Laño L1A (Cretaceous of Spain)

Also known as Laño Quarry

Where: Castilla y Leon, Spain (42.7° N, 2.6° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 31.3° N, 8.6° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Vitoria Formation, Late/Upper Campanian (83.5 - 70.6 Ma)

• in a sector of the south limb of the Miranda-Trevino syncline, level is also called L1A

•lower pat of subchron C32n

•Also assigned to Sedano Fm. or its equivalent

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: coastal; hardground, conglomeratic sandstone and black siltstone

• upper foreshore and backshore environments to a subcontinental, plant-rich perhaps swampy environment. The vertebrate bearing levels indicate a continental depositional environment affected by high-energy episodes, a fluviatile environment.
• Multidirectional cross-laminated sands with microconglomerates in the bottom-sets, rarely more than 1m thick. Strata become massive toward the top, and are frequently intersected by abrasion surfaces showing an iron-mineralized crust or hard-ground. The most important bone accumulation is between two of these hardgrounds. The unit is topped by two black silt beds.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Preservation: permineralized, replaced with pyrite

Collection methods: sieve,

• mostly chelonian shell fragments (30)

Primary reference: B. Vila, M. Suñer, A. Santos-Cubedo, J. I. Canudo, B. Poza and A. Galobart. 2011. Saurischians through time. In A. Galobart, M. Suñer, & B. Poza (eds.), Dinosaurs of Eastern Iberia 130-168 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 28406: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Erin Leckey on 12.02.2003, edited by Matthew Carrano and Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Tribosphenida -
Theria "indet. B"1 Parker and Haswell 1897 mammal
Eutheria indet.5 eutherian
 Tribosphenida - Zhelestidae
Lainodon " new species "6 Gheerbrant and Astibia 1994 eutherian
L1AT 18 (talonid of left M/3) and L1AT 13 and (talonid of right M/1 or M/2)
Lainodon orueetxebarriai n. gen. n. sp.4 Gheerbrant and Astibia 1994 eutherian
Lainodon cf. orueetxebarriai6 Gheerbrant and Astibia 1994 eutherian
L1AT 20 (distal part of right lower premolar)
Lainodon orueetxebarriai6 Gheerbrant and Astibia 1994 eutherian
new species
Lainodon ragei n. sp.6 Gheerbrant and Astibia 2012 eutherian
may be Marsupialia
 Testudinata - Helochelydridae
Solemys vermiculata n. sp.10 Lapparent de Broin and Murelaga 1996 turtle
hypodigme around 260 shell fragments, most of them are peripherals and pleural fragments, around 25 fragments of plastron including the hologype
Solemys vermiculata9 Lapparent de Broin and Murelaga 1996 turtle
Helochelydra nopcsai11 Lapparent de Broin and Murelaga 1999 turtle
partial shell, lots of fragments
 Testudines - Dortokidae
Dortoka vasconica n. gen. n. sp.10
Dortoka vasconica n. gen. n. sp.10 Lapparent de Broin and Murelaga 1996 turtle
 Testudines - Bothremydidae
? Elochelys sp.11, "Polysternon atlanticum n. sp." = Iberoccitanemys atlanticum10
? Elochelys sp.11 Nopsca 1931 sideneck turtle
right partial epiplastron
"Polysternon atlanticum n. sp." = Iberoccitanemys atlanticum10 Lapparent de Broin and Murelaga 1996 sideneck turtle
 Pterosauria - Azhdarchidae
cf. Azhdarcho sp.13 Nessov 1981 pterosaur
 Ornithischia - Nodosauridae
Nodosauridae indet.1 Marsh 1890 ankylosaur
cf. Struthiosaurus austriacus12 Bunzel 1871 ankylosaur
a partial skeleton, including the synsacrum, portions of the pelvic girdle and hindlimbs, a dorsal vertebra, dorsal rib fragments and a dermal scute
 Ornithischia - Rhabdodontidae
Rhabdodon sp.14 Matheron 1869 rhabdodontid
 Ornithischia - Hadrosauridae
Hadrosauridae indet.13 Cope 1869 hadrosaurid
MCNA 10510, tooth
 Saurischia -
Lirainosaurus astibiae n. gen. n. sp.13
Lirainosaurus astibiae n. gen. n. sp.13 Sanz et al. 1999 sauropod
orig. 1 tooth
 Theropoda - Abelisauridae
? Abelisauridae indet.1 Bonaparte and Novas 1985 ceratosaur
Abelisauridae indet.8 Bonaparte and Novas 1985 ceratosaur
femora, MHNV
Arcovenator sp.7 Tortosa et al. 2014 ceratosaur
teeth, MCNA 1852, 1853, 1855, 2205, 2206, 8589, 8600, 10082, 14067, 14073, 14074, 14520–14522, 16756–16764, 16808–16813, 16862–16864
 Theropoda -
? Ornithomimosauria indet.2 Barsbold 1976 ornithomimosaur
cf. Paraves "indet. A"7 Sereno 1997 maniraptoran
teeth, MCNA 14523–14529
cf. Paraves "indet. B"7 Sereno 1997 maniraptoran
teeth, MCNA 14530–14546, 14548–14561
 Theropoda - Dromaeosauridae
Dromaeosauridae indet.7 Colbert and Russell 1969 maniraptoran
teeth, MCNA 14623–14626
Dromaeosauridae indet.13 Colbert and Russell 1969 maniraptoran
cf. Richardoestesia "sp. A"7 Currie et al. 1990 maniraptoran
teeth, MCNA 14566–14610, 14612–14622, 16768, 16779, 16780, 16786–16788, 16790, 16803, 16804, 16816–16823, 16825–16830, 16832, 16833, 16837, 16841, 16846–16849, 16851, 16852, 16857–16861
cf. Richardoestesia "sp. B"7 Currie et al. 1990 maniraptoran
MCNA 16765–16767, 16769–16778, 16781–16785, 16789, 16791–16802, 16805–16807, 16814, 16815, 16824, 16831, 16834–16836, 16838–16840, 16842–16845, 16850, 16853–16856
 Theropoda -
"cf. Paronychodon sp." = Paronychodon7, "cf. Euronychodon sp." = Paronychodon13
"cf. Paronychodon sp." = Paronychodon7 Cope 1876 maniraptoran
teeth, MCNA 14547, 14562–14565, 16755
"cf. Euronychodon sp." = Paronychodon13 Cope 1876 maniraptoran
 Loricata -
Ischyrochampsa sp.13 Vasse 1995 crocodilian
 Loricata - Hylaeochampsidae
Acynodon iberoccitanus13 Buscalioni et al. 1997 crocodilian
 Loricata - Allodaposuchidae
Musturzabalsuchus buffetauti13 Buscalioni et al. 1997 crocodilian
Allodaposuchus sp.15 Nopcsa 1928 crocodilian
may be Allodaposuchus
 Squamata -
Lacertilia "indet. 1"16 lizard
numerous remains (teeth)
Lacertilia "indet. 2"16 lizard
Lacertilia "indet. 3"16 lizard
Lacertilia indet.16 lizard
Scincomorpha indet.16 squamates
 Squamata - Madtsoiidae
Herensugea caristiorum16, "Madtsoia laurasiae" = Menarana laurasiae16
Herensugea caristiorum16 Rage 1996 snake
"Madtsoia laurasiae" = Menarana laurasiae16 Rage 1996 snake
 Squamata - Iguanidae
Iguanidae indet.16 Oppel 1811 squamates
 Squamata -
Amphisbaenia indet.1 Gray 1844 worm lizard
? Amphisbaenia indet.16 Gray 1844 worm lizard
10 vertebrae
 Salientia -
Anura indet.3 frog
distal part of 2 humeri, 8 ilia, fragmentary maxillaries, 2 broken sphenethmoids
 Salientia - Discoglossidae
Discoglossidae indet.1 Günther 1859 painted frog
6 prearticulars, 5 presacral verts, 7 sacral verts, 1 urostyle, 7 ilia, 2 humeri
 Salientia - Palaeobatrachidae
Palaeobatrachidae indet.3 Cope 1865 frog
43 prearticulars, 1 presacral vert, 2 synsacrums, 6 distal parts of humeri
 Caudata -
Caudata indet.3 salamander
may be Salamandra
 Temnospondyli - Albanerpetontidae
Albanerpetontidae indet.3 Fox and Naylor 1982 tetrapod
 Elopiformes - Phyllodontidae
Phyllodontidae indet.13 Sauvage 1875
 Lepisosteiformes - Lepisosteidae
Atractosteus sp.13 Rafinesque 1820 gar
 Amiiformes - Palaeolabridae
? Palaeolabrus sp.13 Casier 1967 bowfin