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Neoraistrickia loconiensis

Lycopodiopsida - Selaginellales - Selaginellaceae

Neoraistrickia loconiensis was named by De Benedetti et al. (2024). It is not extant. It is considered to be a form taxon. Its type specimen is MPEF-PA 923, a megaspore.

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2024Neoraistrickia loconiensis De Benedetti et al. p. 5

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phylumLycopodiophytaScott 1900
classLycopodiopsidaBartling 1830
orderSelaginellalesPrantl 1874
familySelaginellaceaeWillkomm 1854
genusNeoraistrickiaPotonié 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Neoraistrickia loconiensis De Benedetti et al. 2024
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F. De Benedetti et al. 2024Spore trilete, amb triangular to subcircular. Laesurae about 3/4 spore radius or reaching to margin, with raised lips. Exine two-layered, inner ~1 μm thick, outer sculptured with bacula, coni, spines, and verrucae. Sculptural elements 1.5–4.5 μm high, densely to sparsely placed, fused at the base, sometimes forming an irregular microfoveolate surface. Tip of the elements usually truncate and with multiple papillae.
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