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Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis

Reptilia - Theropoda - Coelophysidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1969Syntarsus rhodesiensis Raath pp. 1-2 figs. 1-6, Pl. 1-5
1972Syntarsus rhodesiensis Bond p. 152
1977Syntarsus rhodesiensis Raath p. 1
1979Syntarsus rhodesiensis Cruickshank p. 170
1980Syntarsus rhodesiensis Molnar p. 134 fig. 3
1981Syntarsus rhodesiensis Osmolska p. 90
1984Syntarsus rhodesiensis Welles p. 176
1986Syntarsus rhodesiensis Gauthier p. 9
1988Coelophysis rhodesiensis Paul p. 262
1989Syntarsus rhodesiensis Rowe p. 125
1990Syntarsus rhodesiensis Raath pp. 91-92
1990Syntarsus rhodesiensis Raath et al. p. 94
1990Syntarsus rhodesiensis Rowe and Gauthier p. 152
1993Syntarsus rhodesiensis Paul p. 402
1997Syntarsus rhodesiensis Erickson p. 5
1997Syntarsus rhodesiensis Norell and Makovicky p. 11
1997Syntarsus rhodesiensis Rowe et al. p. 108
1997Syntarsus rhodesiensis Ryan and Vickaryous p. 171
2001Syntarsus rhodesiensis Hurum p. 39
2003Syntarsus rhodesiensis Rauhut p. 19
2004Coelophysis rhodesiensis Bristowe and Raath p. 39
2004Syntarsus rhodesiensis Carrano and Sampson p. 553 fig. 4
2004Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Irmis p. 13
2004Syntarsus rhodesiensis Tykoski and Rowe p. 48
2005Coelophysis rhodesiensis Gay p. 278
2005Coelophysis rhodesiensis Yates p. 107
2006Coelophysis rhodesiensis Ezcurra p. 651
2006Syntarsus rhodesiensis Langer and Benton p. 318 fig. 4
2006Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Lucas et al. p. 90
2006Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Milner et al. p. 326
2006Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Smith and Merrill pp. 595-597
2006Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Weems p. 371
2007Coelophysis rhodesiensis Ezcurra p. 186
2007Coelophysis rhodesiensis Ezcurra and Cuny p. 78 fig. 6
2007Coelophysis rhodesiensis Ezcurra and Novas p. 36
2007Coelophysis rhodesiensis Nesbitt et al. p. 216
2007Coelophysis rhodesiensis Rinehart et al. p. 175
2007Syntarsus rhodesiensis Sampson and Witmer p. 38
2007Coelophysis rhodesiensis Spielmann et al. p. 385
2009Syntarsus rhodesiensis Bittencourt and Kellner p. 8
2009Coelophysis rodhesiensis Martínez and Alcober p. 5
2010Coelophysis rhodesiensis Langer et al. p. 92
2011Coelophysis rhodesiensis Ezcurra and Brusatte p. 764
2011Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Jasinski p. 199
2011Coelophysis rhodesiensis Novas et al. p. 340
2011Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Petti et al. p. 38
2012Coelophysis rhodesiensis Carrano et al. p. 227
2012Syntarsus rhodesiensis Paulina Carabajal and Currie p. 86
2013Syntarsus rhodensis Ibiricu et al. p. 8
2014Coelophysis rhodesiensis Delsate and Ezcurra p. 175
2014Coelophysis rhodesiensis Xing et al. p. 1653
2015Coelophysis rhodesiensis Nesbitt and Ezcurra p. 516
2016Coelophysis rhodesiensis Griffin and Nesbitt p. 2
2016Syntarsus rhodesiensis Martill et al. p. 21
2016Coelophysis rhodesiensis Martínez et al. p. 63
2017Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Ezcurra p. 508
2017Coelophysis rhodesiensis Martinez and Apaldetti p. 492
2017Coelophysis rhodesiensis Rauhut and Pol p. 545
2017Coelophysis rhodesiensis Sciscio et al. p. 22
2018Coelophysis rhodesiensis Dal Sasso et al. p. 48
2019Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Senter and Sullivan p. 2
2019Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Veiga et al. p. 13
2019Coelophysis rhodesiensis Zahner and Brinkmann p. 1148
2020Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Abrahams et al.
2020Syntarsus rhodesiensis Dalla Vecchia p. 609
2021Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Bordy p. 7
2021Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Sciscio et al. p. 1053
2023Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis Abrahams et al. p. 10

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Archosauromorpha(Huene 1946)
ArchosauriformesGauthier 1986
genusMegapnosaurusIvie et al. 2001

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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G. S. Paul 1993Gracile skull and skeleton. Post temporal fenestra absent, teeth small, row of 19-20 maxillary teeth ends beneath antorbital fenestra, 25 dentary teeth. Neck relatively short. Pubis shorter than femur, no distal pubic expansions, distal ischial expansion relatively small, hindlimbs relatively long.
M. T. Carrano et al. 2012Coelophysoid theropod with: (1) blunt, squared anterior margin of antorbital fossa; (2) base of lacrimal vertical ramus width < 30% its height; and (3) maxillary and dentary tooth rows end posteriorly at anterior rim of lacrimal (all from Bristowe & Raath 2004).
M. D. Ezcurra 2017not provided
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatiteo
Entire body: yeso
Adult length: 10 to < 100o
Adult width: 1.0 to < 10o
Adult height: 1.0 to < 10o
Architecture: compact or denseo
Ontogeny: accretion, modification of partso
Grouping: solitaryo
Environment: terrestrialo
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: ground dwellingo
Diet: carnivoreo
Reproduction: oviparouso
Dispersal: direct/internalo
Dispersal 2: mobileo
Created: 2004-12-14 12:50:08
Modified: 2004-12-14 14:50:08
Source: o = order
Reference: Marsh 1875

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Triassic to the top of the Sinemurian or 237.00000 to 190.80000 Ma

Collections (6 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Triassic237.0 - 201.4Zimbabwe (Matabeleland North) Syntarsus rhodesiensis (34779)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8South Africa (Free State) Syntarsus rhodesiensis (45531)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8Zimbabwe (Matabeleland North) Coelurosauria indet. (type locality: 48392) Syntarsus rhodesiensis (22663 50824)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8Zimbabwe (Mashonaland North) Syntarsus rhodesiensis (50823)