Oschiri (Miocene of Italy)

Where: Sardinia, Italy (40.7° N, 9.1° E: paleocoordinates 42.6° N, 4.2° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: MN3 zone, Perfugas Formation, Burdigalian (20.4 - 16.0 Ma)

• Zoboli et al. 2019: “Formazione lacustre” Auct. = Perfugas Fm. (Burdigalian, MN3; Van der Made, 2008; Zoboli and Pillola, 2017b). The vertebrate site is represented by a small exposure of lacustrine clay in a road cut near the village of Oschiri (De Bruijn and Rümke, 1974). The age of the mammal assemblage of Oschiri has been discussed by several authors (e.g. De Bruijn and Rümke, 1974; Azzaroli and Guazzone, 1979; Azzaroli, 1983; Van der Made, 2008). The micromammals are quite diverse, with nine taxa including seven endemic species (De Bruijn and Rümke, 1974). The advanced endemism of Ctenodactylidae and the presence of Gliridae, Talpidae and Soricidae are very similar to the mainland taxa, and suggest different phases of colonization of the Corsica Sardinia Massif (Ferrandini et al., 2000; Mennecart et al., 2017, 2019). The Oligo-Miocene palaeogeographical context of the western Mediterranean indicates that the latest additions to the insular association arrived in Sardinia during the European Land Mammal Unit MN3, which is coincident with the early Burdigalian marine regression, around 20 Ma ago (Van der Made, 2008; Zoboli and Pillola, 2017b).

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial-lacustrine; claystone and lignite

• The Oschiri locality belongs to the Oligocene-Miocene Sardinia rift graben which is connected to the decoupling of the Sardinia-Corsica block from the southern margin of Europe (see, e.g. Carminati et al., 2012, pp. 434-473 in Roberts & Bally (eds.))
• "lignitic clay deposit"

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: M. Venczel and B. Sanchíz. 2006. Lower Miocene Amphibians and Reptiles from Oschiri (Sardinia, Italy). Hantkeniana 5:72-75 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht/T. Liebrecht]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 138825: authorized by Johannes Mueller, entered by Torsten Liebrecht on 29.01.2013, edited by Grace Varnham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Loricata -
Crocodylia indet. crocodilian
UU OS 501, one isolated tooth
 Squamata - Crotalidae
Vipera sp. Laurenti 1768 pit viper
2 fragmentary presacral vertebrae, 2 venom fangs; probably belongs to "V. aspis complex"
 Squamata -
Eoanilius oligocenicus Szyndlar 1994 snake
2 mid-trunk vertebrae
 Squamata - Colubridae
Natricinae indet. Bonaparte 1838 colubrid snake
1 fragmentary presacral and 7 caudal vertebrae
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacertidae sp. Bonaparte 1831 squamates
probably more than a single taxon
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Gekkonidae indet. Gray 1825 gecko
 Squamata - Amphisbaenidae
Blanus gracilis Roček 1984 worm lizard
 Squamata - Scincidae
Scincidae indet. Gray 1825 skink
probably two different forms
 Squamata - Anguidae
 Salientia - Discoglossidae
Discoglossus sp. Otth 1837 painted frog
 Caudata - Urodela
Salamandrina sp. Fitzinger 1826 spectacled salamander