Also known as Reef 2455
Where: Carnic Alps, Austria (46.6° N, 12.9° E: paleocoordinates 44.8° S, 52.4° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
When: Lochkovian to Lochkovian (419.2 - 393.3 Ma)
• subjacent: Dubaria megaera Schichten (Ludfordian)
•at the top: Hercynellen Kalke (Emsian)
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; limestone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: quarrying
• Collection size: 500 Corrals
Primary reference: M. G. Kodsi. 1971. Korallen aus dem Unterdevon der karnischen Alpen. Verhandlungen der geologischen Bundesanstalt (Wien) 3:576-607 [W. Kiessling/F. Reichel]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 77909: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Falko Reichel on 22.01.2008
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Rhynchonellata | |
Carinatina comata, Carinatina sp. n. sp.
Carinatina sp. n. sp. | |
"Rhynchatrypa thetis" = Septatrypa thetis, "Rhynchatrypa aff. thetis" = Septatrypa thetis
"Rhynchatrypa thetis" = Septatrypa thetis Barrande 1847
"Rhynchatrypa aff. thetis" = Septatrypa thetis Barrande 1847 | |
"Cryptatrypa philomela" = Glassia | |
Punctatrypa paradoxa, "Araneatrypa arachne" = Fossatrypa
"Araneatrypa arachne" = Fossatrypa | |
Rugosatrypa verneuiliana, Kyrtatrypa canalibalda, Atrypa sp. n. sp., Atrypa sp., ? Spinatrypa sp., Oglu hafan
? Spinatrypa sp. Stainbrook 1951 | |
Striispirifer sp. Cooper and Muir-Wood 1951 | |
Cyrtina sp. Davidson 1858 | |
| |
Stenorhynchia nympha Barrande 1847
Stenorhynchia aff. nympha Barrande 1847 | |
Uncinulus sp. Bayle 1878 | |
Anthozoa | |
Thamnopora plumosa tabulate coral | |
Pseudoplasmopora gippslandica tabulate coral | |
Heliolites insolens tabulate coral
Heliolites versiculosus tabulate coral | |
Tryplasma devoniana horn coral
Tryplasma cf. vermiculare horn coral | |
Spongophyllum halisitoides n. sp.
Spongophyllum halisitoides n. sp. horn coral | |
| |
? Heliophyllum sp., "Zaphrentis ligeriensis" = Zaphrenthis
? Heliophyllum sp. Hall 1846 horn coral
"Zaphrentis ligeriensis" = Zaphrenthis horn coral | |
Pseudamplexus ligeriensis horn coral | |
Chlamydophyllum tabulatum horn coral | |
Favistella fluegeli n. sp.
Favistella fluegeli n. sp. horn coral |