SUU Locality, Cedar Canyon: Coniacian - Santonian, Utah

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Chondrichthyes - Hybodontiformes - Hybodontidae
Hybodus sp. Agassiz 1834
Chondrichthyes - Hybodontiformes - Lonchidiidae
Lissodus sp. Brough 1935
    = Lonchidion sp. Estes 1964
Kirkland et al. 2013
Rhinobatoidea indet.
Chondrichthyes - Orectolobiformes - Ginglymostomatidae
cf. Cantioscyllium sp. Woodward 1889
6 specimens
UMNH VP 18904–9
    = Cantioscyllium markaguntensis n. sp.
Kirkland et al. 2013
Osteichthyes indet. Huxley 1880
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Urodela
Urodela indet. (Duméril 1805)
Gardner and DeMar 2013
Scapherpetontidae indet. (Auffenberg and Goin 1959)
Gardner and DeMar 2013
Alphadon sp. Simpson 1927
Eaton et al. 1999
    = Metatheria indet. Huxley 1880
Alroy 2002
DUPLICATE REF 1413 or 1414 or 1415
Eutheria indet. (Huxley 1880)
Eaton 2006 1 specimen
UMNH 14119
Mammalia - Multituberculata
Multituberculata indet. Cope 1884
Eaton et al. 1999
DUPLICATE REF 1413 or 1414 or 1415
Cedaromys sp. Eaton and Cifelli 2001
Eaton 2006 1 specimen
UMNH 5180
Reptilia - Testudines
Chelonia indet. (Latreille 1800)
Reptilia - Dinosauria
Dinosauria indet. Owen 1842
Reptilia - Crocodylia
Crocodylia indet. (Owen 1842)
Reptilia - Squamata
Squamata indet. Oppel 1811
Acanthomorpha indet. (Rosen 1973)
Brinkman et al. 2013 1 specimen
MNA V10358
see common names