Also known as FT 3/10, Felsotarkany 3/10
Where: Heves, Hungary (48.0° N, 20.4° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 45.3° N, 21.9° E (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: MN 9 (11.1 - 9.7 Ma)
• Felsőtárkány 3/10, togehter with FT 3/8, occupies the highest stratigraphic position among the localities reported by Venczel & Hír (2013). Hutchinson & Begun (2006, Geophys. Res. Abstr. 8) assign the upper beds of the fossiliferous Miocene succession to the Sajóvölgi Fm., but Vencel & Hír (2013) do not give a stratigraphic column and do not mention any lithostratigraphic unit.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: fluvial-deltaic; unlithified, brown claystone and unlithified, gray sandstone
•Felsőtárkány is effectively situated on a palaeo-coastline during the late middle Miocene and early late Miocene. The transition from Sarmatian near-shore, shallow water and nearby upper Badenian to Sarmatian reef facies to younger delta-top floodplain facies may indicate the initiation of the final Miocene regression from this area of the Pannonian Basin." (Hutchinson & Begun, 2006).
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: original phosphate
Collected by Janos Hír in 1999–20??
Collection methods: peroxide, sieve,
• "The fossils resulted from about 21 tones [sic!] of fossiliferous sediments processed from the Felsőtárkány-Felnémet and Felsőtárkány localities (see Hír 2006). In the field, the samples were air dried and soaked in water with H2O2 and washed repetitively using a series of screens with mashes [sic!] of 0.8 and 0.6 or 0.5 mm. [...] The finds are stored at the Municipal Museum of Pásztó (MMP)." (Venczel & Hír, 2013).
Primary reference: M. Venczel and J. Hír. 2013. Amphibians and Squamates from the Miocene of Felsőtárkány Basin, N-Hungary. Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Paleozoology – Stratigraphy 300(1–6):117-158 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 168191: authorized by Johannes Mueller, entered by Torsten Liebrecht on 17.04.2015, edited by Terri Cleary
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Amphibia | |
Palaeobatrachus cf. hiri frog 5 frontoparietals (MMP 2009.690/1 to 5), 10 fragmentary maxillae (MMP 2009.691/1 to 10), 1 ethmoid (MMP 2009.692), 1 nasal (MMP 2009.693), 1 dentary (MMP 2009.694), 2 pterygoids (MMP 2009.695/1 and 2), 13 angulosplenials (MMP 2009.696/1 to 13), 2 urostyles (MMP 2009.697/1 and 2), 1 scapula 2009.805), 6 humeri (MMP 2009.698/1 to 6), 6 ilia 2009.699/1 to 6)
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Pelobates cf. sanchizi spadefoot toad 1 nasal (MMP 2009.787), 5 maxillae (MMP 2009.700/1 to 5), 1 squamosal (MMP 2009.701), 1 vertebra (MMP 2009.702), 2 ilia (MMP 2009.703/1 and 2)
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Latonia gigantea Lartet 1851 painted frog 2 premaxillae (MMP 2009.678/1 and 2), 10 frontopatietals (MMP 2009.679/1 to 10), 30 maxillae (MMP 2009.680/1 to 30), 1 squamosal (MMP 2009.681), 40 angulosplenials (MMP 2009.682/1 to 40), 12 atlases (MMP 2009.683/1 to 12), 1 presacral vertebra (MMP 2009.684), 6 sacral vertebrae (MMP 2009.685/1 to 6), 8 urostyles (MMP 2009.686/1 to 8), 7 scapulae (MMP 2009.687/1 to 7), 7 humeri (MMP 2009.688/1 to 7), 70 ilia (MMP 2009.689/1 to 70)
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Bufo cf. viridis Laurenti 1768 European green toad 2 maxillae (MMP 2009.704/1 and 2), 1 atlas (MMP 2009.705), 1 vertebra (MMP 2009.706), 1 ilium (MMP 2009.707)
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Hyla cf. arborea Linnaeus 1758 tree frog 3 angulosplenials (MMP 2009.708/1 to 3), 1 sacral vertebra (MMP 2009.709), 4 scapulae (MMP 2009.710/1 to 4), 6 ilia (MMP 2009.711/1 to 6)
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Lissotriton cf. rohrsi, Triturus cf. marmoratus, Mertensiella cf. caucasica, Parahynobius sp., Salamandra cf. salamandra
Lissotriton cf. rohrsi newt 5 frontals (MMP 2009.666/1 to 5), 2 orbitosphenoids (MMP 2009.667/1 and 2), 1 atlas (MMP 2009.668), 26 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.665/1 to 10 and 2009.669/1 to 16), 2 humeri (MMP 2009.670/1 and 2), 3 femora (MMP 2009.671/1 to 3)
Triturus cf. marmoratus Latreille 1800 marbled newt 1 oticoocipital (MMP 2009.672), 1 premaxilla (MMP 2009.673), 1 parasphenoid (MMP 2009.804), 5 frontals (MMP 2009.674/1 to 5), 1 parietal (MMP 2009.675), 1 atlas (MMP 2009.676), 10 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.677/1 to 10)
Mertensiella cf. caucasica Waga 1876 Caucasian salamander 3 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.659/1 to 3), 1 caudal vertebra (MMP 2009.659/4), 1 humerus (MMP 2009.660/1), 1 femur (MMP 2009.660/2)
Parahynobius sp. Venczel 1999 salamander 8 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.657/1 to 8). 2 caudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.657/9 and 10), one femur (MMP 2009.658)
Salamandra cf. salamandra Linnaeus 1758 Fire salamander 1 prearticular (MMP 2009.661), 2 atlases (MMP 2009.662/1 and 2), 2 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.663/1 and 2), 1 humerus (MMP 2009.664)
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Reptilia | |
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Pseudopus sp. Merrem 1820 legless lizard 3 vertebrae (MMP 2009.719/1 to 3), 4 osteoderms (MMP 2009.720/1 to 4)
Ophisaurus cf. spinari Klembara 1979 glass lizard 1 maxilla (MMP 2009.791), 7 vertebrae (MMP 2009.717/1 to 7), 25 osteoderms (MMP 2009.718/1 to 25)
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Vipera "sp. (Vipera aspis complex)" Laurenti 1768 pit viper 10 vertebrae (MMP 2009.730/1 to 10) and 6 further vertebrae (MMP 2009.798)
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"Coluber" pouchetii Rochebrune 1880 racer 1 basiparasphenoid (MMP 2009.795), 5 trunk vertebrae (MMP 2009.722, 2009.723, and 2009.796/1 to 3)
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Natrix cf. rudabanyaensis water snake 1 frontal (MMP 2009.724), 1 parietal (MMP 2009.725), 1 maxilla (MMP 2009.726), 1 compound bone (MMP 2009.727), 60 vertebrae (MMP 2009.728/1 to 60), 10 vertebrae (MMP 2009.729/1 to 10)