen
2009Eryma bedelta Schweitzer et al. p. 3
2010Eryma bedeltum Schweitzer et al. p. 23
2010Eryma compressum Schweitzer et al. p. 23
2010Eryma nicklesi Schweitzer et al. p. 24
2015Erymastacus aalensis Hyzny et al. p. 375
2015Erymastacus quenstedti Hyzny et al. p. 375
2019Eryma compressum Devillez and Charbonnier p. 9 figs. 5, 6

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EubilateriaAx 1987
EcdysozoaAguinaldo et al. 1997
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
Hymenostraca(Rolfe 1969)
superclassMulticrustaceaRegier et al. 2010
subclassEumalacostracaGrobben 1892
CaridoidaHessler 1982
suborderPleocyemataBurkenroad 1963
infraorderGlypheideaWinckler 1882
superfamilyErymoideaVan Straelen 1924
familyErymidaeVan Straelen 1924
subfamilyEryminaevan Straelen 1924
genusErymaVon Meyer 1840
speciescompressum(Eudes-Deslongchamps 1842)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Eryma compressum Eudes-Deslongchamps 1842
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Invalid names: Bolina etalloni de Ferry 1862 [synonym], Eryma aspera Oppel 1861 [synonym], Eryma authelini Mechin 1901 [synonym], Eryma bizeti Moriere 1888 [synonym], Eryma elegans Oppel 1861 [synonym], Eryma gaiffei Mechin 1901 [synonym], Eryma nicklesi Mechin 1901 [synonym], Eryma oppeli Beurlen 1928 [synonym], Eryma wuerttembergica Oppel 1861 [synonym], Erymastacus quenstedti Beurlen 1928 [synonym], Glyphea aalensis Quenstedt 1857 [synonym], Glyphea bedelta Quenstedt 1857 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: chitinc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: infaunalf
Diet: carnivoreo
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2022-11-16 16:11:34
Modified: 2022-11-16 16:11:34
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class
References: Turnsek 1997, Aberhan 1992, Fearon and Clapham 2023

Age range: base of the Early/Lower Toarcian to the top of the Bathonian or 183.00000 to 166.10000 Ma

Collections (8 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Toarcian183.0 - 182.0Spain Eryma bedelta (25213 25612 26329 26384)
Opalinum175.6 - 171.6Switzerland Eryma bedelta (35808 35948)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1France Bolina girodi (226096 226097)