Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Eporeodon was named by Marsh (1875). Its type is Oreodon occidentalis.
It was synonymized subjectively with Eucrotaphus by Cope (1884).
It was assigned to Merycoidodontinae by Hay (1902); to Oreodontidae by Scott (1913); to Merycoidodontidae by Marsh (1875), Scott (1890), Thorpe (1921), Thorpe (1937), Scott (1940) and Lander (1998); and to Eporeodontinae by Schultz and Falkenbach (1968), Stevens and Stevens (1996), Stevens and Stevens (2007) and Stevens et al. (2023).
It was synonymized subjectively with Eucrotaphus by Cope (1884).
It was assigned to Merycoidodontinae by Hay (1902); to Oreodontidae by Scott (1913); to Merycoidodontidae by Marsh (1875), Scott (1890), Thorpe (1921), Thorpe (1937), Scott (1940) and Lander (1998); and to Eporeodontinae by Schultz and Falkenbach (1968), Stevens and Stevens (1996), Stevens and Stevens (2007) and Stevens et al. (2023).
E. (Oreodontoides), E. (Paraeporeodon), E. longifrons, E. occidentalis (syn. E. davisi, E. condoni, E. thurstoni, Dayohyus wortmani, Eucrotaphus trigonocephalus, E. leptacanthus), E. pacificus (syn. Eucrotaphus major longifrons, Hypsiops johndayensis, E. perbullatus, Pseudogenetochoerus covensis, E. leptacanthus leptacanthus, Eucrotaphus jacksoni leptacanthus)
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1875 | Eporeodon Marsh |
1890 | Eporeodon Scott |
1902 | Eporeodon Hay p. 667 |
1913 | Eporeodon Scott p. 361 |
1921 | Eporeodon Thorpe |
1937 | Eporeodon Thorpe p. 62 |
1940 | Eporeodon Scott p. 677 figs. Plat'e LXXII |
1968 | Dayohyus Schultz and Falkenbach |
1968 | Eporeodon Schultz and Falkenbach p. 198 |
1968 | Dayohyus Schultz and Falkenbach p. 215 figs. Figures 28, 29, 52 (skulls, mandibles, and dentition), 30 (limbs) |
1996 | Eporeodon Stevens and Stevens p. 527 |
1998 | Eporeodon Lander |
2007 | Eporeodon Stevens and Stevens p. 160 |
2023 | Eporeodon Stevens et al. pp. 15- 17 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Eporeodon Marsh 1875
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Subg. †Eporeodon (Oreodontoides) Thorpe 1921
†Eporeodon (Oreodontoides) oregonensis Thorpe 1921
Subg. †Eporeodon (Paraeporeodon) Schultz and Falkenbach 1968
†Eporeodon (Paraeporeodon) pacificus Cope 1884
†Eporeodon longifrons Cope 1884
†Eporeodon occidentalis Marsh 1873
†Eporeodon trigonocephalus parvus Thorpe 1921
Invalid names: Dayohyus wortmani Schultz and Falkenbach 1968 [synonym], Eporeodon condoni Thorpe 1921 [synonym], Eporeodon davisi Schultz and Falkenbach 1968 [synonym], Eporeodon leptacanthus Cope 1884 [synonym], Eporeodon thurstoni Stock 1934 [synonym], Eucrotaphus trigonocephalus Cope 1884 [synonym]
†Eporeodon pacificus Cope 1884
Invalid names: Eporeodon leptacanthus leptacanthus Cope 1884 [synonym], Eporeodon perbullatus Thorpe 1921 [synonym], Eucrotaphus major longifrons Cope 1884 [synonym], Hypsiops johndayensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1950 [synonym], Pseudogenetochoerus covensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1968 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dayohyus Schultz and Falkenbach 1968 [synonym], Eucrotaphus jacksoni leptacanthus Cope 1884 [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
M. S. Stevens et al. 2023 | Medium-sized oreodonts (basal length from171-207 mm; width of skull from 125-160 mm) with inflatedauditory bullae, small facial vacuities, tendency toward afan-shaped occiput, arched dorsal profile of the frontals andnasals, and mesodont teeth. Compared to Merycoidodon majorand other merycoidodontines with enlarged auditory bullae, Eporeodon has a much narrower and more concave nasal profile,more inclined premaxillae, and has a much larger and deeperpreorbital fossa. |