Glenlea Station, ledge cave (Holocene of New Zealand)
Where: South Island, New Zealand (44.2° S, 171.0° E: paleocoordinates 44.2° S, 171.0° E)
When: Holocene (0.0 - 0.0 Ma)
Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported
Size class: macrofossils
Primary reference: T. H. Worthy. 1997. Quaternary fossil fauna of South Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 27(1):67-162 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 215583: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 16.11.2020
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Show authors, comments, and common names
Aves | |
Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae Gmelin 1788 tui | |
Anthus novaeseelandiae Gmelin 1789 Australasian pipit | |
Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus 1758 European starling | |
"Callaeas cinerea" = Callaeas cinereus
"Callaeas cinerea" = Callaeas cinereus Gmelin 1789 South Island kokako | |
Mohoua ochrocephala Gmelin 1789 yellowhead | |
Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus 1758 common chaffinch
Carduelis carduelis Linnaeus 1758 European goldfinch | |
Gerygone igata Quoy and Gaimard 1830 perching bird | |
Passer domesticus Linnaeus 1758 house sparrow | |
Rhipidura fuliginosa Sparrman 1787 New Zealand fantail | |
Pachyplichas yaldwyni Millener 1988 New Zealand wren | |
Turnagra capensis Sparrman 1787 South Island piopio | |
Aegotheles novaezealandiae Scarlett 1968 New Zealand owlet-nightjar | |
Cyanoramphus sp. Bonaparte 1854 parrot | |
"Strigops habroptilus" = Strigops habroptila
"Strigops habroptilus" = Strigops habroptila Gray 1845 kakapo | |
Sceloglaux albifacies Gray 1844 laughing owl
Ninox novaeseelandiae Gmelin 1788 southern boobook | |
Pelecanoides urinatrix Gmelin 1789 common diving-petrel | |
Charadrius bicinctus Jardine and Selby 1827 double-banded plover | |
Coenocorypha cf. aucklandica Gray 1845 subantarctic snipe | |
Reptilia | |
Coturnix novaezelandiae Quoy and Gaimard 1830 New Zealand quail | |
Sphenodon sp. Gray 1831 lepidosaur | |
Oligosoma cf. nigriplantare Peters 1874 skink | |
Hoplodactylus cf. duvaucelii Duméril and Bibron 1836 gecko
Hoplodactylus cf. maculatus Gray 1845 gecko | |
Mammalia | |
Rattus exulans Peale 1848 rat
Mus musculus Linnaeus 1758 house mouse | |
Mystacina robusta Dwyer 1962 New Zealand short-tailed bat |