Felsőtárkány 3/10 (Miocene of Hungary)

Also known as FT 3/10, Felsotarkany 3/10

Where: Heves, Hungary (48.0° N, 20.4° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 45.3° N, 21.9° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: MN 9 (11.1 - 9.7 Ma)

• Felsőtárkány 3/10, togehter with FT 3/8, occupies the highest stratigraphic position among the localities reported by Venczel & Hír (2013). Hutchinson & Begun (2006, Geophys. Res. Abstr. 8) assign the upper beds of the fossiliferous Miocene succession to the Sajóvölgi Fm., but Vencel & Hír (2013) do not give a stratigraphic column and do not mention any lithostratigraphic unit.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial-deltaic; unlithified, brown claystone and unlithified, gray sandstone

• "The sedimentary succession [of the late Middle and early Upper Miocene in the Felsőtárkány area] is considered likely to correspond to a river-dominated delta-top, with the basal association marking an interdistributary bay environment, which becomes paludal as water level falls. Initial distal floodplain deposition is followed by more proximal sandstone deposits due to progradation of the delta southwards from the uplifted Bükk Mountains, and possible channel avulsion on the delta-top.

•Felsőtárkány is effectively situated on a palaeo-coastline during the late middle Miocene and early late Miocene. The transition from Sarmatian near-shore, shallow water and nearby upper Badenian to Sarmatian reef facies to younger delta-top floodplain facies may indicate the initiation of the final Miocene regression from this area of the Pannonian Basin." (Hutchinson & Begun, 2006).

• "dark-brown clays bedded in gray sands" Venczel & Hír (2013)

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: original phosphate

Collected by Janos Hír in 1999–20??

Collection methods: peroxide, sieve,

• "The fossils resulted from about 21 tones [sic!] of fossiliferous sediments processed from the Felsőtárkány-Felnémet and Felsőtárkány localities (see Hír 2006). In the field, the samples were air dried and soaked in water with H2O2 and washed repetitively using a series of screens with mashes [sic!] of 0.8 and 0.6 or 0.5 mm. [...] The finds are stored at the Municipal Museum of Pásztó (MMP)." (Venczel & Hír, 2013).

Primary reference: M. Venczel and J. Hír. 2013. Amphibians and Squamates from the Miocene of Felsőtárkány Basin, N-Hungary. Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Paleozoology – Stratigraphy 300(1–6):117-158 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 168191: authorized by Johannes Mueller, entered by Torsten Liebrecht on 17.04.2015, edited by Terri Cleary

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Salientia - Palaeobatrachidae
Palaeobatrachus cf. hiri frog
5 frontoparietals (MMP 2009.690/1 to 5), 10 fragmentary maxillae (MMP 2009.691/1 to 10), 1 ethmoid (MMP 2009.692), 1 nasal (MMP 2009.693), 1 dentary (MMP 2009.694), 2 pterygoids (MMP 2009.695/1 and 2), 13 angulosplenials (MMP 2009.696/1 to 13), 2 urostyles (MMP 2009.697/1 and 2), 1 scapula 2009.805), 6 humeri (MMP 2009.698/1 to 6), 6 ilia 2009.699/1 to 6)
 Salientia - Pelobatidae
Pelobates cf. sanchizi spadefoot toad
1 nasal (MMP 2009.787), 5 maxillae (MMP 2009.700/1 to 5), 1 squamosal (MMP 2009.701), 1 vertebra (MMP 2009.702), 2 ilia (MMP 2009.703/1 and 2)
 Salientia - Discoglossidae
Latonia gigantea Lartet 1851 painted frog
2 premaxillae (MMP 2009.678/1 and 2), 10 frontopatietals (MMP 2009.679/1 to 10), 30 maxillae (MMP 2009.680/1 to 30), 1 squamosal (MMP 2009.681), 40 angulosplenials (MMP 2009.682/1 to 40), 12 atlases (MMP 2009.683/1 to 12), 1 presacral vertebra (MMP 2009.684), 6 sacral vertebrae (MMP 2009.685/1 to 6), 8 urostyles (MMP 2009.686/1 to 8), 7 scapulae (MMP 2009.687/1 to 7), 7 humeri (MMP 2009.688/1 to 7), 70 ilia (MMP 2009.689/1 to 70)
 Salientia - Bufonidae
Bufo cf. viridis Laurenti 1768 European green toad
2 maxillae (MMP 2009.704/1 and 2), 1 atlas (MMP 2009.705), 1 vertebra (MMP 2009.706), 1 ilium (MMP 2009.707)
 Salientia - Hylidae
Hyla cf. arborea Linnaeus 1758 tree frog
3 angulosplenials (MMP 2009.708/1 to 3), 1 sacral vertebra (MMP 2009.709), 4 scapulae (MMP 2009.710/1 to 4), 6 ilia (MMP 2009.711/1 to 6)
 Caudata - Urodela
Lissotriton cf. rohrsi newt
5 frontals (MMP 2009.666/1 to 5), 2 orbitosphenoids (MMP 2009.667/1 and 2), 1 atlas (MMP 2009.668), 26 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.665/1 to 10 and 2009.669/1 to 16), 2 humeri (MMP 2009.670/1 and 2), 3 femora (MMP 2009.671/1 to 3)
Triturus cf. marmoratus Latreille 1800 marbled newt
1 oticoocipital (MMP 2009.672), 1 premaxilla (MMP 2009.673), 1 parasphenoid (MMP 2009.804), 5 frontals (MMP 2009.674/1 to 5), 1 parietal (MMP 2009.675), 1 atlas (MMP 2009.676), 10 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.677/1 to 10)
Mertensiella cf. caucasica Waga 1876 Caucasian salamander
3 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.659/1 to 3), 1 caudal vertebra (MMP 2009.659/4), 1 humerus (MMP 2009.660/1), 1 femur (MMP 2009.660/2)
Parahynobius sp. Venczel 1999 salamander
8 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.657/1 to 8). 2 caudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.657/9 and 10), one femur (MMP 2009.658)
Salamandra cf. salamandra Linnaeus 1758 Fire salamander
1 prearticular (MMP 2009.661), 2 atlases (MMP 2009.662/1 and 2), 2 precaudal vertebrae (MMP 2009.663/1 and 2), 1 humerus (MMP 2009.664)
 Temnospondyli - Albanerpetontidae
Albanerpetontidae indet. Fox and Naylor 1982 tetrapod
1 dentary (MMP 2009.656)
 Squamata - Scincidae
Scincidae indet. Gray 1825 skink
1 dentary (MMP 2009.714)
Chalcides augei Čerňanský et al. 2019 skink
1 fragmentary dentary (MMP 2009.713)
 Squamata - Anguidae
Pseudopus sp. Merrem 1820 legless lizard
3 vertebrae (MMP 2009.719/1 to 3), 4 osteoderms (MMP 2009.720/1 to 4)
Ophisaurus cf. spinari Klembara 1979 glass lizard
1 maxilla (MMP 2009.791), 7 vertebrae (MMP 2009.717/1 to 7), 25 osteoderms (MMP 2009.718/1 to 25)
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacertidae "indet. sp. 1" Bonaparte 1831 squamates
2 dentaries (MMP 2009.715 and 2009.716)
 Squamata - Crotalidae
Vipera "sp. (Vipera aspis complex)" Laurenti 1768 pit viper
10 vertebrae (MMP 2009.730/1 to 10) and 6 further vertebrae (MMP 2009.798)
Vipera "sp. (Vipera berus complex)" Laurenti 1768 pit viper
3 presacral vertebrae (MMP 2009.797)
 Squamata -
Scolecophidia indet. Duméril and Bibron 1844 snake
8 trunk vertebrae (MMP 2009.721/1 to 8)
 Squamata - Colubridae
Colubrinae "indet. sp. 2" Oppel 1811 colubrid snake
4 vertebrae (MMP 2009.799/1 to 4); "minute"
Colubrinae "indet. sp. 3" Oppel 1811 colubrid snake
4 vertebrae (MMP 2009.800); "minute"
"Coluber" pouchetii Rochebrune 1880 racer
1 basiparasphenoid (MMP 2009.795), 5 trunk vertebrae (MMP 2009.722, 2009.723, and 2009.796/1 to 3)
 Squamata - Natricidae
Natrix cf. rudabanyaensis water snake
1 frontal (MMP 2009.724), 1 parietal (MMP 2009.725), 1 maxilla (MMP 2009.726), 1 compound bone (MMP 2009.727), 60 vertebrae (MMP 2009.728/1 to 60), 10 vertebrae (MMP 2009.729/1 to 10)