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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1874Protophyllum Lesquereux
1919Protophyllum Knowlton
1970Protophyllum Andrews
1977Protophyllum Hickey
1996Protophyllum Liu et al.

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genusProtophyllumLesquereux 1874

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Protophyllum Lesquereux 1874
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Protophyllum boreale Dawson 1882
Protophyllum crassum Lesquereux 1891
Protophyllum crednerioides Lesquereux 1874
Protophyllum crenatum Knowlton 1891
Protophyllum denticulatum Lesquereux 1891
Protophyllum dimorphum Lesquereux 1891
Protophyllum haydenii Lesquereux 1871
Protophyllum integerrimum Lesquereux 1891
Protophyllum leconteanum Lesquereux 1868
Protophyllum minus Lesquereux 1874
Protophyllum mudgii Lesquereux 1871
Protophyllum multinerve Lesquereux 1871
Protophyllum nanaimo Dawson 1882
Protophyllum nebrascense Lesquereux 1874
Protophyllum obovatum Newberry 1895
Protophyllum praestans Lesquereux 1891
Protophyllum pseudospermoides Lesquereux 1891
Protophyllum pterospermifolium Lesquereux 1891
Protophyllum quadratum Lesquereux 1871
Protophyllum querciforme Hollick 1895
Protophyllum rugosum Lesquereux 1872
Protophyllum semotum Hickey 1977
Protophyllum sternbergii Lesquereux 1872
Protophyllum undulatum Lesquereux 1891
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range: base of the Wenlock to the top of the Clarkforkian or 433.40000 to 54.90000 Ma

Collections (13 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4Russian Federation (Siberia) P. cylindricum (206380 206381 206386)
Late/Upper Albian105.3 - 99.6USA (Montana) P. sp. (31171)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Canada (British Columbia) P. multinerve (31888)
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (Wyoming) P. sp. (27314 27315 27357 27370)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0China (Heilongjiang) P. ovatifolium, P. wuyungense, P. haydenii (223817)
Clarkforkian56.2 - 54.9USA (North Dakota) P. semotum (10810)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9China (Jilin) P. sp. (223891)
Wasatchian55.8 - 50.3USA (North Dakota) P. semotum (10807)