Baitugan Formation


Members: unnamed (12), Kamyshla (1), Lingula Shale (4), Spiny Limestone (2)

Lithologies: not reported (1), "siliciclastic" (1), claystone (9), "shale" (4), siltstone (2), marl (2), "limestone" (5)

Paleoenvironments: marine indet. (7), terrestrial indet. (2), lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal (1), lagoonal (9)

Age range: base of the Roadian to the top of the Wordian or 272.30000 to 264.28000 Ma

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Ufimian - Late/Upper Kazanian279.5 - 268.0Russian Federation (Perm) (189498)
Guadalupian273.01 - 259.51Russian Federation (173159)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Russian Federation (Kazan) (116803 116877)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Russian Federation (116456 122574 122871 127928 155230 156162 156163 197598 197599 197600 197601 197624 197625 197913)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Russian Federation (117264)