I. Feichtinger et al. 2024

Full reference
I. Feichtinger, J. Pollerspöck, M. Harzhauser, G. Auer, S., M. Kranner, B. Beaury and G. Guinot. 2024. Earliest Danian outer neritic elasmobranch assemblages reveal an environmentally controlled faunal turnover at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary in the northern Tethyan Realm (Austria). Papers in Palaeontology 10(e1547) [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
ID number:  87430
Created:  2024-02-01 21:40:14
Modified:  2024-02-01 22:26:31
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
DOI:  10.1002/spp2.1547
Taxonomic opinions (29) - view classification
'Carcharhiniformes belongs to Galeomorphii' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Carcharias belongs to Carchariidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Carchariidae belongs to Lamniformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Centrodeania annae belongs to Centrodeania' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Centrodeania rugosa belongs to Centrodeania' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Centrodeania belongs to Centrophoridae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Centrophoridae belongs to Squaliformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Chlamydoselachidae belongs to Hexanchiformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Dalatiidae belongs to Squaliformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Etmopteridae belongs to Squaliformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Hexanchidae belongs to Hexanchiformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Hexanchus belongs to Hexanchidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Incognitorapax fernsebneris belongs to Incognitorapax' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Incognitorapax belongs to Etmopteridae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Lamniformes belongs to Galeomorphii' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Palaeogaleus belongs to Triakidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Rolfodon belongs to Chlamydoselachidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Scyliorhinidae belongs to Carcharhiniformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Scyliorhinus alaformis belongs to Scyliorhinus' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Scyliorhinus belongs to Scyliorhinidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Squalidae belongs to Squaliformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Squaliodalatias belongs to Dalatiidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Squalus crenatidens belongs to Squalus' according to Arambourg 1952
'Squalus crenatidens belongs to Squalus' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Squalus belongs to Squalidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Squatina belongs to Squatinidae' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Squatinidae belongs to Squatiniformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Thyellina elongata is recombined as Scyliorhinus elongatus' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
'Triakidae belongs to Carcharhiniformes' according to I. Feichtinger et al. 2024
Collections (3)