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Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Iguanidae was named by Oppel (1811). It is extant. It was considered monophyletic by Lee and Caldwell (2000).
It was assigned to Lacertae by Gadow (1898); to Sauria by Hay (1902); to Lacertidi by Perrier (1928); to Iguanoidae by Hay (1930); to Squamata by Estes (1961); to Lacertilia by Zittel (1890), Frank and Ramus (1996); to Iguania by Gilmore (1928), Kuhn (1946), Lee and Caldwell (2000); to Pleurodonta by Conrad and Norell (2007); and to Iguania by Cope (1871), Cope (1875), Cocude-Michel (1963), Kuhn (1966), Seiffert (1975), Estes (1983), Estes et al. (1988), Carroll (1988), Norell (1989), Alifanov (1993), Gao and Fox (1996), Gao and Hou (1996), Smith (2006), Conrad et al. (2007).
It was assigned to Lacertae by Gadow (1898); to Sauria by Hay (1902); to Lacertidi by Perrier (1928); to Iguanoidae by Hay (1930); to Squamata by Estes (1961); to Lacertilia by Zittel (1890), Frank and Ramus (1996); to Iguania by Gilmore (1928), Kuhn (1946), Lee and Caldwell (2000); to Pleurodonta by Conrad and Norell (2007); and to Iguania by Cope (1871), Cope (1875), Cocude-Michel (1963), Kuhn (1966), Seiffert (1975), Estes (1983), Estes et al. (1988), Carroll (1988), Norell (1989), Alifanov (1993), Gao and Fox (1996), Gao and Hou (1996), Smith (2006), Conrad et al. (2007).
Abas, Aciprion, Amblyrhynchus, Anisolepis, Anolbanolis, Basiliscus, Brachylophus, Cadurciguana, Callisaurus, Chamaeleolis, Chamaelinorops, Cnephasaurus, Corytophanes, Corytophaninae, Crotaphytus, Ctenosaura, Cyclura, Cypressaurus, Diplolaemus, Enyalioides, Enyalius, Erichosaurus, Geiseltaliellus, Harrisonsaurus, Holbrookia, Hoplocercus, Iguana, Iguaninae, Laemanctus, Leiocephalus, Leiosaurus, Morunasaurus, Oreithyia (syn. Orithyia), Paradipsosaurus, Paranolis, Parasauromalus, Petrosaurus, Phenacosaurus, Phrynosomatinae, Pristidactylus, Pristiguana, Proiguana, Queironius, Sauromalus, Sceloporus, Suzanniwana, Swainiguanoides, Uracentron, Uranoscodon, Urosaurus, Urostrophus, Uta, Xihaina
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1811 | Iguanidae Oppel |
1871 | Iguanidae Cope p. 236 |
1875 | Iguanidae Cope p. 18 |
1890 | Iguanidae Zittel p. 607 |
1898 | Iguanidae Gadow p. 25 |
1902 | Iguanidae Hay p. 474 |
1928 | Iguanidae Gilmore p. 14 |
1928 | Iguanidae Perrier p. 3094 |
1930 | Iguanidae Hay p. 245 |
1946 | Iguanidae Kuhn p. 61 |
1961 | Iguanidae Estes p. 8 fig. 5 |
1963 | Iguanidae Cocude-Michel |
1966 | Iguanidae Kuhn p. 49 |
1975 | Iguanidae Seiffert p. 10 |
1983 | Iguanidae Estes |
1988 | Iguanidae Carroll |
1988 | Iguanidae Estes et al. |
1989 | Iguanidae Norell |
1993 | Iguanidae Alifanov p. 12 |
1996 | Iguanidae Frank and Ramus |
1996 | Iguanidae Gao and Fox p. 13 |
1996 | Iguanidae Gao and Hou p. 580 |
2000 | Iguanidae Lee and Caldwell |
2006 | Iguanidae Smith p. 5 |
2007 | Iguanidae Conrad and Norell fig. 19 |
2007 | Iguanidae Conrad et al. p. 1370 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. Iguanidae Oppel 1811
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G. Abas Núñez and Yánez 1984 [Koslowsky's tree iguana]
Abas anomalus Koslowsky 1896 [Koslowsky's tree iguana]
Abas fabiani Yanez and Nunez 1983
G. Anisolepis Wiegmann 1834 [Tree lizards]
Anisolepis grilli Boulenger 1891 [Boulenger's tree lizard]
Anisolepis undulatus Wiegmann 1834 [Wiegmann's tree lizard]
G. Basiliscus Laurenti 1768
Basiliscus basiliscus Linneaus 1758 [Common basilisk]
Basiliscus galeritus Dumeril 1851 [Western basilisk]
Basiliscus plumifrons Cope 1876 [Green basilisk]
Basiliscus vittatus Wiegmann 1828 [Brown basilisk]
G. Brachylophus Cuvier 1829 [Fiji iguanas]
Brachylophus fasciatus Brongniart 1800 [Fiji banded iguana]
Brachylophus vitiensis Gibbons 1980 [Fiji crested iguana]
G. Callisaurus Blainville 1835 [Zebratail lizards]
Callisaurus draconoides Blainville 1835 [Zebratail lizard]
G. Chamaeleolis Dumeril and Bibron 1837 [Crested false chameleons]
Chamaeleolis chamaeleonides Dumeril and Bibron 1837 [False chameleon]
G. Chamaelinorops Schmidt 1919 [Mimic chameleons]
Chamaelinorops barbouri Schmidt 1919 [Mimic chameleon]
G. Corytophanes Boie 1826 [helmeted basilisk]
Corytophanes cristatus Merrem 1821 [Smooth helmeted iguana]
Corytophanes hernandezii Wiegmann 1831 [Hernandez's helmeted iguana]
Corytophanes percarinatus Dumeril 1856 [Keeled helmeted iguana]
G. Crotaphytus Holbrook 1843 [collared lizard]
Crotaphytus bicinctores Smith and Tanner 1972 [Mojave black-collared lizard]
Crotaphytus collaris Say 1823 [Collared lizard]
G. Ctenosaura Wiegmann 1828 [spinytail iguana]
Ctenosaura pectinata Wiegmann 1834 [Mexican spinytail iguana]
G. Diplolaemus Bell 1843 [Patagonia iguanas]
Diplolaemus bibronii Bell 1843 [Bibron's iguana]
Diplolaemus darwinii Bell 1843 [Darwin's iguana]
Diplolaemus leopardinus Werner 1894 [Leopard iguana]
G. Enyalioides Boulenger 1885 [Dwarf iguanas]
Enyalioides laticeps Guichenot 1855 [Guichenot's dwarf iguana]
Enyalioides oshaughnessyi Boulenger 1881 [O'Shaughnessy's dwarf iguana]
Enyalioides palpebralis Boulenger 1883 [Boulenger's dwarf iguana]
G. Enyalius Wied 1821 [Fathead anoles]
Enyalius bilineatus Dumeril and Bibron 1837 [Two-lined fathead anole]
Enyalius catenatus Wied 1821 [Wied's fathead anole]
Enyalius iheringii Boulenger 1885 [Ihering's fathead anole]
G. †Erichosaurus Ameghino 1899
G. †Geiseltaliellus Kuhn 1944
†Geiseltaliellus grisolli Augé 2005
†Geiseltaliellus lamandini Filhol 1877
†Geiseltaliellus maarius Smith 2009
†Geiseltaliellus pradiguensis Auge 2007
G. Iguana Laurenti 1768 [iguana]
Iguana delicatissima Laurent 1768 [West Indian iguana]
Iguana iguana Linneaus 1758 [Green iguana]
Subfm. Iguaninae Cope 1886
G. Dipsosaurus Hallowell 1854 [dessert iguana]
Dipsosaurus dorsalis Baird and Girard 1852 [Desert iguana]
G. Phrynosoma Wiegmann 1828 [horned lizard]
†Phrynosoma anzaense Norell 1989
Phrynosoma asio Cope 1864 [Giant horned lizard]
Phrynosoma douglassii Bell 1828 [Short-horned lizard]
Phrynosoma modestum Girard 1852 [Roundtail horned lizard]
Phrynosoma platyrhinos Girard 1852 [Desert horned lizard]
G. Laemanctus Wiegmann 1834 [casquehead iguana]
Laemanctus longipes Wiegmann 1834 [Eastern casquehead iguana]
Laemanctus serratus Cope 1864 [Serrated casquehead iguana]
G. Leiocephalus Gray 1827 [curly-tailed lizard]
Leiocephalus barahonensis Schmidt 1921 [Barahona curlytail lizard]
Leiocephalus carinatus Gray 1827 [Northern curlytail lizard]
Leiocephalus personatus Cope 1863 [Haitian curlytail lizard]
G. Leiosaurus Duméril and Bibron 1837
Leiosaurus bardensis Gallardo 1961 [Southern anole]
Leiosaurus bellii Dumeril and Bibron 1837 [Bell's anole]
†Leiosaurus marellii Rusconi 1937
G. Morunasaurus Dunn 1933 [Lesser spinytail iguanas]
Morunasaurus annularis O'Shaughnessy 1881 [Ringed spinytail iguana]
Morunasaurus grai Dunn 1933 [Dunn's spinytail iguana]
G. Petrosaurus Boulenger 1885 [Rock lizards]
Petrosaurus mearnsi Stejneger 1894 [Banded rock lizard]
Petrosaurus thalassinus Cope 1863 [Baja California rock lizard]
G. Phenacosaurus Barbour 1920 [Andes anoles]
Phenacosaurus heterodermus Dumeril 1851 [Flat Andes anoles]
Subfm. †Phrynosomatinae Frost and Etheridge 1989
G. Pristidactylus D'Orbigny and Bibron 1847
Pristidactylus achalensis Gallardo 1934 [Argentine anole]
Pristidactylus alvaroi Donoso-Barros 1975 [Alvaro's anole]
Pristidactylus casuhatiensis Gallardo 1968 [Casuhatien anole]
Pristidactylus fasciatus D'Orbigny and Bibron 1847 [D'Orbigny's banded anole]
Pristidactylus scapulatus Burmeister 1861 [Burmeister's anole]
Pristidactylus torquatus Montecinos Espinoza and Formas 1979 [Southern grumbler]
Pristidactylus valeriae Etheridge and Williams 1985
G. Sauromalus Duméril 1856 [chuckwalla]
Sauromalus ater Dumeril 1856 [Northern chuckwalla]
Sauromalus obesus Baird 1858 [chuckwalla]
G. Sceloporus Wiegmann 1828 [spiny lizard]
Sceloporus grammicus Wiegmann 1828 [Mesquite lizard]
Sceloporus magister Hallowell 1854 [Desert spiny lizard]
Sceloporus olivaceus Smith 1934 [Texas spiny lizard]
†Sceloporus robustus Twente 1952
Sceloporus undulatus Bosc 1802 [eastern fence lizard]
Sceloporus variabilis Wiegmann 1834 [Rosebelly lizard]
G. †Suzanniwana Smith 2009
†Suzanniwana patriciana Smith 2009
†Suzanniwana revenanta Smith and Gauthier 2013
G. Uracentron Kaup 1827 [Thornytail iguanas]
Uracentron azureum Linneaus 1758 [Green thornytail iguana]
Uracentron flaviceps Guichenot 1855 [Tropical thornytail iguana]
G. Uranoscodon Linneaus 1758 [Mophead iguana]
Uranoscodon superciliosa Linneaus 1758 [Mophead iguana]
G. Urosaurus Hallowell 1854
Urosaurus microscutatus Van Denburgh 1894 [Small-scaled lizard]
Urosaurus nigrocaudus Cope 1864 [Blacktail brush lizard]
G. Urostrophus Dumeril and Bibron 1837 [Steppe iguanas]
Urostrophus vautieri Dumeril and Bibron 1837 [Brazilian steppe iguana]
G. Uta Baird and Girard 1852 [side-blotched lizard]
Uta stansburiana Baird and Girard 1852 [Side-blotched lizard]
Invalid names: Corytophaninae Macey et al. 1997 [empty]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
E. Perrier 1928 | Caractères des AGAMIDÆ, mais pleurodontes. Tous de l'Amérique, sauf les genres Chalarodon, Peters et Hoplurus, Guvier, de Madagascar et Brachylophus, Cuvier, des îles Fidji. La famille la plus nombreuse en genres (50) de tous les Sauriens. |