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Bellerophon lineatus

Gastropoda - Bellerophontida - Bellerophontidae

Bellerophon lineatus was named by Dechen (1832). It is not a trace fossil.

It was recombined as Bellerophon (Bellerophon) lineatus by Heidelberger (2001).

Sister species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1832Bellerophon lineatus Dechen
1835Bellerophon striatus Bronn
1840Bellerophon striatus de Ferrusac and d'Orbigny figs. pl. 7 f. 6-7
1842Bellerophon striatus d’Archiac and de Verneuil p. 353 figs. pl. 28 f. 6
1855Bellerophon lineatus Sandberger and Sandberger p. 179 figs. pl. 22 f. 5
1876Bellerophon striatus Roemer figs. pl. 32 f. 9
1892Bellerophon lineatus Whidborne p. 321 figs. pl. 31 f. 3-6
1999Teutonophon striatus Blodgett and Frýda p. 296 figs. txt. f. 2a-e
2001Bellerophon (Bellerophon) lineatus Heidelberger pp. 26 - 28 figs. pl. 1 f. 3-5
2005Teutonophon striatus Heidelberger and Koch p. 8 figs. pl. 1 f. 1-3
2005Bellerophon lineatus Heidelberger and Koch p. 9 figs. pl. 2 f. 1-3
2023Bellerophon lineatus Wagner p. S2536

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EubilateriaAx 1987
orderBellerophontidaUlrich and Scofield 1897

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Bellerophon lineatus Dechen 1832
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Invalid names: Bellerophon striatus Bronn 1835 [synonym], Teutonophon striatus de Ferrusac and d'Orbigny 1840 [synonym]
D. Heidelberger and L. Koch 2005Convolute shell with an oval to nearly globular cross-section; selenizone developed as a broad, elevated median keel; umbilici always well visible and deep; outer lip of the aperture well-rounded and slightly enlarged on both sides; ornamentation consisting of fine, slightly irregular growth lines, slightly arched near the selenizone and entering the umbilici at a very acute angle.
No measurements are available
Composition: aragoniteo
Composition 2: low Mg calciteo
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 10 to < 100g
Adult width: 10 to < 100g
Adult height: 10 to < 100g
Locomotion: slow-movingg
Life habit: low-level epifaunalg
Diet: detritivoreg
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2004-02-29 18:42:55
Modified: 2009-10-11 13:36:33
Source: g = genus, o = order, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Kiessling 2004

Age range: Givetian or 387.70000 to 380.20000 Ma

Collections (19 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Teutonophon striatus (129911)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Germany (Hessen) Bellerophon lineatus (38353 38354 38355 38356 38357 38361)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Germany (Nordrhein Westfalen) Bellerophon lineatus (38352)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7United Kingdom (England) Bellerophon lineatus (81021 129878 130270 154672)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Germany (Rheinland-Pfalz) Bellerophon lineatus (38358 38359 38360)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Germany (Sauerland) Bellerophon lineatus (56160) Teutonophon striatus (51936 51967)
Late/Upper Givetian380.2 - 382.7Germany Bellerophon striatus (60183)