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Uintatherium anceps
Titanotherium anceps was named by Marsh (1871).
It was recombined as Mastodon anceps by Marsh (1872); it was recombined as Tinoceras anceps by Marsh (1872) and Hay (1902); it was synonymized subjectively with Uintatherium robustum by Cope (1873); it was recombined as Uintatherium anceps by Wheeler (1961), Gazin (1976) and Lucas and Schoch (1998).
It was recombined as Mastodon anceps by Marsh (1872); it was recombined as Tinoceras anceps by Marsh (1872) and Hay (1902); it was synonymized subjectively with Uintatherium robustum by Cope (1873); it was recombined as Uintatherium anceps by Wheeler (1961), Gazin (1976) and Lucas and Schoch (1998).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1871 | Titanotherium anceps Marsh p. 35 |
1872 | Loxolophodon furcatus Cope |
1872 | Uintamastix atrox Leidy p. 240 |
1872 | Uintatherium robustum Leidy p. 240 |
1872 | Dinoceras lacustre Marsh |
1872 | Dinoceras mirabile Marsh |
1872 | Mastodon anceps Marsh |
1872 | Tinoceras anceps Marsh |
1872 | Tinoceras grande Marsh |
1873 | Eobasileus furcatus Cope p. 22 |
1873 | Uintatherium lacustre Cope p. 24 |
1873 | Uintatherium mirabile Cope p. 24 |
1873 | Uintatherium robustum Cope p. 24 |
1873 | Uintatherium robustum Leidy p. 96 |
1873 | Dinoceras laticeps Marsh |
1873 | Dinoceras lucare Marsh |
1878 | Uintatherium leidianum Osborn et al. |
1878 | Uintatherium princeps Osborn et al. |
1878 | Uintatherium leidianum Osborn et al. p. 63 |
1878 | Uintatherium princeps Osborn et al. p. 81 |
1885 | Octotomus laticeps Cope |
1885 | Ditetrodon segne Cope p. 594 |
1885 | Dinoceras agreste Marsh |
1885 | Dinoceras cuneum Marsh |
1885 | Dinoceras distans Marsh |
1885 | Dinoceras reflexum Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras affine Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras crassifrons Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras hians Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras jugum Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras lacustre Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras latum Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras pugnax Marsh |
1885 | Tinoceras vagans Marsh |
1885 | Uintatherium latifrons Marsh |
1885 | Uintatherium segne Marsh |
1886 | Elachoceras parvum Scott |
1886 | Uintatherium alticeps Scott |
1902 | Dinoceras agreste Hay p. 702 |
1902 | Uintatherium alticeps Hay p. 702 |
1902 | Uintatherium latifrons Hay p. 702 |
1902 | Uintatherium leidianum Hay p. 702 |
1902 | Uintatherium princeps Hay p. 702 |
1902 | Uintatherium robustum Hay p. 702 |
1902 | Uintatherium segne Hay p. 702 |
1902 | Dinoceras cuneum Hay p. 703 |
1902 | Dinoceras distans Hay p. 703 |
1902 | Dinoceras laticeps Hay p. 703 |
1902 | Dinoceras lucare Hay p. 703 |
1902 | Dinoceras mirabile Hay p. 703 |
1902 | Dinoceras reflexum Hay p. 703 |
1902 | Tinoceras affine Hay p. 704 |
1902 | Tinoceras anceps Hay p. 704 |
1902 | Tinoceras crassifrons Hay p. 704 |
1902 | Tinoceras grande Hay p. 704 |
1902 | Elachoceras parvum Hay p. 705 |
1902 | Tinoceras hians Hay p. 705 |
1902 | Tinoceras jugum Hay p. 705 |
1902 | Tinoceras lacustre Hay p. 705 |
1902 | Tinoceras latum Hay p. 705 |
1902 | Tinoceras pugnax Hay p. 705 |
1902 | Tinoceras vagans Hay p. 705 |
1902 | Eobasileus furcatus Hay p. 706 |
1937 | Uintatherium vagans Wilson |
1961 | Uintatherium anceps Wheeler |
1976 | Uintatherium anceps Gazin |
1998 | Uintatherium anceps Lucas and Schoch p. 287 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
†Uintatherium anceps Marsh 1871
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Invalid names: Dinoceras agreste Marsh 1885 [synonym], Dinoceras cuneum Marsh 1885 [synonym], Dinoceras distans Marsh 1885 [synonym], Dinoceras lacustre Marsh 1872 [synonym], Dinoceras laticeps Marsh 1873 [synonym], Dinoceras lucare Marsh 1873 [synonym], Dinoceras mirabile Marsh 1872 [synonym], Dinoceras reflexum Marsh 1885 [synonym], Elachoceras parvum Scott 1886 [synonym], Loxolophodon furcatus Cope 1872 [synonym], Tinoceras affine Marsh 1885 [synonym], Tinoceras crassifrons Marsh 1885 [synonym], Tinoceras grande Marsh 1872 [synonym], Tinoceras hians Marsh 1885 [synonym], Tinoceras jugum Marsh 1885 [synonym], Tinoceras latum Marsh 1885 [synonym], Tinoceras pugnax Marsh 1885 [synonym], Tinoceras vagans Marsh 1885 [synonym], Uintamastix atrox Leidy 1872 [synonym], Uintatherium alticeps Scott 1886 [synonym], Uintatherium latifrons Marsh 1885 [synonym], Uintatherium leidianum Osborn et al. 1878 [synonym], Uintatherium princeps Osborn et al. 1878 [synonym], Uintatherium robustum Leidy 1872 [synonym], Uintatherium segne Marsh 1885 [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
W. H. Wheeler 1961 | Same as for genus. [Large uintathere, distinguished from Eobasileus and Tetheopsis by skull propor- tions. Skull relatively broad with parietal horn well in advance of occiput. The relative propor- tions for the large genera are shown in figure 1. Posterodorsal part of temporal fossa very wide; maxillary horn above diastema. Skull in known specimens 69 to 85 cm. long; upper cheek tooth row 143 to 169 mm long.] |
No measurements are available
Source: o = order, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009, Hopson 1973, Lucas and Schoch 1998 |
Age range: base of the Bridgerian to the top of the Uintan or 50.30000 to 39.70000 Ma
Collections (18 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Bridgerian | USA (Wyoming) | Dinoceras agreste, Dinoceras laticeps, Tinoceras latum (16417) Dinoceras lucare, Dinoceras mirabile, Uintatherium latifrons (16404) Uintatherium anceps (16086 16200 16211 16234 16235 16236 16250 16278 16406 16421 16442 16448 16647) Uintatherium mirabile (16213) | |
Early/Lower Uintan | USA (Wyoming) | Uintatherium anceps (186968) | |
Uintan | USA (Texas) | Uintatherium anceps (16588) |