J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995

Full reference
J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut. 1995. The evolution of Late Cretaceous non-marine vertebrate fauna in Europe. Sixth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota, Short Papers 181-184 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
ID number:  67934
Created:  2019-02-13 14:54:02
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  English
Taxonomic opinions (14) - view classification
'Limnosaurus transsylvanicus is recombined as Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Magyarosaurus belongs to Titanosauridae' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Mochlodon robustum is recombined as Rhabdodon robustus' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Orthomerus dolloi belongs to Orthomerus' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Orthomerus belongs to Hadrosauridae' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Rabdodon priscum is recombined as Rhabdodon priscus' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Rhabdodon septimanicus belongs to Rhabdodon' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Saurornitholestes belongs to Dromaeosauridae' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Struthiosaurus austriacus belongs to Struthiosaurus' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Struthiosaurus belongs to Nodosauridae' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Tarascosaurus salluvicus belongs to Tarascosaurus' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Tarascosaurus belongs to Abelisauridae' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Telmatosaurus belongs to Hadrosauridae' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995
'Titanosaurus dacus is recombined as Magyarosaurus dacus' according to J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut 1995