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Anomalodesmata (disused)

Bivalvia - Anomalodesmata

Anomalodesmata was named by Dall (1889) [m. kosnik taxon no: 6497]. It is extant.

It was reranked as the order Anomalodesmata by Giribet and Wheeler (2002) and Bieler and Mikkelsen (2006); it was synonymized subjectively with Pholadomyida by Bouchet et al. (2010); it was reranked as the unranked clade Anomalodesmata by Hickman (2014).

It was assigned to Pelecypoda by Ward and Blackwelder (1987); to Bivalvia by Newell (1965), Vokes (1980), Squires (1984), Squires (1987), Cope (1997), Reid (1998) and Aberhan (2004); to Heterodonta by Giribet and Wheeler (2002) and Bieler and Mikkelsen (2006); and to Euheterodonta by Hickman (2014).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1889Anomalodesmata Dall
1965Anomalodesmata Newell p. 21
1980Anomalodesmata Vokes p. 201
1984Anomalodesmata Squires p. 54
1987Anomalodesmata Squires p. 71
1987Anomalodesmata Ward and Blackwelder p. 131
1997Anomalodesmata Cope p. 726
1998Anomalodesmata Reid
2002Anomalodesmata Giribet and Wheeler
2004Anomalodesmata Aberhan p. 119
2006Anomalodesmata Bieler and Mikkelsen p. 231
2014Anomalodesmata Hickman p. 5

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassHeteroconchia(Gray 1854)
subclassHeterodontaNeumayr 1884
orderAnomalodesmata(Dall 1889)
orderAnomalodesmata(Dall 1889)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Anomalodesmata Dall 1889
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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: facultatively mobilec
Life habit: infaunalc
Diet: suspension feederc
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 11:33:36
Modified: 2010-02-12 03:59:35
Source: c = class
Reference: Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Eifelian to the top of the Early/Lower Tithonian or 393.30000 to 145.00000 Ma

Collections (18 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Eifelian - Givetian393.3 - 382.7Morocco Anomalodesmata indet. (82034)
Morrowan - Desmoinesian323.2 - 306.0Brazil Anomalodesmata indet. 1 (67803)
Cisuralian298.9 - 273.01Chile Anomalodesmata indet. (163033 163037 163039 163040 163041)
Artinskian - Kungurian290.1 - 272.3Chile Anomalodesmata indet. (163035)
Bithynian247.2 - 242.0Romania Anomalodesmata indet. (197722)
Oxfordian163.5 - 157.3Greenland Anomalodesmata indet. (1406 1464 1465 1466 1467 1470 1472 1496)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Portugal Anomalodesmata indet. (8204)