Stenopareia-Aulacopleura Assemblage, Prague Basin (Silurian of Czech Republic)

Where: Czech Republic (50.0° N, 14.1° E: paleocoordinates 61.4° S, 67.7° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Demirastrites convolutus - Stimulograptus sedgwickii graptolite zone, Zelkovice Formation, Aeronian (440.8 - 438.5 Ma)

• Graptolite zones Demirastrites convolutus to Monograptus sedgwicki.

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; volcaniclastic, gray shale and limestone

• "The local distribution and lithology point to an environment of submerged volcanic elevation, most likely BA 4...
• "The lithofacies is marked by alternations of brown and grey tuffaceous shales and limestones, with distinct lamination. Trilobites are mostly disarticulated but complete specimens also occur."

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: Very similar to Aegironetes-Aulacopleura Community of Havlicek and Storch (PBDB Coll. no. 14087), but not completely redundant with that. Trilobite species said to number "almost 30", but some rare ones are not listed. Papers by Snajdr (1978, 1986) may be able to supplement list.

Primary reference: I. Chlupac. 1987. Ecostratigraphy of Silurian trilobite assemblages of the Barrandian area, Czechoslovakia. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 17(3):169-186 [M. Foote/M. Foote/M. Foote]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 14122: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 15.05.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Only trilobites are listed to genus level, but many other groups reported present.
"Metazoa indet." = Animalia Linnaeus 1758
Porifera indet. Grant 1836
Ostracoda indet. Latreille 1802 ostracod
Trilobita indet. Walch 1771 trilobite
 Odontopleurida - Odontopleuridae
 Corynexochida - Styginidae
 Corynexochida - Illaenidae
Bumastus sp. Murchison 1839 trilobite
 Harpetida - Harpetidae
Bohemoharpes naumanni Barrande 1852 trilobite
 Proetida - Aulacopleuridae
 Proetida - Otarionidae
"Conoparia obnoxia" = Otarion (Conoparia)
"Conoparia obnoxia" = Otarion (Conoparia) trilobite
 Proetida - Proetidae
Cyphoproetus semidepressus Šnajdr 1975 trilobite
 Proetida - Tropidocoryphidae
 Phacopida - Encrinuridae
 Phacopida - Cheiruridae
Hadromeros sp. Lane 1971 trilobite
Youngia sp. Lindström 1885 trilobite
 Phacopida - Calymenidae
 Lichida - Lichidae
Dicranopeltis imperfecta Snajdr 1975 trilobite
Trochurus sarfi Snajdr 1980 trilobite
Brachiopoda indet. Cuvier 1805
Bryozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1831
Hyolitha indet. Marek 1963
Gastropoda indet. Cuvier 1795 snail
Cephalopoda indet. Cuvier 1797
 Dendroidea -
Dendroidea indet. Nicholson 1872 graptolite
 Graptoloidea -
Graptoloidea indet. Lapworth 1875 graptolite
Crinoidea indet. Miller 1821 Sea lily
Conodonta indet. Pander 1856 conodont