Where: Uinta County, Wyoming (41.2° N, 110.5° W: paleocoordinates 45.2° N, 96.8° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: lower Member (Bridger Formation), Bridgerian (50.3 - 46.2 Ma)
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collected by Marsh, Quigley, Harger, Matthew, Thomson, Gazin in 1870-1872, 1905; reposited in the AMNH, USNM, YPM
Primary reference: O. C. Marsh. 1872. Notice of some new Tertiary and post-Tertiary birds. The American Journal of Science and Arts, series 3 4(19-24):256-262 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 16228: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 26.03.1995, edited by Matthew Carrano, Philip Mannion, Roger Benson, Evangelos Vlachos, Patricia Holroyd and Terri Cleary
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
type of "Triacodon nanus" is from Grizzly Buttes: Thorpe 1923a
Mammalia | |
Trogosus castoridens n. sp.4
Trogosus castoridens n. sp.4 Leidy 1871 tillodont includes "Palaeosyops minor" type, which also is from Grizzly Buttes, see Gazin 1953
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"Palaeosyops paludosus" = Palaeosyops paludosus23, "Palaeosyops major n. sp." = Palaeosyops paludosus16, "Limnohyops monoconus n. sp." = Palaeosyops paludosus4
"Palaeosyops paludosus" = Palaeosyops paludosus23 Leidy 1870 brontothere from Bridger B2; one specimen is from Mountain View near Grizzly Buttes; also "P. major" type, from Grizzly Buttes (level unknown); type of "L. matthewi" from B2 at Grizzly Buttes West: see Osborn 1908, Osborn 1929
"Limnohyops monoconus n. sp." = Palaeosyops paludosus4 Leidy 1870 brontothere and "L. priscus" type Osborn 1908: both from B2 at Grizzly Buttes West also "cotype" of L. priscus from B2 at Grizzly Buttes East
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"Hyrachyus modestus" = Hyrachyus modestus30, "Hyrachyus affinis" = Hyrachyus modestus30, "Hyrachyus agrarius" = Hyrachyus modestus16, Hyrachyus nanus16
"Hyrachyus modestus" = Hyrachyus modestus30 Leidy 1870 odd-toed ungulate B2; also Grizzly Buttes East, B2
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"Helaletes nanus n. sp." = Helaletes nanus4 Marsh 1871 odd-toed ungulate see Radinsky 1963; see also Schoch 1984b
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Orohippus pumilus n. sp.4
Orohippus pumilus n. sp.4 Marsh 1871 horse from "lower beds"; also "O. ballardi" type from Bridger B and referred specimen of "O. atavus": Granger 1908; see also Kitts 1957b
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Helohyus plicodon n. sp.4
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Viverravus minutus32 Wortman 1901 placental level not stated directly, but species is said to be restricted to the lower Bridger
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"Oodectes proximus n. sp." = Oodectes herpestoides4, Vulpavus profectus n. sp.4, Vulpavus palustris n. sp.26, "Miacis hargeri" = Vulpavus hargeri4, Miacis parvivorus19
"Oodectes proximus n. sp." = Oodectes herpestoides4 Wortman 1901 placental of Matthew 1909 from "eastern part" of bluff
Vulpavus profectus n. sp.4 Matthew 1909 placental of Matthew 1909 from Bridger B2; see also Wang and Tedford 1994
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Metacheiromys marshi n. sp.34 Wortman 1903 placental referred material from B2, and type of "M. tatusia" from Bridger B2: see Simpson 1931, Schoch 1984a
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Sinopa rapax n. sp.4 Leidy 1871 creodont from Bridger B2 according to Matthew 1909; also "S. minor" type; also "Triacodon fallax" type of Thorpe 1923a
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Thinocyon velox n. sp.4, "Limnocyon verus n. sp." = Limnocyon verus4, "Limnocyon riparius n. sp." = Limnocyon verus33
Thinocyon velox n. sp.4 Marsh 1872 creodont includes Marsh's referred specimen of "Triacodon fallax": Thorpe 1923a
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"Patriofelis latidens n. sp." = Patriofelis ferox4 Marsh 1872 creodont from the lower Bridger see Thorpe 1923a
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Nyctitherium serotinum n. sp.4
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"Nyctitherium dasypelix n. sp." = Marsholestes dasypelix4
"Nyctitherium dasypelix n. sp." = Marsholestes dasypelix4 Matthew 1909 placental see Krishtalka 1976b; "found with that of Metacheiromys dasypus" (i.e., in Bridger B2): Simpson 1931
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Entomolestes grangeri n. gen. n. sp.4
Entomolestes grangeri n. gen. n. sp.4 Matthew 1909 hedgehog from Bridger B2 at Grizzly Buttes West: see Matthew 1909 and Robinson 1968b
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Uintanius ameghini3 Wortman 1904 tarsier "lower Bridger"; type of "U. turriculorum" of Matthew 1915c from "Horizon B2"; referred specimen from Bridger B, see Szalay 1976
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Smilodectes gracilis n. sp.34, "Notharctus tenebrosus" = Notharctus tenebrosus7, "Notharctus pugnax" = Notharctus tenebrosus8
Smilodectes gracilis n. sp.34 Marsh 1871 primate from Bridger B: see Gazin 1958a; also includes type of "Notharctus matthewi" from Bridger B2 at Grizzly Buttes East, see Granger and Gregory 1917, Gingerich 1979a; may include tentatively referred "Aphanolemur" of Granger and Gregory 1917 from lower Bridger at Grizzly Buttes West
"Notharctus tenebrosus" = Notharctus tenebrosus7 Leidy 1870 primate Bridger B; includes types of "Thinolestes anceps," "Limnotherium affine," "Notharctus formosus," and "N. osborni"; latter from B2 at Grizzly Buttes West, also referred "N. osborni" from B2 at Grizzly Buttes East and "N. tenebrosus" from B2 and B3, see Granger and Gregory 1917; also includes specimen of Hamrick and Alexander 1996 from "Black's Fork Member... Bridger B... 'Butch Hill' toward the northern end of Grizzly Buttes East, approximately 3 km southwest of the outlying butte Turtle Hill"
"Notharctus pugnax" = Notharctus tenebrosus8 Leidy 1870 primate B2 at Grizzly Buttes East and B3 at Grizzly Buttes; confirmed by Gingerich 1979a
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"Thisbemys plicatus n. sp." = Thisbemys corrugatus4, Leptotomus sp.12, Leptotomus parvus n. sp.4, Pseudotomus robustus n. sp.4, "Ischyrotomus horribilis n. sp." = Pseudotomus horribilis4, Paramys delicatus31
Leptotomus sp.12 Matthew 1910 rodent size of L. bridgerensis; "L. grandis" Wood 1962 from "Bridger B of Grizzly Buttes West"
"Ischyrotomus horribilis n. sp." = Pseudotomus horribilis4 Wood 1962 rodent from Black's Fork Mbr.: see Wood 1962
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Reithroparamys delicatissimus n. sp.4
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Hyopsodus paulus19 Leidy 1870 condylarth "lower beds" (Matthew 1909); "middle B" and "Grizzly Buttes West (middle B)" (West 1979); confirmed by Redline 1997
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Reptilia | |
Allognathosuchus polyodon20 Cope 1873 crocodilian L. S. Quackenbush AMNH collection from "Grizzly Buttes"
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"Crocodylus affinis n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis22, "Crocodilus brevicollis n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis22, "Crocodilus liodon n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis17, "Brachyuranochampsa zangerli n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis21, Crocodilus ziphodon n. sp.17
"Crocodylus affinis n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis22 Marsh 1871 crocodile YPM 1345 - type (skull and mandible)
"Crocodilus brevicollis n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis22 Marsh 1871 crocodile YPM 1349 - type (three cervical vertebrae)
"Crocodilus liodon n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis17 Marsh 1871 crocodile YPM 1350b - type (very fragmentary skeleton including several vertebrae, the left quadrate, rostral fragments, and articulars and surangulars)
"Brachyuranochampsa zangerli n. sp." = Crocodylus affinis21 Marsh 1871 crocodile 1903 AMNH Thomson collection from "Grizzly Buttes"
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"Pristichampsus vorax" = Boverisuchus vorax14
"Pristichampsus vorax" = Boverisuchus vorax14 Troxell 1925 crocodilian YPM 5890 (incomplete right quadrate)
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Aves | |
Aletornis nobilis n. gen. n. sp., Aletornis bellus n. sp.
Aletornis nobilis n. gen. n. sp. Marsh 1872 crane
Aletornis bellus n. sp. Marsh 1872 crane | |
Protostrix leptosteus29 Marsh 1871 owl YPM type specimen of Marsh collected in 1870 from "Grizzly Buttes"; Rich 1982 describes an additional AMNH specimen from the lower Bridger at "Grizzly Buttes" collected in 1903 and called a "falconine" by Shufeldt 1913
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Reptilia | |
Chisternon undatum10, Chisternon undatum2, "Baena arenosa" = Baena arenosa10, "Baena sima" = Baena arenosa10, "Baena riparia n. sp." = Baena affinis10
Chisternon undatum10 Leidy 1871 turtle AMNH 5959 (Hay, 1908, p. 86, fig. 72), a partial shell; AMNH 5962 (Hay, 1908, pp. 86, 87, figs. 73- 75), shell, skull, vertebrae, limb elements; AMNH 5964, shell. Locality: Grizzly Buttes West, Bridger Basin, Wyoming (label) (see Wheeler, 1961, pl. 2)
Chisternon undatum2 Leidy 1871 turtle AMNH 5904, a shell, skull, vertebrae, and limb elements (referred to Chisternon hebraicum by Hay, 1908, pp. 89-91, figs. 82-87); AMNH 5961 (referred to Chisternon hebraicum by Hay, 1908, pp. 87-89, figs. 76-81, pl. 21 figs. 3, 4, pl. 23 fig. 1)
"Baena arenosa" = Baena arenosa10 Leidy 1870 turtle AMNH 5900, AMNH 5906, AMNH 5921, AMNH 5922, AMNH 5935, AMNH 5957, AMNH 5965, AMNH 5985, AMNH 5986, AMNH 5990, all shells; AMNH 5952, shell, skull, limbs; AMNH 5973 (Hay, 1908, figs. 44-48, pl. 12), skull, shell, postcranium; AMNH 5984, shell, lower jaws, limb; USNM 18102, skull
"Baena sima" = Baena arenosa10 Leidy 1870 turtle AMNH 5965, partial shell; 5907, partial skeleton with shell (informal paratypes)
"Baena riparia n. sp." = Baena affinis10 Leidy 1871 turtle AMNH 5977 (type of Baena riparia Hay, 1908, figs. 59-66, pls. 17, 18, 19 figs. 1-3), an almost complete skeleton
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Amyda exquisita n. sp.10, "Amyda mira n. sp." = Trionyx mira10, "Platypeltis extensa n. sp." = Trionyx mira10, "Platypeltis postera" = Trionyx mira10, "Aspideretes ellipticus" = Trionyx ellipticus10, "Amyda franciscae n. sp." = Trionyx uintaensis10
Amyda exquisita n. sp.10 Hay 1908 softshell turtle portions of 2 individuals, which were collected in the Bridger beds of the Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, by the museum's expedition of 1903. Of these specimens, number 5923 is taken as the type. It consists of the carapace (fragmentary but representing well the structure), the hyoplastra and hypoplastra of both sides somewhat damaged, one cervical vertebra, portions of both humeri, the left femur, portions of the pelvis, and various other leg and foot bones. Of the other individual, No. 5943, there are present only the hyoplastron and the hypoplastron of the right side
"Amyda mira n. sp." = Trionyx mira10 Hay 1908 softshell turtle AMNH 6130, holotype partial skeleton discovered by the American Museum party of 1905, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, in level B, of the Bridger Eocene
"Platypeltis extensa n. sp." = Trionyx mira10 Hay 1908 softshell turtle AMNH 5951, holotype partial shell collected by O. P. Hay in 1903, western part of Grizzly Buttes
"Amyda franciscae n. sp." = Trionyx uintaensis10 Cope 1873 softshell turtle AMNH 5936 (holotype) partial skeleton, level B
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"Platypeltis trionychoides" = Anostira trionychoides10, Platypeltis trepida n. sp.9, "Platypeltis heteroglypta" = Trionyx heteroglyptus10, "Plastomenus molopinus" = Anostira molopina10, "Plastomenus thomasi" = Plastomenus thomasii10, "Aspideretes guttatus" = Trionyx guttatus10
"Platypeltis trionychoides" = Anostira trionychoides10 Cope 1872 turtle AMNH 5938, 6017, 5942, found in 1903
"Platypeltis heteroglypta" = Trionyx heteroglyptus10 Cope 1873 turtle AMNH specimen, collected in 1903 from the eastern part of Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming
"Plastomenus molopinus" = Anostira molopina10 Cope 1872 turtle AMNH 5941, 5945 from level B, collected 1903
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Anosteira ornata10 Leidy 1871 turtle some of the four, now lost, types (possibly including USNM 4062), others were from Church Buttes [PaleoDB collection 16201]
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"Echmatemys pusilla n. sp." = Bridgeremys pusilla11, "Clemmys morrisiae n. sp." = Bridgeremys pusilla10, "Echmatemys aegle n. sp." = Echmatemys stevensoniana10, "Echmatemys cyane n. sp." = Echmatemys stevensoniana10, Echmatemys arethusa n. sp.10
"Echmatemys pusilla n. sp." = Bridgeremys pusilla11 Hay 1908 turtle AMNH 5992 - type (partial shell)
"Clemmys morrisiae n. sp." = Bridgeremys pusilla10 Hay 1908 turtle AMNH 6029 (holotype), a partial shell (Hay 1908, figs. 359, 360, pl. 45.1–3)
"Echmatemys aegle n. sp." = Echmatemys stevensoniana10 Leidy 1870 turtle AMNH 5909 (holotype), a complete plastron and some carapacial bones (Hay 1908, figs. 436–438)
"Echmatemys cyane n. sp." = Echmatemys stevensoniana10 Leidy 1870 turtle AMNH 5924 (holotype), a partial shell (Hay 1908, figs. 423–427, pl. 49)
Echmatemys arethusa n. sp.10 Hay 1908 turtle AMNH 5920 (holotype), a partial shell (Hay 1908, figs. 421, 422, pl. 49)
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"Testudo corsoni n. sp." = Hadrianus corsoni15
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"Glyptosaurus anceps n. sp." = Lestophis anceps5
"Glyptosaurus anceps n. sp." = Lestophis anceps5 Marsh 1871 worm lizard YPM 520 (holotype), single dorsal vertebra
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Oreosaurus vagans n. gen. n. sp.18, "Glyptosaurus sylvestris n. gen. n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris5, "cf. Glyptosaurus sylvestris" = Glyptosaurus sylvestris25, "Glyptosaurus brevidens n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris18, "Glyptosaurus nodosus n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris5, "Glyptosaurus rugosus n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris18, "Glyptosaurus princeps n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris18, "Paraglyptosaurus princeps" = Glyptosaurus sylvestris25, "cf. Paraglyptosaurus princeps" = Glyptosaurus sylvestris25
Oreosaurus vagans n. gen. n. sp.18 Marsh 1872 squamates YPM 541 (holotype), frontals, portions of dentaries, partial coronoid, fragment of pterygoid with teeth. numerous dermal scutes, other fragments of skull and jaws
"Glyptosaurus sylvestris n. gen. n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris5 Marsh 1871 squamates YPM 526 (=USNM 6523) (holotype), left frontal; YPM 523 (prev. holotype of G. ocellatus), small patch of cranial scutes; YPM 521 (prev. holotype of G. brevidens), many parts of broken skull and jaws, several short articulated series of cervical and dorsal vertebrae and numerous skull and body osteoderm patches; YPM 1073, partial skull and postcranials; AMNH 6054 now referred to P. princeps (ref 16228); AMNH 5113, partial skull referred to G. princeps by Gilmore 1928, to G. sylv. by Sullivan 1979; AMNH 5902, partial skull
"cf. Glyptosaurus sylvestris" = Glyptosaurus sylvestris25 Marsh 1871 squamates YPM 1073, fragment of left frontal
"Glyptosaurus nodosus n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris5 Marsh 1871 squamates YPM 522 (=USNM 16520) (holotype), frontal, two body scutes, unidentified skull fragment
"Glyptosaurus rugosus n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris18 Marsh 1871 squamates YPM 525 (= USNM 16526) (holotype), posterior portions of coosified frontal bones
"Glyptosaurus princeps n. sp." = Glyptosaurus sylvestris18 Marsh 1871 squamates YPM 524 (=USNM 16539) (holotype), considerable portion of coalesced frontals, median part of right pterygoid, fragm. portions of both rami including symph. end of left dentary, dermal scutes, phalangeal bone, other fragments; (AMNH 5113 now G. sylvestris); AMNH 6054, nearly complete parietal, portion of left jugal, and alveolar border of one maxilla with six teeth, plus osteoderms (prev. G. sylvestris)
"Paraglyptosaurus princeps" = Glyptosaurus sylvestris25 Marsh 1871 squamates YPM 1072, partial skull and postcranials (previously ID'd as G. sylvestris)
"cf. Paraglyptosaurus princeps" = Glyptosaurus sylvestris25 Marsh 1871 squamates YPM 7581, frontal fragment
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"Thinosaurus leptodus n. sp." = Saniwa ensidens18, "Thinosaurus grandis n. sp." = Saniwa ensidens18, "Thinosaurus paucidens n. gen. n. sp." = Saniwa ensidens18
"Thinosaurus leptodus n. sp." = Saniwa ensidens18 Leidy 1870 squamates Originally Thinosaurus specimens: YPM 612 (holotype), anterior portion of right dentary, plus posterior skeleton; YPM 613, partial postcranial skeleton. Additional Saniwa specimens: YPM 1064, 10 dorsal vertebrae
"Thinosaurus grandis n. sp." = Saniwa ensidens18 Leidy 1870 squamates YPM 611 (part) (holotype), trunk vertebra lacking the condylar end
"Thinosaurus paucidens n. gen. n. sp." = Saniwa ensidens18 Leidy 1870 squamates YPM (unknown, lost holotype), greater part of a skeleton
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Lithophis sargenti n. gen. n. sp.6
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"Boavus occidentalis n. gen. n. sp." = Boavus occidentalis6, "Boavus agilis n. sp." = Boavus occidentalis6, Boavus brevis n. sp.6
"Boavus occidentalis n. gen. n. sp." = Boavus occidentalis6 Marsh 1871 snake PMNH 511 (holotype), single dorsal vertebra; PMNH 2717, single dorsal vertebra
"Boavus agilis n. sp." = Boavus occidentalis6 Marsh 1871 snake PMNH 2765 and 2766 (cotypes), thoracic vertebrae
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Scenopagus edenensis | |
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Baptemys wyomingensis | |