H. Zaher et al. 2020

Full reference
H. Zaher, D. Pol, B. A. Navarro, R. Delcourt, and A. B. Carvalho. 2020. An Early Cretaceous theropod dinosaur from Brazil sheds light on the cranial evolution of the Abelisauridae. Comptes Rendus Palevol 19(6):101-115 [G. Lloyd/G. Lloyd/M. Carrano]
ID number:  77018
Created:  2021-05-31 07:54:16
Modified:  2022-04-26 12:44:20
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
DOI:  10.5852/cr-palevol2020v19a6
Taxonomic opinions (9) - view classification
'Abelisauridae belongs to Abelisauroidea' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Abelisauroidea belongs to Ceratosauria' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Carnotaurus sastrei belongs to Carnotaurus' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Cerastosauria was reranked as the unranked clade Ceratosauria and belongs to Theropoda' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Skorpiovenator bustingorryi belongs to Skorpiovenator' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Spectrovenator ragei belongs to Spectrovenator' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Spectrovenator belongs to Abelisauridae' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Tapuiasaurus macedoi belongs to Tapuiasaurus' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
'Theropoda was reranked as a suborder and belongs to Dinosauria' according to H. Zaher et al. 2020
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