Vipera Laurenti 1768 (pit viper)

Reptilia - Squamata - Crotalidae

Full reference: J. N. Laurenti. 1768. Specimen medicum, exhibens synopsin reptilium emendatam cum experimentis circa venena et antidota reptilium austriacorum [Medical ideas, showing an emended synopsis of the reptiles together with experiences in poisoning by and antidotes of Austrian reptiles]. Published and printed by Johann Thomas von Trattner, Vienna

Parent taxon: Viperinae according to P. Uetz 2005

See also Bachmayer and Szyndlar 1985, Bachmayer and Szyndlar 1987, Carroll 1988, Cernansky et al. 2015, Rage 1984, Szyndlar 1987, Szyndlar and Zerova 1992 and Zerova 1992

Sister taxon: Bitis

Subtaxa: Coluber kargii Vipera (Daboia) Vipera (Macrovipera) Vipera (Pelias) Vipera (Vipera) Vipera antiqua Vipera burgenlandica Vipera latastei Vipera maghrebiana Vipera maxima Vipera natiensis Vipera platyspondyla Vipera sansaniensis

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Type: Coluber aspis



• Quaternary of Belgium (1 collection), France (8), Georgia (2), Germany (2), Greece (4), the Netherlands (1), Poland (9), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (13), the United Kingdom (5)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Italy (1)

• Pliocene of Armenia (1), France (1), Greece (1), Hungary (2), Italy (2), Moldova (1), Morocco (1), Poland (4), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (9), Ukraine (5)

• MN 13 of Hungary (1), Ukraine (3)

• Miocene of Austria (2), the Czech Republic (4), France (10), Georgia (1), Germany (12), Greece (1), Hungary (8), Italy (4), Kazakhstan (1), Moldova (4), Morocco (1), Namibia (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Romania (3), the Russian Federation (2), Slovakia (1), Spain (4), Ukraine (7)

Total: 148 collections including 179 occurrences

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