Reptilia - Testudines - Trionychidae
Alternative combinations: Amyda uintaensis, Rafetus (Axestemys) uintaensis
Synonyms: Amyda franciscae Hay 1908, Amyda nelsoni Case 1927, Amyda tritor Hay 1904, Aspidonectes tritor Hay 1904, Rafetus (Axestemys) tritor Hay 1904
Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1873. On the extinct Vertebrata of the Eocene of Wyoming observed by the Expedition of 1872, with notes on the geology. Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories 545-649
Belongs to Trionyx according to N. S. Vitek and W. G. Joyce 2015
See also Case 1927, Chkhikvadze 2000, Cope 1875, Gilmore 1915, Hay 1902, Hay 1908, Hay 1930, Leidy 1873, Osborn et al. 1878 and Vitek 2011
Sister taxa: Trionyx admirabilis, Trionyx aequa, Trionyx allani, Trionyx austerus, Trionyx baynshirensis, Trionyx beecheri, Trionyx boulengeri, Trionyx capellinii, Trionyx dissolutus, Trionyx ellipticus, Trionyx eloisae, Trionyx foveatus, Trionyx gangeticus, Trionyx gilbentuensis, Trionyx gobiensis, Trionyx gregarius, Trionyx henrici, Trionyx ikoviensis, Trionyx jixiensis, Trionyx johnsoni, Trionyx kansaiensis, Trionyx latus, Trionyx leucopotamicus, Trionyx linchuensis, Trionyx miensis, Trionyx minusculus, Trionyx miocaenus, Trionyx mira, Trionyx ninae, Trionyx nopcsai, Trionyx onomatoplokos, Trionyx phayrei, Trionyx pliocenicus, Trionyx reesidei, Trionyx riabinini, Trionyx robustus, Trionyx shiluutulensis, Trionyx silvestris, Trionyx singularis, Trionyx triunguis, Trionyx vindobonensis
Type specimens:
- Trionyx uintaensis: ANSP 10189, a partial shell (nearly complete carapace and a considerable part of the plastron). Its type locality is Cottonwood Creek badlands (Bridger B), which is in a Bridgerian terrestrial horizon in Wyoming.
- Amyda franciscae: AMNH 5936, a partial skeleton (the complete carapace and plastron; the seventh and eighth cervical vertebrae; both scapulae and both coracoids; the pelvis, mostly hidden by the xiphiplastrals). Its type locality is Grizzly Buttes, which is in a Bridgerian terrestrial horizon in the Bridger Formation of Wyoming.
- Amyda nelsoni: UMMP No. 8393, a partial skeleton (nearly complete shell and pelvis plus some vertebrae and foot and limb bones). Its type locality is East of Granger, which is in a Bridgerian terrestrial horizon in the Bridger Formation of Wyoming.
- Aspidonectes tritor: AMNH 5913, a skull. Its type locality is 3 miles above the mouth of Cottonwood Creek (middle third of Bridger beds), which is in a Bridgerian terrestrial sandstone in Wyoming.
Ecology: aquatic piscivore-carnivore
• Eocene of United States (5: Wyoming collections)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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