Mygatt-Moore Quarry, lower mudstone (Jurassic to of the United States)

Also known as MWC Loc. 1.05.86, MWC Loc. 2, CO-21, main quarry, MMQ

Where: Mesa County, Colorado (39.2° N, 109.0° W: paleocoordinates 35.3° N, 55.6° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Brushy Basin Member (Morrison Formation), Kimmeridgian to Kimmeridgian (157.3 - 145.0 Ma)

• middle part of member

•Ash fall zircons from the site were U-Pb dated to 152.3 +/- 0.2Ma placing the site near the Kimmeridgian–Tithonian boundary (Trujillo et al. 2014)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: pond; lithified, gray, green, silty, conglomeratic mudstone and lithified, pebbly, calcareous conglomerate

• The fossil-bearing unit is about 2m thick and consists of green-grey silty mudstone and conglomerate. Most of the bones lie at the bottom of this unit, whereas the fossil plants are distributed throughout the bed. This unit is underlain by beds of red, purple, and green-hued carbonate, mudstone, fine sandstone, and siltstone. The base of the fossil-bearing unit is incised into the underlying carbonate unit, or even into the oxidized, muddy siltstone beneath the carbonate unit. Bones are often incorporated within lenses of conglomerate consisting of subrounded to rounded carbonate pebbles. Kirkland and Carpenter (1994) interpreted the carbonate pebbles to be transported calcareous soil nodules, but they may be rip-up clasts from the carbonate unit that underlies the fossil bearing unit in some areas.

• The fossiliferous unit is overlain by a bed of resistant, fine-grained volcanic tuff which is well cemented and tends to break perpendicular to the bedding. It was from this tuff that one nearly complete articulated fish, and parts of several others, were recovered (see Kirkland, this volume).

•The presence of a laterally continuous carbonate bed below the quarry, and two laterally continuous tuff units above, indicates that the tuffs were deposited in a predominantly lacustrine environment. Based on the lateral extent of the tuffs, it is estimated that the lake was at least 1.5 km wide. The occurrence of articulated fish in the lower tuff unit indicates deposition in quiet water, although the presence of ripple marks suggest that the water was relatively shallow at times. The fact that fossil root casts are present in the tuff to the southwest and east of Rabbit Valley, but absent in the area of the quarry, implies that the lake level receded temporarily, although water remained in the area of the quarry. The disconformable base of the fossiliferous unit which contains lenses of carbonate pebbles and bone, suggests evidence for temporary fluvial conditions when the unit was first being deposited.

Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils

Preservation: cast, adpression, trace, soft parts, permineralized, original carbon, original sporopollenin, replaced with silica

Collected by J. Moore, V. Moore, P. Mygatt, M. Mygatt in 1981, 1985–

Collection methods: quarrying, mechanical, peel or thin section, sieve,

• discovered on March 14, 1981, by J.D. and Vanetta Moore and Pete and Marilyn Mygatt

Primary reference: J. I. Kirkland and H. J. Armstrong. 1992. Taphonomy of the Mygatt-Moore (M&M) Quarry, middle Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) western Colorado. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 12(3, suppl.):55A [A. Behrensmeyer/A. Behrensmeyer/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 11611: authorized by Kevin Boyce, entered by Kevin Boyce on 24.08.2001, edited by Matthew Carrano

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Steinerocaulis radiatus10
casts and impressions
 Architaenioglossa - Viviparidae
Reptilia indet.5 Laurenti 1768 reptile
conical tooth
 Testudines -
"Chelonia indet." = Testudines9
"Chelonia indet." = Testudines9 Batsch 1788 turtle
 Eosuchia -
cf. Opisthias sp.8 Gilmore 1909 lepidosaur
 Lepidosauria -
Rhynchocephalia indet.5 Günther 1867 rhynchocephalian
MWC 8671, R dentary
 Archosauria -
Archosauria indet.5 Cope 1869 archosaur
vertebral centrum (either ornithopod or goniopholidid); limb bone (theropod or pterosaur)
 Pterosauria -
Pterosauria indet.7 Kaup 1834 pterosaur
MWC 5728, hollow limb element
 Dinosauria -
Dinosauria indet.4 Owen 1842 dinosaur
MWC 1903
 Saurischia -
Sauropoda indet.3 Marsh 1878 sauropod
MWC 1916, 1917, 3828, 3769, 3738
? Sauropoda indet.4 Marsh 1878 sauropod
MWC 6718, 5537
 Saurischia - Diplodocidae
Diplodocinae indet.6 diplodocine
Diplodocinae indet.6 diplodocine
caudal vertebrae
Apatosaurus cf. louisae5 Holland 1915 diplodocid
MWC 1848, 5072
 Saurischia - Camarasauridae
Camarasaurus cf. lentus5 Marsh 1889 camarasaurid
MWC 5051, 5009
Camarasaurus cf. lentus5 Marsh 1889 camarasaurid
MWC 2538
 Ornithischia - Nodosauridae
Mymoorapelta maysi n. gen. n. sp.8
Mymoorapelta maysi n. gen. n. sp.8 Kirkland and Carpenter 1994 ankylosaur
17 specimens
 Ornithischia -
"Othnielosaurus consors" = Nanosaurus agilis6
"Othnielosaurus consors" = Nanosaurus agilis6 Marsh 1877 ornithopod
MWC 5966, jaw fragment
 Theropoda -
Theropoda indet.8 Marsh 1881 theropod
Ceratosaurus nasicornis5 Marsh 1884 ceratosaur
shed teeth
Allosaurus fragilis2 Marsh 1877 allosauroid
 Loricata - Goniopholididae
Goniopholididae indet.6 Cope 1875 crocodilian
MWC 1902, vertebra; tooth
 Caudata -
Caudata indet.5 Scopoli 1777 salamander
MWC 8649, limb bone
 Semionotiformes - Semionotidae
Semionotidae indet.8 Woodward 1890
  - Sphenopteridae
 Pinales -
Xenoxylon moorei n. sp.10
description largely based on third specimen from another locality
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Mesembrioxylon carterii n. sp.10 podocarp
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae
 Bennettitales - Bennettitaceae
cf. Cycadeoidea indet.1 Buckland 1828
petioles in coprolites
 Bennettitales -
? Cycadolepis sp.5 Saporta 1875
Otozamites sp.5 Braun 1843
Hermanophyton sp.8 Arnold 1962
 Cycadeoideales -
Conites sp.5 Sternberg 1823
seed cones
 Pinidae - Pinidae
Brachyphyllum rechtenii n. sp.10
axis and attached leaves
Brachyphyllum "sp. A"10 Brongniart 1828
Pagiophyllum sp.5 Heer 1881
 Equisetales - Equisetidae
Equisetum cf. burchardtii10 horsetail
rhizome and tubers
 Cyatheales - Polypodiidae
Coniopteris sp.5 Brongniart 1849 scaly tree fern
 Isoetales - Isoetaceae
Isoetaceae indet.5 Dumortier 1829 clubmoss
 Ginkgoales - Ginkgoaceae
? Ginkgo sp.5 Linnaeus 1771 ginkgo
 Czekanowskiales -
Cycadophyta indet.1 Bessey 1907
laminae in coprolites
 Cycadales -
Behuninia provoensis10 cycads