Valle Hermoso (Eocene of Argentina)

Also known as Faldeo sur de Valle Hermoso

Where: Chubut, Argentina (45.8° S, 68.5° W: paleocoordinates 48.3° S, 58.5° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Sarmiento Formation, Casamayoran (56.0 - 48.0 Ma)

• Casamayoran, Middle-Late Eocene (Woodburne et al. 2014).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by Juan Carlos Quiroga; Kirk Johnson in 1982; 1991; reposited in the MLP

Primary reference: B. Vera. 2012. Revisión del género Transpithecus Ameghino, 1901 (Notoungulata, Interatheriidae) del Eoceno medio de Patagonia, Argentina. Ameghiniana 49(1):60-74 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 176491: authorized by Jelle Zijlstra, entered by Jelle Zijlstra on 14.02.2016, edited by Terri Cleary, Philip Mannion, Miranta Kouvari and Grace Varnham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Polydolopimorphia - Polydolopidae
Eudolops cf. tetragonus2 Ameghino 1897 metatherian
MLP 83-III-1–167
 Notoungulata - Notostylopidae
Notostylops murinus3 Ameghino 1897 notoungulate
MLP 82-V-1-8 (partial skeleton)
 Notoungulata - Notopithecidae
Notopithecus adapinus5 Ameghino 1897 notoungulate
MLP 83-III-1-87, MLP 83-III-1-96, MLP 83-III-1- 100, and MPEF-PV 1113
Transpithecus obtentus Ameghino 1901 notoungulate
MLP 82-V-1-49a, maxillary P1-M3; 82-V-1-49b, M2; 83-III-1-39, maxillary P4-m2; 83-III-1-46, dentary p2-3; 83-III-1-57, p3, p4, m1, m2, m3; 83-III-1-76, maxillary P2-M3; 83-III-1-91, dentary p2-m3; MLP 83-III-103a, P4; MPEF-PV 1114, P2-M3, i3?, p2-p4, m2-3, p2, p4-m3
 Astrapotheria - Trigonostylopidae
Trigonostylops wortmani4 Ameghino 1897 placental
MPEF PV 5483, jaw
 Squamata - Boidae
Chubutophis grandis n. gen. n. sp.1
Chubutophis grandis n. gen. n. sp.1 Albino 1993 boa
MLP 83-III-1-150 (holotype), almost complete trunk vertebra