Reptilia - Rhynchocephalia - Sphenodontidae
Synonym: Hatteriidae Cope 1864
Parent taxon: Rhynchocephalia according to F. Agnolín et al. 2024
See also Agnolín et al. 2023, Apesteguía 2005, Apesteguia et al. 2012, Barbera and Macuglia 1991, Benton 1985, Boulenger 1893, Carroll 1988, Cope 1871, Cope 1875, Frank and Ramus 1996, Haughton and Brink 1954, Hay 1930, Herrera-Flores et al. 2018, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Kuhn 1971, Lortet 1892, Martinelli and Forasiepi 2004, Murry 1989, Reynoso 1996, Reynoso 1997, Reynoso 2000, Simon and Kellner 2003, Skinner et al. 2020, Villa et al. 2021, Worthy and Grant-Mackie 2003 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Clarazisauria, Colobops, Eifelosaurus, Gephyrosauridae, Gephyrosaurus, Hamatopus, Pachystropheidae, Sauranodontes, Sphenodontiformes, Tholodontidae, Vadasaurus
Subtaxa: Ankylosphenodon Brachyrhinodontinae Cynosphenodon Derasmosaurus Eilenosaurus Elachistosuchus Glevosaurus Leptosaurus Oenosaurus Opisthodontia Paleollanosaurus Piocormus Scharschengia Sigmala Simila Sphenodon Sphenodontinae Sphenovipera Theretairus Zapatadon
• Quaternary of New Zealand (13 collections)
• Miocene of New Zealand (2)
• Paleocene of Argentina (1)
• Cretaceous of Argentina (12), France (1), Italy (2), Mexico (3), United States (2: Montana, Utah)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of South Africa (1)
• Jurassic of Belgium (1), France (3), Germany (6), India (1), Mexico (3), United States (11: Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming), Zimbabwe (2)
• Triassic of Argentina (3), Germany (1), India (1), the Russian Federation (1), Switzerland (2), the United Kingdom (10), United States (11: Arizona, New Mexico, North Carolina, Texas)
Total: 93 collections including 100 occurrences