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Trichechidae (manatee)
Trichecidae was named by Gray (1821) [sensu Gill 1872 p. 91]. It is extant. Its type is Trichechus.
It was misspelled as Trichecidae by Turner (1912); it was corrected as Trichechidae by Gill (1872), Hay (1902), Rhoads (1903), Hay (1930), Simpson (1932), Kretzoi (1941), Sherman (1952), Pascual (1953), Paula Couto (1956), Reinhart (1959), Scheffer and Rice (1963), Paula Couto (1967), Heal (1973), Husar (1977), Husar (1978), Domning (1979), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Barnes et al. (1985), Vidal (1991), Nowak (1991), Domning (1994), Domning (1996), Rice (1998), Bergqvist et al. (1999), Rice (2002), Domning (2008), Rice (2009), Berta (2017) and Domning (2018).
It was assigned to Amphibiae by Gray (1821); to Pinnipedia by Turner (1912); to Trichechoidea by Gill (1872) and Heal (1973); to Trichechiformes by Hay (1930), Simpson (1932), Kretzoi (1941), Pascual (1953), Paula Couto (1956), Paula Couto (1967) and Vidal (1991); to Sirenia by Reinhart (1959), Domning (1979), Nowak (1991), Domning (1994), Domning (1996) and Rice (1998); to Sirenia by Berta (2017); and to Sirenia by Hay (1902), Rhoads (1903), Sherman (1952), Scheffer and Rice (1963), Husar (1977), Husar (1978), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Barnes et al. (1985), Bergqvist et al. (1999), Rice (2002), Domning (2008), Rice (2009) and Domning (2018).
It was misspelled as Trichecidae by Turner (1912); it was corrected as Trichechidae by Gill (1872), Hay (1902), Rhoads (1903), Hay (1930), Simpson (1932), Kretzoi (1941), Sherman (1952), Pascual (1953), Paula Couto (1956), Reinhart (1959), Scheffer and Rice (1963), Paula Couto (1967), Heal (1973), Husar (1977), Husar (1978), Domning (1979), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Barnes et al. (1985), Vidal (1991), Nowak (1991), Domning (1994), Domning (1996), Rice (1998), Bergqvist et al. (1999), Rice (2002), Domning (2008), Rice (2009), Berta (2017) and Domning (2018).
It was assigned to Amphibiae by Gray (1821); to Pinnipedia by Turner (1912); to Trichechoidea by Gill (1872) and Heal (1973); to Trichechiformes by Hay (1930), Simpson (1932), Kretzoi (1941), Pascual (1953), Paula Couto (1956), Paula Couto (1967) and Vidal (1991); to Sirenia by Reinhart (1959), Domning (1979), Nowak (1991), Domning (1994), Domning (1996) and Rice (1998); to Sirenia by Berta (2017); and to Sirenia by Hay (1902), Rhoads (1903), Sherman (1952), Scheffer and Rice (1963), Husar (1977), Husar (1978), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Barnes et al. (1985), Bergqvist et al. (1999), Rice (2002), Domning (2008), Rice (2009) and Domning (2018).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1799 | Manatus aequatorialis Lacépède |
1821 | Trichecidae Gray p. 302 |
1821 | Manatidae Gray p. 309 |
1825 | Manatidae Gray p. 340 |
1842 | Manatidae De Kay p. 122 |
1846 | Halicorea Brandt p. 132 |
1850 | Manatidae Bonaparte p. 1 |
1850 | Manatidae Gray p. 138 |
1864 | Manatidae Gray p. 247 |
1866 | Manatidae Gray p. 356 |
1868 | Manatida Brandt p. 343 |
1872 | Trichechidae Gill p. 91 |
1872 | Trichechoidea Gill p. 91 |
1873 | Manatidae Scott p. 49 |
1883 | Manatidae Flower p. 184 |
1889 | Manatidae Cope p. 876 |
1890 | Manatidae Cope p. 698 |
1891 | Manatidae Flower and Lydekker p. 89 |
1898 | Manatidae Trouessart p. 999 |
1902 | Trichechidae Hay p. 583 |
1903 | Trichechidae Rhoads p. 246 |
1904 | Manatidae Case p. 56 |
1911 | Manatidae Jaekel p. 245 |
1912 | Manatidae Turner p. 155 |
1912 | Trichecidae Turner p. 163 |
1919 | Manatidae Abel p. 835 |
1928 | Manatidae Weber p. 495 |
1930 | Trichechidae Hay p. 658 |
1932 | Trichechidae Simpson p. 424 |
1941 | Trichechidae Kretzoi p. 155 |
1952 | Trichechidae Sherman p. 98 |
1953 | Trichechidae Pascual p. 167 |
1956 | Trichechidae Paula Couto p. 106 |
1959 | Trichechidae Reinhart p. 64 |
1963 | Trichechidae Scheffer and Rice p. 4 |
1967 | Trichechidae Paula Couto p. 346 |
1973 | Trichechidae Heal p. 165 |
1973 | Trichechoidea Heal p. 165 |
1977 | Trichechidae Husar p. 1 |
1978 | Trichechidae Husar p. 1 |
1979 | Trichechidae Domning |
1980 | Trichechidae Kurten and Anderson p. 341 |
1985 | Trichechidae Barnes et al. p. 33 |
1988 | Manatidae Carroll |
1991 | Trichechidae Nowak |
1991 | Trichechidae Vidal p. 6 |
1994 | Trichechidae Domning p. 189 |
1996 | Trichechidae Domning p. 379 |
1996 | Manatus vulgaris Domning p. 382 |
1998 | Trichechidae Rice |
1999 | Trichechidae Bergqvist et al. p. 31 |
2002 | Trichechidae Rice p. 232 figs. Table 1 |
2008 | Trichechidae Domning |
2009 | Trichechidae Rice p. 235 figs. Table 1 |
2017 | Trichechidae Berta p. 171 |
2018 | Trichechidae Domning p. 857 figs. Fig. 1 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. Trichechidae Gray 1821 [manatee]
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Subfm. †Miosireninae Abel 1919
Fm. Trichechinae Gray 1825
G. †Potamosiren Reinhart 1951
†Potamosiren magdalenensis Savage 1951
Invalid names: Metaxytherium ortegense Kellogg 1966 [synonym]
G. Trichechus Linnaeus 1758 [manatee]
†Trichechus hesperamazonicus Perini et al. 2020
Trichechus inunguis Natterer 1883 [Amazonian manatee]
Trichechus manatus Linnaeus 1758
†Trichechus manatus bakerorum Domning 2005
Trichechus manatus latirostris Harlan 1824
Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Manatus americanus De Kay 1842 [synonym], Manatus australis Retzius 1794 [synonym], Manatus koellikeri Trouessart 1904 [synonym]
Trichechus senegalensis Link 1795 [West African manatee]
Invalid names: Manatus senegalensis Desmarest 1817 [synonym]
Invalid names: Halipaedisca Gistel 1848 [synonym], Manatus Brunnich 1772 [synonym], Neodermus Rafinesque 1815 [synonym], Oxystomus Fischer von Waldheim 1803 [synonym]
Invalid names: Trichechina Bonaparte 1850 [empty]
Invalid names: Halicorea Brandt 1846 [synonym], Halicoreae Brandt 1833 [objective synonym], Manatida Brandt 1868 [objective synonym], Manatidae Gray 1821 [objective synonym], Manatoidea Gill 1872 [objective synonym], Manatus aequatorialis Lacépède 1799 [invalid subgroup], Manatus vulgaris Domning 1996 [invalid subgroup], Trichechoidea Gill 1872 [objective synonym]
No diagnoses are available