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Humboldtiella imbricata

Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae

Pleurotomaria imbricata was named by Römer (1843). It is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Grund, northwest of Hartz mountains, which is in a Famennian carbonate limestone in the Cürten Strata Formation of Germany.

It was recombined as Euryzone imbricata by Koken (1896); it was recombined as Humboldtiella imbricata by Wagner (2023).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1843Pleurotomaria imbricata Römer p. 28 figs. pl. 8 f. 1
1843Pleurotomaria undulata Römer p. 28 figs. pl. 7 f. 10a-b
1896Euryzone imbricata Koken p. 508
1999Humboldtiella undulata Blodgett and Frýda p. 300 figs. txt. f. 7A-C
2023Humboldtiella imbricata Wagner p. 3669

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EubilateriaAx 1987

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Humboldtiella imbricata Römer 1843
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Invalid names: Humboldtiella undulata Römer 1843 [synonym]
R. B. Blodgett and J. Frýda 1999 (Humboldtiella undulata)Medium sized, shells, with up to four adult whorls, nucleus unknown; spire very low, nearly flat; apical sutures deeply impressed; upper whorl surface very weakly convex, succeeding whorls joining preceeding at, but separated by deep sutural furrow, the angulation separating the outer and upper whorl surfaces of the latter, selenizone broad flat, situated at juncture between outer and upper whorl surfaces, inclined at 45o from horizontal, bordered on either side by coarse, prominent spiral cord, somewhat stronger in strenght than adjoining spiral lirae of ornament, lunulae very faint, U-shaped, more readily visible under binocular microscope are numerous fine spiral threads which are much finer that those of the spiral ornament of the adjacent upper and outer whorl surfaces; outer whorl surface moderately convex, steeply inclined above, periphery located at lower border cord of selenizone; base rounded, broadly phaneromphalous, with deep umbilicus, a weak circumumbilical angulation is present; basal (umbilical) whorl surface moderately convex; ornament consists of fine spiral threads which are numerous and closely spaced on both the upper and outer whorl surfaces, being separated by flat interspaces of nearly equal or slightly greater width; on umbilical whorl surface the spiral threads are considerably weaker and further spaced, being separated by flat interspaces 3ñ5 times their width; weak collabral growth also present, being poorly preserved on upper whorl surface, but where visible these appear to be moderately prosocyrt (concave-forward) with arching nearly symmetrical with respect to upper whorl surface, growth lines on outer whorl surface initially arched forward for a short distance beneath the selenizone, but soon culminate in a rounded arch and are then declined in a prosocline manner in the middle portion of the whorl surface, but become opistocyrt lower towards the basal angulation, on the umbilical whorl surface the growth lines are prosocline initially becomes prosocyrt as they descend deeper into the umbilical depression; apertural margins no preserved, but based on the form of the growth lines it appears that a shallow sinus was present at the angulation separating the upper and outer whorl surface, depth of slit uncertain.