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Trilobita - Phacopida - Phacopidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1839Phacops Emmrich p. 56
1849Phacops M'Coy p. 398
2002Phacops Sepkoski
2003Phacops Jell and Adrain p. 424

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderPhacopidaSalter 1864
suborderPhacopinaStruve 1959
superfamilyPhacopoideaHupe 1953
familyPhacopidaeHawle and Corda 1847

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Phacops Emmrich 1839
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Subg. †Phacops (Boeckops) Chlupac 1972
Subg. †Phacops (Chasmops) M'Coy 1849
Subg. †Phacops (Chotecops) Chlupac 1971
Subg. †Phacops (Dalmania) Emmrich 1844
Dalmania caudatus Brünnich 1781
Subg. †Phacops (Nephranops) Richter 1926
Subg. †Nephranops (Maternia) Feist 2019
Nephranops (Maternia) dillanus Richter and Richter 1926
Subg. †Nephranops (Nephranops) Richter and Richter 1926
Invalid names: Perliproetus muensteri Richter 1869 [synonym]
Nephranops dillanus Richter and Richter 1926
Subg. †Phacops (Omegops) Struve 1976
Subg. †Phacops (Phacops) Emmrich 1839
Phacops (Phacops) brocki Feist and Talent 2000
Phacops (Phacops) nyter Struve 1970
Phacops (Phacops) oehlerti Morzadec 1969
Phacops (Phacops) papulatus Richter and Richter 1943
Subg. †Phacops (Portlockia) M'Coy 1849
Subg. †Phacops (Prokops) Chlupac 1971
Subg. †Phacops (Pterygometopus) Schmidt 1881
Phacops alifrons McCoy 1851
Phacops araw McKellar and Chatterton 2009
Phacops breviceps Angelin 1854
Phacops circumspectans Paeckelmann 1913
Phacops fragosus Struve 1970
Phacops granulatus Munster 1840
Invalid names: Phacops posidoniae Gürich 1896 [synonym]
Phacops guranensis Maksimova 1969
Phacops iowensis Delo 1935
Phacops latifrons Bronn 1825
Phacops maurusius Alberti 1983
Phacops maximus Törnquist 1884
Phacops natlensis Perry and Chatterton 1976
Phacops ouarouroutensis Crônier et al. 2018
Phacops papulatus Richter and Richter 1943
Phacops postaltaicus Maksimova 1960
Phacops pronini Maksimova 1955
Phacops spedeni Chatterton 1971
Phacops tafilaltensis Crônier and Clarkson 2001
Phacops tamtertensis Cronier et al. 2013
Phacops transversalis Yi and Xiang 1975
Phacops turco Richter and Richter 1939
Phacops zeregensis Cronier et al. 2013
No diagnoses are available