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Lycopodiopsida - Isoetales

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1874Isoetales Prantl pp. 116, 125
1919Isoetales Knowlton
1977Isoetales Hickey
1985Isoetales Lapasha and Miller
1997Isoetales Kenrick and Crane
2008Isoetales Taylor et al. p. 1028
2016Isoetales I p. 722
2020Isoetales Vallati et al. p. 6

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phylumLycopodiophytaScott 1900
classLycopodiopsidaBartling 1830

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Isoetales Prantl 1874
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Fm. Isoetaceae Dumortier 1829
G. †Echinosporis Krutzsch 1967
G. Isoetes Linnaeus 1753 [quillwort]
Isoetes brevifolius Lesquereux 1883
Isoetes janaianus Banerji 1988
Isoetes reticulata Hill 1987
G. †Isoetites Münster 1842
Isoetites brandneri Kustatscher et al. 2010
Isoetites crociformis Muenster 1842
Isoetites horridus Dawson 1883
Isoetites indicus Bose and Roy 1964
Isoetites serratifolius Bose and Roy 1964
G. †Isoetopsis Saporta 1888
Isoetopsis subaphylla Saporta 1888
G. †Nathorstianella Glaessner and Rao 1955
Nathorstianella babbogensis Woodward 1885
G. †Isoetodendron Bock 1969
Isoetodendron striata Bock 1969
G. †Minerisporites Potonie 1956
Minerisporites aequatus Villar de Seoane and Archangelsky 2008
Minerisporites auriculatus Singh et al. 1964
Minerisporites cutchensis Singh et al. 1964
Minerisporites laceratus Archangelsky and Villar de Seoane 1990
Minerisporites marginatus Potonie 1956
Minerisporites mesosporeoides Singh et al. 1964
G. †Paralycopodites Morey and Morey 1977
Fm. †Pleuromeiaceae Corda 1852
G. †Cidarophyton Chaloner and Turner 1987
Cidarophyton rewanense Chaloner and Turner 1987
G. †Duckworthia Cantrill and Webb 1998
Duckworthia isoeteformis Cantrill and Webb 1998
G. †Helicorhiza Cantrill and Webb 1998
Helicorhiza duckworthensis Cantrill and Webb 1998
G. †Pleurocaulis Cantrill and Webb 1998
Pleurocaulis rewanense Cantrill and Webb 1998
G. †Pleuromeia Corda 1852
Pleuromeia reniformis Cantrill and Webb 1998
Pleuromeia sternbergii Corda 1852
Invalid names: Sigillaria sternbergi Münster 1839 [replaced]
Invalid names: Chaloneriaceae [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Hastarian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 358.90000 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 346.7 Ma

Collections (349 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Hastarian - Ivorian358.9 - 346.7United Kingdom (Scotland) Paralycopodites brevifolius (10644)
Asbian340.0 - 336.0United Kingdom (Scotland) Paralycopodites brevifolium (21311 21313 35777 35778 35920) Paralycopodites brevifolius (10646)
Pennsylvanian323.2 - 298.9USA (Kentucky) Paralycopodites brevifolius (13892)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9United Kingdom (England) Paralycopodites brevifolius (37369)
Westphalian A - Westphalian B318.7 - 314.6Germany Paralycopodites brevifolius (37506)
Desmoinesian312.8 - 306.0USA (Indiana) Paralycopodites brevifolius (11041 11042 11043 11051 11053 11054 11056 11058 11107 11108)
Induan252.17 - 251.2Germany (Subherzynische Senke) Pleuromeia sternbergii (24707 24708)
Induan252.17 - 251.2China (Shaanxi) Pleuromeia sp. 1 (29913 29918 29920 29922) Pleuromeia sp. 1, Pleuromeia sp. 2 (29923)
Induan252.17 - 251.2Australia (Queensland) Pleurocaulis rewanense, Helicorhiza duckworthensis, Duckworthia isoeteformis (94541) Pleuromeia reniformis, Pleurocaulis rewanense, Cidarophyton rewanense (85560)
Induan252.17 - 251.2Russian Federation Pleuromeia sp. 1 (30450 30500 30525)
Induan252.17 - 251.2Germany (Hessische Senke) Pleuromeia sternbergii (24703 24704 24705)
Induan252.17 - 251.2Spain (Ebro Basin) Pleuromeia sternbergii (24641)
Induan252.17 - 251.2Germany (Thuringer Senke) Pleuromeia sternbergii (24706 24710 24711)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2Japan Pleuromeia sp. 1 (30201)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2Germany (Eifel) Pleuromeia oculina (24735)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2Russian Federation Pleuromeia sp. 1 (30447 30509 30512)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2China (Hebei) Pleuromeia sp. 1 (29553)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2Germany (Suddeutsche Senke) Pleuromeia sternbergii (24714)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2France (Lorraine) Pleuromeia sp. (24727)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2China (Henan) Pleuromeia sp. 1 (29618)