Red mudstone bed near Jora village (Triassic of India)

Where: Madhya Pradesh, India (23.9° N, 81.4° E: paleocoordinates 42.6° S, 51.1° E)

• coordinate stated in text

When: Lower Tiki Member (Tiki Formation), Carnian (237.0 - 228.0 Ma)

• "Red mudstone beds above and below the Unio bed exposed near Jora village." The paper references two separate layers in this same locality, above and below an Unio bivalve bed. Since the two layers are indistinguishable in age and formation, both are included here.

•This paper says Carnian-Norian but cites older references than Mukherjee and Ray (2012, also linked to this collection) which states Tiki Fm is Carnian.

Environment/lithology: fluvial; concretionary, red, calcareous mudstone and concretionary, red, calcareous claystone

• Red mudstone bed above/below the Unio bed exposed near Jora village. "The Lower Tiki Formation, about 28-30m thick, is characterized by presence of predominantly reddish mudstone/claystone with thin calcareous intercalations, laminated siltstone, calcarenite, limestone and feldspathic quartzarenite. The non-laminated mudstone beds usually contain calcareous globules, calcified rootlets, calcareous nodules, and small to large concretions. The Upper Tiki Formation overlying the conglomerate bed containing lime-pellet comprises mainly of sandstone and reddish mudstone which are deposited as an alternate sequence. Fossils are mainly recorded from the lower Tiki Formation. The unionid bivalve consisting beds act as marker for the fossiliferous horizons of Lower Tiki Formation."

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by Geological Society of India in 2013-15

Collection methods: bulk, sieve,

Primary reference: J. Kumar and K. M. Sharma. 2019. Micro and mega-vertebrate fossils from the Late Triassic Tiki Formation, South Rewa Gondwana Basin, India: palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographic implications. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 64(2):151-168 [T. Cleary/T. Cleary]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 207798: authorized by Terri Cleary, entered by Terri Cleary on 11.02.2020

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Actinopterygii -
Actinopterygii indet. Cope 1887 ray-finned fish
teeth and scales
 Temnospondyli - Metoposauridae
Metoposaurus sp. Lydekker 1890 tetrapod
mistakenly listed as "Metoposaur sp."; clavicle fragments (MPG01-6/Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15)
 Salientia - Discoglossidae
Eodiscoglossus sp. Villalta 1957 painted frog
R02/ Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15, incomplete jaw
 Rhynchosauria - Rhynchosauridae
"Paradapedon huxleyi" = Hyperodapedon huxleyi
"Paradapedon huxleyi" = Hyperodapedon huxleyi Lydekker 1881 rhynchosaur
Maxillary dental plate
 Ornithischia -
Ornithischia indet. Seeley 1888 ornithischian
 Phytosauria - Parasuchidae
Parasuchus hislopi Lydekker 1885 archosaur
One incomplete maxilla (PH01 /Pal/CHQ/ Tiki/15), six isolated teeth-two complete (PH02 and PH03/Pal/ CHQ/Tiki/15) and four fragmentary (PH04- PH07/Pal/CHQ/ Tiki/15) and (PH08/Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15) neural arches.
 Eosuchia - Sphenodontidae
Sphenodontidae indet. Cope 1871 lepidosaur
R01-C04/ Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15, incomplete jaw fragment of sphenodontid reptile
 Therapsida - Dromatheriidae
Rewaconodon tikiensis Datta et al. 2004 cynodont
C02-04/ Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15, teeth of a cynodont
 Coelacanthiformes - Coelacanthidae
Coelacanthidae indet. Agassiz 1843 coelacanth
incomplete fragments of tooth plates (F07-F08/Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15).
 Hybodontiformes -
Lissodus duffini elasmobranch
teeth (F05/Pal/CHQ/ Tiki/15, F06/Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15)
 Hybodontiformes - Lonchidiidae
Parvodus tikiensis elasmobranch
teeth (F03/Pal/CHQ/ Tiki/15, F04/Pal/CHQ/Tiki/15).
 Ctenacanthiformes - Ctenacanthidae
Cladodus sp. Agassiz 1843 elasmobranch