Pioneer - tin mine (Oligocene to of Australia)

Where: Tasmania, Australia (41.1° S, 147.9° E: paleocoordinates 53.2° S, 147.3° E)

• coordinate stated in text

When: Lower Proteacidites tuberculatus pollen zone, Late/Upper Oligocene to Late/Upper Oligocene (28.4 - 16.0 Ma)

• The most recent treatment of the age of the sediments has been made by Macphail et al. (1994) who consider them to be Late Oligocene-Early Miocene based on palynological correlation.

•- Overall, the data strongly indicate an Oligocene age for the flora, and possibly Early Oligocene (Wells & Hill, 1989).

Environment/lithology: alluvial fan; claystone

• Pioneer sediments represent a braided fluvial fan which originated from steep slopes to the east and south-east. The fossil-bearing lenses therefore represent areas which were cut off from the main flow resulting in bodies of still water from which fine sediments and plant debris settled. The braided fluvial fan represents a high energy environment and it is likely that each fossil-bearing lens represents a short term event.
• According to Morrison (1980) the stratigraphy can be considered in terms of two sequences: 1) a lower sequence, up to 6 m thick, of cross-bedded and near horizontally stratified gravels, large scale trough cross-bedded granules with very coarse sands and minor gravels, planar cross-bedded sands, and units rich in organic matter with associated sandy clay; and 2) an upper sequence extending to the present soil, with possible modification in the top 2 to 5 m, consisting essentially of trough cross-bedded quartz granules and coarse sands, lenses and sheets of white clay, and clayey, organic-rich units.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: adpression

Collection methods: bulk, chemical, sieve

Primary reference: R. S. Hill and M. K. Macphail. 1983. Reconstruction of the Oligocene vegetation at Pioneer, northeast Tasmania. Alcheringa 7:281-299 [C. Jaramillo/C. Jaramillo]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 166703: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Andrés Cárdenas on 22.02.2015, edited by Carlos Jaramillo

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• 197 imbricate podocarp specimens (Wells & Hill, 1989).
Dicolpate sp.
Pancolpate sp.
(Psilate-scabrate) aff. Lymingtonia
Schizosporis parvus
Schizosporis (cf. Schizosporis) parvus Cookson and Dettmann 1959
 Myrtales -
 Ericales - Sapotaceae
 Ericales - Ericaceae
Ericipites scabratus Harris 1965 heather
 Poales - Cyperaceae
Cyperaceae indet. Jussieu 1789 sedge
 Poales - Restionaceae
 Buxales -
 Escalloniales - Escalloniaceae
 Aquifoliales - Aquifoliaceae
 Gunnerales -
 Proteales - Proteaceae
 Canellales - Winteraceae
 Fagales -
 Fagales - Nothofagaceae
 Oxalidales - Cunoniaceae
Cunoniaceae indet. Brown 1814
 Oxalidales - Elaeocarpaceae
cf. Elaeocarpaceae indet. de Candolle 1816
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Lygistepollenites florinii Stover and Evans 1973 podocarp
Dacrydium sinuosum4 Wells and Hill 1989 podocarp
n. sp.
Microcachryidites antarcticus Couper 1953 podocarp
Dacrycarpus crenulatus4 Wells and Hill 1989 podocarp
n. sp.; 171 specimens.
Dacrycarpus arcuatus4 Wells and Hill 1989 podocarp
n. sp.
Phyllocladidites mawsonii Cookson 1947 podocarp
Parvisaccites catastus Stover and Partridge 1973 podocarp
Podocarpidites spp. Cookson 1947 podocarp
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae
Cupressaceae indet. Gray 1822 cypress
Athrotaxis mesibovii3 Hill et al. 1993 cypress
"Mesibovia rhomboidea" = Athrotaxis rhomboidea4 Hill et al. 1993 cypress
 Pinidae - Pinidae
Stereisporites sp. Pflug 1953
Ischyosporites sp. Balme 1957
aff. Klukisporites lachlanensis
Cyathidites minor Couper 1953
Cyathidites paleospora Alley and Broadbridge 1992
  - Blechnaceae
Peromonolites vellosus Partridge 1973
  - Polypodiaceae
Laevigatosporites ovatus Wilson and Webster 1946
  - Dicksoniaceae
"Triletes tuberculiformis" = Trilites tuberculiformis, Cyatheacidites annulatus
"Triletes tuberculiformis" = Trilites tuberculiformis Cookson 1947
 Lycopodiales - Lycopodiaceae
Lycopodiumsporites sp. Delcourt and Sprumont 1955 clubmoss
Latrobosporites crassus Harris 1981 clubmoss