Where: Buenos Aires, Argentina (39.0° S, 61.7° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 38.8° S, 60.8° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate stated in text
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Eumysops laeviplicatus Range Zone mammal zone, Monte Hermoso Formation, Montehermosan (5.0 - 3.8 Ma)
• Montehermosan (Early Pliocene; Zanclean; Tomassini et al., 2013a)
•Biostratigraphic units recognized in the sequence: type sec- tion of the Eumysops laeviplicatus Range Zone (Tomassini et al., 2013a).
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: "floodplain"; muddy, sandy siltstone and fine-grained, brown, yellow siltstone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collection methods: Museo Darwin (MD), Punta Alta, Provincia de Buenos Aires
Primary reference: C. M. Deschamps, G. I. Esteban, and M. S. Bargo. 2001. El registro más antiguo del género Lestodon Gervais, 1855 (Xenarthra, Tardigrada, Mylodontidae) (Montehermosense, Plioceno Temprano). Ameghiniana 38(2):151-156 [C. Jaramillo/J. Carrillo]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 198863: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Miranta Kouvari on 16.01.2019, edited by Grace Varnham
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
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Actinopteri | |
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Amphibia | |
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Mammalia | |
Toxodon chapalmalensis2, Xotodon sp.2, Xotodon prominens2, Xotodon ambrosettii2, Alitoxodon vetustum2
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Euphractini "sp."a” nov."2, Holozaedyus laevisculptus2, Chorobates rescens2, Chorobates villosissimus2, Macroeuphractus retusus2, Proeuphractus sp.5, Ringueletia simpsoni2, Eutatus praepampaeus2, Doellotatus inornatus2, Doellotatus chapadmalensis2, cf. Dasypus laevisculptus5, Macrochorobates chapalmalensis2
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Eleutherocercus antiquus2 Ameghino 1887 glyptodon MACN 2894 - almost complete skull, lacking the distal portion of both descending processes of the zygomatic and the most anterior part of the nasal.
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Trachycalyptus "sp. nov."2, Phlyctaenopyga trouessarti2, Eosclerocalyptus lineatus2, Plohophoroides sp.2
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Phyllotini "gen. et sp. nov"2, "Auliscomys formosus" = Kraglievichimys formosus2, Necromys bonapartei2, Reithrodon auritus2
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"Lagostomus incisus n. sp." = Lagostomus (Lagostomopsis) incisus4
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"Phugatherium cataclisticum" = Phugatherium cataclisticum2, "Anchimysops villalobosi" = Phugatherium cataclisticum5, "Protohydrochoerus perturbidus" = Phugatherium cataclisticum5
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Palaeocavia sp.5, Caviodon australis2, Cardiomys sp.2, Cavia aperea2, Prodolichotis sp.2, Orthomyctera sp.2, Microcavia sp.2
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Pithanotomys macer2, Pithanotomys columnaris2, Pithanotomys columnaris3, Pseudoplataeomys formosus3, Phtoramys homogenidens2
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"Achlysictis lelongi" = Thylacosmilus atrox2
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Thylamys pusillus2, Thylamys contrerasi2, Thylatheridium pascuali2, Hyperdidelphys inexpectata2, Hyperdidelphys parvula2, Thylophorops aff. perplana2, Lutreolina biforata2, Lutreolina tracheia2, Sparassocynus bahiai2
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Reptilia | |
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Aves | |
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