Songlinpo, upper beds (Cambrian of China)

Where: Hubei, China (30.8° N, 111.1° E: paleocoordinates 27.9° N, 161.0° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Tianzhushan Member (Dengying Formation), Meishucunian (530.7 - 521.0 Ma)

• upper assemblage

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified dolomite

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: M. Chen, Y. Chen, and S. Zhang. 1981. The small shelly fossil assemblage in the limestone of the uppermost part of the Dengying Formation at Songlingpo, Yichang. Journal of the Wuhan College of Geology, Earth Science 1:32-41 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 108415: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Uta Merkel on 29.04.2011

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

  - Halkieriidae
"Ginella yichangensis" = Ocruranus trulliformis
"Ginella yichangensis" = Ocruranus trulliformis Jiang 1980
 Helcionellida - Stenothecidae
"Scenella hujingtanensis" = Pseudoscenella hujingtanensis
"Scenella hujingtanensis" = Pseudoscenella hujingtanensis Yü 1979
 Helcionellida - Helcionellidae
"Maidipingoconus orientalis" = Igorella orientalis, "Maidipingoconus lata" = Igorella lata, "Maidipingoconus maidipingensis" = Oelandiella maidipingensis, "Latouchella aff. korobkovi" = Oelandiella korobkovi, Bemella rotundata
"Maidipingoconus orientalis" = Igorella orientalis Chen et al. 1981
"Maidipingoconus lata" = Igorella lata Chen et al. 1981
"Maidipingoconus maidipingensis" = Oelandiella maidipingensis Yü 1974
"Latouchella aff. korobkovi" = Oelandiella korobkovi Vostokova 1962
[entered as Latouchella korobovi]
Bemella rotundata Chen et al. 1981
 Scenelloidea - Scenellidae
Scenella lubrica Chen et al. 1981
Scenella acuminata Chen et al. 1981
Scenella oblonga Chen et al. 1981
 Orthothecida -
 Orthothecida - Circothecidae
"Circotheca cf. subcurvata" = Conotheca subcurvata Yü 1974
"Circotheca nana" = Conotheca subcurvata Yü 1974
"Circotheca longiconica" = Conotheca subcurvata Yü 1974
 Orthothecida -
 Anabaritida - Anabaritidae
Cambrotubulus decurvatus Rozanov et al. 1969 jellyfish
Tiksitheca sp. Rozanov et al. 1969 jellyfish
Tiksitheca huangshandongensis Qian et al. 1979 jellyfish
"Tiksitheca korobovi" = Anabarites korobovi Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966 jellyfish
Anabarites trisulcatus Voronova and Missarzhevsky 1969 jellyfish
 Hyolithelminthida - Hyolithellidae
Hyolithellus sp. Billings 1872