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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1872Centetoidea Gill p. 19
1877Centetoidea Schlosser p. 89
1930Tenrecoidae Hay
1967Tenrecoidea Van Valen
1972Tenrecomorpha Butler
1998Afrosoricida Stanhope et al.
2001Afrosoricida Waddell et al. p. 148 figs. Figure 3
2005Tenrecoidea Asher et al. p. 919
2005Afrosoricida Wilson and Reeder
2005Tenrecomorpha Wilson and Reeder
2007Afrosoricida Seiffert
2007Tenrecoidea Seiffert
2008Tenrecoidea Alroy
2010Tenrecoidea Asher and Helgen p. 3

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
AfrotheriaStanhope et al. 1998

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. Tenrecoidea Hay 1930
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Fm. Chrysochloridae Gray 1825 [golden mole]
G. Amblysomus Pomel 1848 [African golden mole]
Invalid names: Calcochloris Mivart 1867 [synonym], Chrysotrica Broom 1907 [synonym], Huetia Forcart 1942 [synonym]
G. Carpitalpa Lundholm 1955 [Arend's golden mole]
G. Chlorotalpa Roberts 1924
G. Chrysochloris Lacépède 1799 [Cape golden mole]
Subg. Chrysochloris (Chrysochloris) Lacépède 1799
Chrysochloris (Chrysochloris) visagiei Broom 1950 [Visagies golden mole]
Subg. Chrysochloris (Kilimatalpa) Lundholm 1955
Chrysochloris (Kilimatalpa) stuhlmanni Matschie 1894 [Stuhlmanns golden mole]
Chrysochloris arenosa Asher and Avery 2010
Chrysochloris asiatica Linnaeus 1758 [Cape golden mole]
Chrysochloris bronneri Asher and Avery 2010
Invalid names: Aspalax Desmarest 1804 [synonym], Chrysoris Rafinesque 1815 [synonym], Ducantalpa Boitard 1842 [synonym], Engyscopus Gistel 1848 [synonym], Kilimatalpa Lundholm 1955 [synonym]
G. Chrysospalax Gill 1883 [giant golden mole]
Chrysospalax trevelyani Günther 1875 [Giant golden mole]
Chrysospalax villosus Smith 1833 [Rough-haired golden mole]
Invalid names: Bematiscus Cope 1892 [synonym]
G. Cryptochloris Shortridge and Carter 1938
G. †Damarachloris Pickford 2019
Damarachloris primaevus Pickford 2019
G. †Diamantochloris Pickford 2015
Diamantochloris inconcessus Pickford 2015
G. Eremitalpa Roberts 1924 [Grant's golden mole]
Eremitalpa granti Broom 1907 [Grants golden mole]
G. †Namachloris Pickford 2015
Namachloris arenatans Pickford 2015
G. Neamblysomus Roberts 1924
G. †Proamblysomus Broom 1941
Subfm. †Prochrysochlorinae Butler 1984
G. †Prochrysochloris Butler and Hopwood 1957
Prochrysochloris miocaenicus Butler and Hopwood 1957
Invalid names: Amblysominae Simonetta 1957 [synonym], Chrysochlorinae [empty], Eremitalpinae Simonetta 1957 [synonym]
G. †Plesiorycteropus Filhol 1895
Invalid names: Majoria Thomas 1915 [synonym]
Fm. Potamogalidae Allman 1866
G. †Namagale Pickford 2015
Namagale grandis Pickford 2015
G. Potamogale Du Chaillu 1860
Potamogale velox Du Chaillu 1860 [giant otter shrew]
Invalid names: Bayonia Barboza du Bocage 1865 [synonym], Mythomys Gray 1861 [objective synonym]
G. †Qatranilestes Seiffert 2010
Qatranilestes oligocaenus Seiffert 2010
Fm. Tenrecidae Gray 1821 [tenrec]
G. †Arenagale Pickford 2015
Arenagale calcareus Pickford 2015
G. Echinops Martin 1838 [lesser hedgehog tenrec]
Echinops telfairi Martin 1838 [lesser hedgehog tenrec]
G. Geogale Milne-Edwards and Grandidier 1872 [large-eared tenrec]
Geogale aletris Butler and Hopwood 1957
Geogale aurita Milne-Edwards and Grandidier 1872 [Large-eared tenrec]
Invalid names: Cryptogale Grandidier 1928 [synonym]
Subfm. †Geogalinae Trouessart 1879
G. †Parageogale Butler 1984
G. Limnogale Major 1896
Limnogale mergulus Major 1896 [web-footed tenrec]
G. Microgale Thomas 1882 [shrew tenrec]
Microgale talazaci Major 1896 [Talazacs shrew tenrec]
Invalid names: Leptogale Thomas 1918 [synonym], Nesogale Thomas 1918 [synonym], Paramicrogale Grandidier and Petit 1931 [synonym]
G. †Ndamathaia Jacobs et al. 1987
Subfm. Oryzorictinae Dobson 1882
G. Oryzorictes Grandidier 1870
Oryzorictes hova Grandidier 1870 [Mole-like rice tenrec]
Oryzorictes tetradactylus Milne-Edwards and Grandidier 1882 [Four-toed rice tenrec]
Invalid names: Nesoryctes Thomas 1918 [synonym]
Subfm. †Potamogalinae
G. Micropotamogale Heim de Balsac 1954
Micropotamogale lamottei Heim de Balsac 1954 [Nimba otter shrew]
Micropotamogale ruwenzorii de Witte and Frechkop 1955 [Ruwenzori otter shrew]
Invalid names: Kivugale Kretzoi 1961 [synonym], Mesopotamogale Heim de Balsac 1956 [synonym]
Invalid names: Mystomyidae Cope 1883 [synonym]
G. †Promicrogale Pickford 2018
Promicrogale namibiensis Pickford 2018
Subfm. †Protenrecinae Butler 1969
G. †Erythrozootes Butler and Hopwood 1957
Erythrozootes chamerpes Butler and Hopwood 1957
G. †Protenrec Butler and Hopwood 1957
Protenrec butleri Mein and Pickford 2003
Protenrec tricuspis Butler and Hopwood 1957
G. Setifer Froriep 1806 [greater hedgehog tenrec]
Setifer setosus Froriep 1806 [greater hedgehog tenrec]
Invalid names: Ericulus Saint Hilaire 1837 [synonym], Hericulus Gloger 1841 [synonym], Tendrac Blainville 1838 [synonym]
G. †Sperrgale Pickford 2015
Sperrgale minutus Pickford 2015
G. Tenrec Lacépède 1799 [tail-less tenrec]
Tenrec ecaudatus Schreber 1778 [common tenrec]
Invalid names: Centetes Illiger 1811 [synonym], Tanrecus Blainville 1838 [synonym]
Subfm. †Tenrecinae Gray 1821
G. Dasogale Grandidier 1928
G. Hemicentetes Mivart 1871
Hemicentetes nigriceps Günther 1875 [Highland streaked tenrec]
Hemicentetes semispinosus Cuvier 1798 [Lowland streaked tenrec]
Invalid names: Echinodes Trouessart 1879 [synonym], Eteocles Gray 1821 [synonym]
Invalid names: Centetina Bonaparte 1838 [synonym], Echinogalinae Murray 1866 [synonym]
Invalid names: Centetidae Murray 1866 [synonym]
Invalid names: Afrosoricida Stanhope et al. 1998 [invalid subgroup], Centetoidea Gill 1872 [synonym], Tenrecomorpha Butler 1972 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available