Classification of Stephens 1829

Fm. Staphylinidae Latreille 1802 [rove beetle]
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G. Heterothops Stephens 1829
G. Ochthephilum Stephens 1829
G. Quedius Stephens 1829
Fm. Anisotomidae Horaninow 1834
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G. Orthoperus Stephens 1829
Fm. Byrrhidae Latreille 1804 [pill beetle]
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G. Simplocaria Stephens 1829
Fm. Cerambycidae Latreille 1802 [longhorned beetle]
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G. Tetrops Stephens 1829
Fm. Curculionidae Latreille 1802 [snout beetle]
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G. Leiosoma Stephens 1829
Fm. Coccinellidae Latreille 1807 [ladybird beetle]
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G. Rhyzobius Stephens 1829
Fm. Stenidae Fraser and Purves 1960
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G. Sunius Stephens 1829
Fm. Tipulidae Latreille 1802 [crane fly]
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G. Dicranomyia Stephens 1829
Or. Trichoptera Kirby 1815 [caddisfly]
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Fm. Philopotamidae Stephens 1829 [finger-net caddisfly]
G. Chimarra Stephens 1829
G. Goera Stephens 1829
G. Philopotamus Stephens 1829
Fm. Leptoceridae Leach 1815 [long-horned caddisfly]
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G. Ceraclea Stephens 1829
Fm. Cimicidae Latreille 1802
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G. Agramma Stephens 1829