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Haematopus palliatus (American oystercatcher)
Haematopus palliatus was named by Temminick (1820). It is extant.
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1820 | Haematopus palliatus Temminick |
1955 | Palostralegus sulcatus Brodkorb p. 20 figs. Fig. 18 |
1956 | Palostralegus sulcatus Wetmore p. 70 |
1979 | Haematopus sulcatus Olson and Steadman p. 977 |
2002 | Haematopus palliatus Warheit p. 36 figs. Appendix 2.1 |
2017 | Haematopus palliatus Clements et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Haematopus palliatus Temminick 1820 [American oystercatcher]
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Invalid names: Palostralegus sulcatus Brodkorb 1955 [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
P. Brodkorb 1955 (Palostralegus sulcatus) | Distal portion of tibiotarsus agrees with Haematopus in having the external ligamental prominence only moderately angular
and situated well above condyle; groove for peroneus profundus mod- erately developed; internal condyle in distal aspect nearly perpendi- cular, that is slanting only slightly away from shaft; internal ligamental prominence situated high with relation to the condyle, that is at the anterior edge of the lower end of the shaft. Differs from Haematopusin having the intercondylar sulcus more excavated; tibial bridge ossified; ligamental groove above bridge nar- rower; internal ligamental prominence slightly higher and slightly better developed. Differs from the Scolopacidae, as exemplified by Numenius, in having the intercondylar sulcus more excavated and without raised medial portion; external ligamental prominence less angular and situ- ated higher on shaft; groove for peroneus profundus less distinct; tibial bridge and its openings more oblique; ligamental groove above tibial bridge narrower; internal ligamental prominence better devel- oped and located higher and more anteriorly; internal condyle in distal aspect nearly perpendicular, not slanting so abruptly away from shaft. Differs from the Burninidae in having the intercondylar sulcus wider and without raised medial area; internal condyle with upper end more inclined toward shaft; internal ligamental prominence more angular and situated above condyle; groove for peroneus profundus less distinct; internal condyle in distal aspect much deeper than ex- ternal condyle (only slightly so in Burhinus). From the Recurvirostridae it differs more markedly. Its long in- ternal condyle, stout shaft, and raised internal ligamental prominence remove it from that family immediately. |